This is what being a CG feels like

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Hi all.

Lockdown 2.0 isnt good for the soul is it?  I have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to end up in trouble again.  I found myself today looking for sites that werent affiliated with Gamstop.  My urge getting the better of me.  I stopped myself but it made me think of why i think as i do.

I have gambled for 25 years maybe more.  I have always had the urge. Its never left.  But i havent been gambling properly for a few months now.  I used the MOSES scheme and it worked for me in preventing me.  Though i had ti be asked to leave for it to really kick in.

Anyway sitting here this is how i feel.  I feel like when i am gambling that it takes over and its really my only worry.  An all consuming crutch.  Its like a rollercoaster of ups and downs and you dont really know when it will end. Only that it will defo end (maybe only for a short while)  when you are at the bottom.  You cant get off when you are at the top.  But when i havent gambled for a while im on a boring flat road in the car and i have to drive the car myself.  And worry about other drivers and check my fuel and my mirrors and watch out for flat tyres.  Amd i really just want to get on that rollercoaster again.  But!  When i get on i get strapped in and its off.  And after a few dips and climbs and drops i realise i dont really like roller coasters and i want to get off but i cant cos im strapped in and i just have to wait till it ends.

And where I am now is im on a flat road in the car but i feel like the road is leading to Alton Towers.

Posted : 10th November 2020 2:42 pm
Posts: 16

You did really well to stop  yourself and should be super proud of that. Do you have a hobby that you can take part in when you're on the flat? Something to distract you from the flat road you feel you are on right now? i'm afraid i'm fairly new to this site!

Posted : 10th November 2020 3:14 pm
Posts: 22
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Thanks Becky.  Yep.  Need to think of something positive.  Its the thrill that is missing in a lot of things.  That destructive side. Its all short lived though isnt it.  Need to think of a replacement and preferably something constructive and long term.  Got into a rut but I will try to keep positive and will get out eventually.

Posted : 10th November 2020 3:26 pm
Posts: 882

@krissyboy I completely understand your analogy of the roller coaster, and when I was younger my ability to bounce back from a low seemed boundless. Within the last 15 years my lows were so low that it became harder and harder to get back up. The flat calm road is a much better place to be.

Although it's suggested that you replace gambling with something else to fill the time, that's good advice at the beginning but at some point you have to be able to sit with yourself, no distractions, just be comfortable in your own mind. There's also different ways to look at the time aspect which may help. People talk about filling the time but in all honesty gambling stole our time from us so all you are doing is reclaiming what was stolen from you. Try and cherish that time.

As far as sitting comfortably with your own mind, for me it was working the twelve steps that helped and looking at myself and working on the defects that I'd carried around for so long. Now three years in I'm approaching my longest time away from a bet but I'm happy with me. I was the problem, not gambling, but gambling was my escape from me. Now I can face life.

If you get a chance I'd recommend the 12 steps. They're a life changer and a life saver.



Posted : 10th November 2020 6:08 pm
Posts: 22
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Thanks Chris.  Thats something that I havent thought about but really its touched a nerve.  I have never been able to sit and be comfortable just sitting.  I have to either be talking to someone or drinking with someone or playing timewasting games on my phone etc etc.  I have never been comfortable just being.  I always have to be doing.  And yeah its pretty exhausting.  I will look i to your suggestion.  I need to get my head around the fact that thats where i need to be first.  Everything i do is a short term fix the long term outlook is none existant.  Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I have some soul searching to do.


Posted : 10th November 2020 6:25 pm

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