the secret

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So ive slipped again, ive had feelings of wanting to play poker throughout January but have managed to resist. Ivealso resisted fruit machines by not going to pub. Well Friday I slipped on the poker from and because I had slipped on the poker front I slipped on the fruit machine front the next day. I spent twenty pounds in January on going out as I'm saving for holiday in march. I then went and spent 80 ish pounds this weekend on absolutely nothing of worth. The weekend before I had looked at some trainers for thirty pounds, some aftershave fo rd 16 and a rucksack for thirty but decided against it. Then a week later I do this what is wrong with me. I recently saw a video called the secret its about how to make a success of ud life. It says u write down ur wants, immerse ur thoughts into perceivinc you already have the items then you will receive them. It works the opposite way too ic yoh don't want something and you thjnj yoh donrt want ig to happen to much it will happen e.g. Like I don't want to be late for work, I don't want to gamble etc. So then u draw a board with ur wants in pictures


Posted : 4th February 2017 10:42 pm
Posts: 2931
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​once uve asked for the things for life and drawn the board and spent a few minutes each day beleiving that you will have and picturing how you will feel when you have it you just have to work towards ilife and wait for ur wants to materialise. I know this sounds very far fetched doesn't it but I'm gonna give it a go. I have spent sooooooo long thinking about not gambling and not smoking and howbad it is for me that this could show me that I'm thinking too much about it and thus it is attracted to me

Posted : 4th February 2017 10:47 pm
Posts: 2931
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I would like a job with progression , to live smoke free and to go on holiday once a year to one of the holiday destinations on my bucket list. ​

Posted : 4th February 2017 10:53 pm
Posts: 2931
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As I don't want to think about not gambling too much I will now restrict the time I think about gambling so I will spend less time on this site. I usually come on here for a couple of hours a day and find I'm thinking about gambling throughout so now I will come on and post once a week on a weekend to say how my wants and desires are coming along I may even add some material things to my list and add these to my drawing board.


Posted : 4th February 2017 11:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi there

It would be great to read how you are getting on in your progress. How about making a diary so that you have a place to visit/post and reflect.

Sometimes being here and writing about the recovery can lead to thoughts of gambling but if you dont mind me saying I think thats because we are not strong enough yet. Hopefully there will come a time when being on here will be your fleeting two fingers up to the addiction.

Take care

Posted : 5th February 2017 1:15 am
Posts: 43

Hello Attraction,

I have seen that documentary and very much believe in it and practice it. I had opportunity which I believe was because I'd 'attracted' it, although it was not my main goal but it was a significant step in the right direction. I think it works by constantly reminding yourself of goals or accomplishments therefore I found decisions I was making I was taking into consideration my goals which I would remind myself of frequently by righting them down or an attraction board which i see everyday.

I don't know if this will help you but it certainly helped me and I have mentioned it on here before a book called the Power Of Habit, it helped me understand why i was gambling when i should of been working or at the gym and in debt. I often felt it was automatic for me to wake up go on my laptop or phone and gamble, i think it got to a point where there wasn't any thoughts it was automated.

Stay strong there is light at the end of the tunnel I'm around 16 months gamble free and it's no longer a constant thought, I'm just dealing with the aftermath with debt and trying to become a better person out of the other end.

Posted : 5th February 2017 8:46 am
Posts: 0

It's easy enough to change your user name again, hard to make the real changes in you. It involves doing what you don't want to do, meetings, habitual barriers, new culture. But nothing (apart from your user name) changes if nothing changes.


Posted : 5th February 2017 9:41 am
Posts: 0

I have read The Secret and it changed my life back in 2008 when I was un-employed and needing a change up. It happened and it is a good thing to work on. You have to be committed to change though. You have to think thoughts of moving on from gambling, and doing other things. You cannot trick yourself into doing it, you have to believe that you will stop gambling and you will then attract it into your life. Best of luck

Posted : 5th February 2017 11:12 pm
Posts: 2931
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Hello I'm back for my weekly update, I'm pretty excited about all of this, ask, perceive and receive. What I am grateful for is family, health, job, flat and holidays. So here I am at the end of the first weekthinking positivly about life is paying off. I wont say I haven't gambled, I'm allways honest if nothing else lol. I missed my poker friends so I went to Tuesday poker five pounds. Also Thursday poker five pounds. I also played football on Monday five pounds very young athletic players boy I was knackered and couldn't keep up. I watched the yes man film today fifth time and it shows you what positivty can get u. I'm playing football at nine am tomo then out for a couple of jars with a mate. Just playing Sunday billion poker tourney free on Sunday one thousand players usually bed so far twelth.


Posted : 10th February 2017 8:02 pm
Posts: 2931
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​so as the secret stated in drawing up a list of wants for this year and one for the future. Material wants I love music and film so I would like a docking station for my mobile for you tube I'm in a whatsapp group with mates how talk about different music so ill spend five hours a week listening.

Posted : 10th February 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 2931
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Id like a sound bar for my tv for films and some shelves for my DVDs and cds.


Posted : 10th February 2017 8:07 pm
Posts: 2931
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2017 the plan:

​march, snowboarding France two months pay cheque. Road trip cant wait.June Shoreham music festival fatboy slim with sister.August reading festival muse and kasabian Saturday.healthy lifestyle. Football twice a week Tuesday and Saturday. No smoking it gives me more poker games five pounds each Monday and Thursday night.but to do this no fruit machines is a must.reading books









Posted : 10th February 2017 8:12 pm
Posts: 2931
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Coffee shops on weekends when cash allows.

​job with progression, learn all there is to know about managing supplies delpartment so I'm in a good position to take over from my manager I n two years. Its the best job ive had so id like to stick with it. First pdr went well.lastly holiday in September very cheapanywhere hot.





Posted : 10th February 2017 8:15 pm
Posts: 2931
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Thanks for the posts guys, I do see the automatic gambling habbit as a problem too, last Saturday I was sitting having a coffee and I automatically thought right ill have a jd and coke in the pub just one but what I was actually giving myself a reason to go to the pub and put a tenner in the fruit machine then two hours later I'm walking home fifty pounds lighter. And it was all automatic habbit. I just need to break that pub habbit, not ban myself from pub because I enjoy meeting friends and fruit machines will allways be there, I just need to learn to not go on them and build that new habbit like not smoking. Tricky at first but it will get easier. First step pub tomo no gambling. Also this is definitely a good place to come for placing ur thoughts I will still come thanks for the replies.


Posted : 10th February 2017 9:45 pm
Posts: 2931
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Hello, so this weekend I started by playing football Saturday morning very good fun and scored a few goals. Then came back and concentrated on relaxing and trying to get rid of a cold and cough ive got. Back to work tomo. No gambling this weekend horray last gamble Thursday night. Over and out.


Posted : 12th February 2017 7:24 pm
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