Time to stop

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nomoremoney, go to new members section and post there as more people will see it and be able to help you.

Well done on day one, keep up the good work. Read other diaries and you will see that you are so similar to most of us in here. Self exclude from wherever you gamble, put the blocks in place - you will see this advice all over the board.

Take care xx

Posted : 3rd March 2016 8:26 pm
Posts: 480
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Thanks Annie 🙂

Wow 40 days are here and life is starting to feel good again.....the last words I said to my counsellor on Friday where "I feel happier now than I have in a long time"....that felt good to say.

Been a busy weekend with my sons birthday and today I am taking my mum and sister, who are down from Scotland, to see the venue for my wedding next year.

Stick at it everyone it really does get better.


Posted : 6th March 2016 8:36 am
Posts: 0

Damo you are doing brilliantly. It's such a good feeling when you 'turn the corner'. Keep up the good work pal xxx

Posted : 6th March 2016 8:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Damo , just popped by to say a big thank you for your support earlier , its really appreciated buddy , also big congratulations on your 40 days being gamble free , just looking back at some of your posts and I can see that your in a much better and happier place right now .

Enjoy your evening my friend and thanks again !

Posted : 6th March 2016 8:20 pm
Posts: 480
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Thanks Alan and Annie......thanks again for the support. Reading both your diaries (along with others) has been a massive help to me. Not felt as good in a long time.

Posted : 7th March 2016 8:06 pm
Posts: 480
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Day 41 here and I'm just in from playing 5 a sides. I'm 36 now and the legs don't move as well as they used to but still love getting the run around and I'm desperate to lost a stone before my wedding next year.

Still waiting to hear if I'm being extended in the Lake District and with the light nights coming I am hoping to get out in the bike soon.

Still not getting complacent and taking it a day at a time and say to myself every day....26th Jan 2016....the last day I ever placed a bet.

Night everyone.

Posted : 7th March 2016 8:14 pm
Posts: 480
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Day 43 and the half centruy is getting closer and closer.

Work is so busy at the moment and its helping the days to fly by really quickly. Ive also played 5 a sides the last two nights and as the weather gets better I am starting to enjoy it more and more.

Sat down last night and had a look at all my out goings and they were a little higher thsn i thought which got me a bit down. I was hoping to be able to afford to join the gym over where i work but i think it might make things a little tight so i am going to have to leave that. My friend is signing up for a 2 mile open water swim and i wanted to join so i could swim every night to train....anyway that will teach me not to get myself into debt anymore. Hopefully the good weather arrives soon so i can get back out on my bike at nights.

No thoughts at all of gambling and i cant believe how much better i feel in myself. My counsellor recomended the book "The road less travelled" which arrived yesterday so i will get stuck into that tonight.

Have a gamble free day everyone.

Posted : 9th March 2016 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi the lovely Damo! There is nothing so disheartening than looking at the finances and realising you're a bit short but, staying stopped will see more money being freed up. I am an all round optimist (possibly which led to some of my problems, not worrying and believing a big win was just round the corner!!) but I do believe that with dedication and, of course support, we will get there. I also commend you for even looking at your finances as it is not an easy thing to do when we are in deep do-do:( It was the one thing I totally avoided doing when I was in the grip of my addiction - classic denial. But, my friend onwards and upwards - keep up the exercise as it is great for clearing the mind as well as for your health.

Walking with you all the way xxx

Posted : 10th March 2016 8:53 pm
Posts: 480
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45 days since my last bet and only 50 days till the half century....I can almost touch it.

5th counselling session in a couple of hours and I've already been to the dentist today so still keeping myself busy busy.

Posted : 11th March 2016 12:54 pm
Posts: 1789

Evening Damo those days are adding up now and the fog is lifting and life looks like it's on the up.

Where abouts in the lakes are you? I worked up there for about 8 years in my younger days. A great part of the world will be ideal for that bike with the light nights jut round the corner.


Posted : 11th March 2016 7:46 pm
Posts: 480
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Hi Oldham,

Im working in Barrow in Furness at the moment.....and yes I only took up cycling last year and there is no better place to do it.

I love going round Conniston.....can't wait for the lights nights to arrive.

Posted : 11th March 2016 9:19 pm
Posts: 1789

Used to go to conniston for a chill and a few cans on my days off on a nice summers day.

I worked in Bowness when I was about 20 as a chef had a great time ran away up there to get away from gambling it worked 8 years no problems came back to the bright lights and gambling got a hold again.

Posted : 11th March 2016 9:55 pm
Posts: 480
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Funnily enough i worked up that way when I was about 20 as well. Lived in Kendal and worked in staveley.....I still gambled a lot when I was there though.

Posted : 12th March 2016 10:15 am
Posts: 480
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Day 46 and I'm stuck in the house as one of the kids is unwell and my partner has had to change her shifts and do every Saturday. The positive to that is that childcare will go down so more money we can put away for the wedding.

Going to Edinburgh for my sisters 30th next weekend so I have that to look forward to as well.

Another great session with my counsellor yesterday and he said he is amazed it how much more positive I seem....hopefully it will last.

Still gamble free and still going in the right direction. So all is good.

Posted : 12th March 2016 11:33 am
Posts: 480
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3 days till the big 50....everyone else is ill in the house and kids are stressing me out. These were the kind of days I hid away in gambling. Not today though.

Saying that all I seem to be getting is bad news just now.....I must be due a bit of luck.

Went to have boiler serviced and they marked it as unsafe and needs more work. It's also leaking and went down below into the bedroom beneath it.

My car is running horrible and I think I have a puncture as well.

All of this costs money that I don't really have to get fixed but guess we will need to use some if the money for wedding we have been putting away. Today's like this really make you think about the money you have lost.

Maybe it is all karma for the gambling....who knows!!

Posted : 13th March 2016 10:21 am
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