There is hope for a better tomorrow

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Hi Julie,

A nice positive post and you should be very proud of yourself and your achievements.

Best wishes

Bal x

Posted : 19th May 2017 5:09 pm
Posts: 0

Thx Julie.

I have worked my b**t off this week and met my tsrgets and more. So no work tomorrow but some fishing instead.

Have a fab weekend x

Posted : 19th May 2017 7:19 pm
Posts: 0

Glad it made you smile Julie ............... Same time next week ? :))

I hope your afternoon's a great one :)) xx

Posted : 22nd May 2017 12:03 pm
Posts: 0
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Dear diary,

Went back to work. Realised how short life can be. A lady that I have known since I started my sexual health job over two years ago died over the weekend. Don't know what happned as yet, but myself and my team are so shocked. I spoke to her twice on Friday, and the second time I said that I couldn't talk to her for long as I would have a queue of patients to deal with. Didn't get to say goodbye, as she left before me, and life in work is hectic on Fridays. While she didn't work directly with our team, she was the centre cleaner, and boy did she take pride in that clinic being spotless. God fear anyone that messed up her bathroom area......She always had a word for you, knew what was going on where, and was so full of life. What shocked me diary, on Friday when I last spoke to her, she didn't know she was going to be dead today. I know that seems like a strange thing to say, but she didn't know what was in front of her. I don't know what is front of me, but I know what is behind me. Wasting my precious time and lots of it.

No diary, I have not seen god, the light or any other religion...I know when my time is up, I will go (hopefully very quickly) and people will hopefully say that I was a decent human being, who tried her best. But to get up tomorrow, and not know if it is your last day on earth. The last cream cake (have spotted a lemon meringue pie in Booths for payday Friday, to add to the crunchie cake), the last conversation, the last lie in....I dunno, I am just shocked to my little 5"3 core....

Having noodles for tea, they take 4 minutes to be made, and that is wasting no time.....

Julie x

Posted : 22nd May 2017 5:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Julie :))

So sorry to hear your news that was so sad to read ................ Life is full of uncertainty and what lies ahead for us all is by far the biggest uncertainty of all , I know only too well how short and precious our live's can be and have lost some very dear people that were close to me over the past few years .............. It makes me angry at times to think of the hours I've wasted gambling when I could have been living in the real world and enjoyoing those moments with loved ones and friends that are no longer here and makes it even more important that I don't forget and go back to that way .

It's small solace but be greatfull you have fond memories to look back upon .

May your colleague RIP ,

Wishing you well and thinking of you xx

Posted : 22nd May 2017 6:36 pm
Posts: 0
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Dear Diary,

I think I have a problem. I have just been told that in the Gamcare Chatroom, we must remain politically neutral and only discuss our recovery. No election talk, no sharing of news, no banter, nothing just talk about our recovery and how miserable we were and how we are now saved because we should not discuss anything other than compulsive gambling.....People maybe offended if we discuss the election.....or anything other than recovery....What a problem to have on a Monday evening.

Julie 🙁

Posted : 22nd May 2017 8:29 pm
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Manchester, what a digusting act on innocent children and young people that went to see pop concert, full of excitement and life. No one should ever go to a pop concert and never come home. Very sad day for decent human beings. Went to a vigil tonight in our city, sat with other fellow human beings, who just asked why!! That is not religion, that is not about anything, that is cold blooded murder.

And tonight I go to bed, in the hope that tomorrow will be better.

Julie x

Posted : 23rd May 2017 8:03 pm
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Dear Diary,

Treated myself to a lovely rainbow handmade necklace and a few bits for myself. It was so lovely to go to my appointment and nip into Lancaster afterwards and just do some shopping. Life has shifted a little....Had been picturing a white pair of sandals for Summer, I love white (and purple obviously), and there they were in TK Maxx, Ecco brand and £5. When I was gambling, I would have have gone, spent the money on the machine, lost it and stood looking lustfully at the shoes....They are on my feet now, for this hot weather.

Scary times out there folks, keep safe.

Julie x

Posted : 25th May 2017 12:13 pm
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Julie

Much better spending it on the new shoes than gambling hey? Hope you enjoy them and you have a little spring in your step.

Stay strong


Posted : 25th May 2017 12:20 pm
Posts: 0

£5, you big spender :-0 I'm heading there right now 🙂

Good to see you being kind to you - ODAAT

Posted : 25th May 2017 12:34 pm
Posts: 859

Hi Julie enjoy your new finds and the beautiful weather 🙂

Posted : 25th May 2017 2:41 pm
Posts: 0
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Dear Diary,

I got a place on the Masters program. I had the email this evening. I did it. I didn't have enough faith in myself. But I did it. I am too knackered and happy to type a lot...But the place is mine. To the people that stood shoulder to shoulder with me and continue to do so, thank you.

Been a lovely day.

Julie x

Posted : 25th May 2017 9:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Julie,

Many congratulations and well done


Posted : 25th May 2017 9:38 pm
Posts: 0

Whoop whoop 🙂

You're short enough as it is without selling yourself short, so hold that head up high & onwards you march to that better life that you are working so hard @ enjoying!

Go you - ODAAT

Posted : 25th May 2017 10:47 pm
Posts: 859

Fantastic news and a big well done, happy Friday! ! Gave a great GF weekend S 🙂

Posted : 26th May 2017 7:03 am
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