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So I've not been myself lately, I've been suffering severe anxiety to the point I've felt like I'm going to die. I've been unable to engage in conversations,  nothing. This post will take me a while to write as anxiety is stopping me able to do anything. No I've always had anxiety but NEVER have I had it so bad that its made me feel like I'm about to die, can't talk, shortness off breathe, heart rate racing abve 137. Its been hell. I never knew anxiety could be so bad. This post is for help and advice not just for myself but others who may be suffering.  So has anyone had anxiety so bad that they honestly cannot breathe? What helps. Is there any apps that are helpful. I'm speaking to dr tomorrow as I've been told propranolol is really good for bad anxiety. Please can anyone help? Not just me but others who may be suffering with anxiety to. Thats all I can manage to write at mo, but any help and advice will be massively appreciated.  I can't keep feeling like I can't breathe and like I'm about to die. Thankyou 

Stace xxxxxxx

Posted : 18th November 2021 6:30 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Hello Stace

Thank you for your post which I am sure many people will identify with. Anxiety is very difficult to cope with, however, please know that you can learn some techniques which will massively reduce the painful experience. Deep breathing can help lessen Anxiety. By breathing slower and more deeply from your stomach, you signal your nervous system to relax.  Deep breathing takes practice but has so many benefits.

 If you google Apps for Anxiety many will appear in the search.  A highly recommended App is Headspace  Headspace gives you a 2 week trial and then has a monthly fee of around £4 pm.

Please keep sharing your experience, strength and hope and no that you are not alone.

All the very best


Forum Admin

Posted : 19th November 2021 1:02 am
Posts: 607

Try these things.

Sit or lie down. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. I would like you to pretend to breathe in and exhale through your heart. Simply focus on that breathing and exhaling. You can allow yourself to sense your hand feet and face when you try this exercise. Start with 30 times then reduce as you feel better.

Look up on youtube this exact phrase

Bilateral Stimulation for Anxiety

with Melissa Tiers. 

This is a simple exercise that works immediately.



Posted : 19th November 2021 6:21 am
Posts: 33

Hi Stace sorry to hear you are struggling with anxiety.

I have only ever suffered with anxiety while I'm actively gambling so sorry I can't give you any good advice.I'm sure other people can as have already done so.

Hopefully seeing the doctor will help.

Try not to worry if you can't speak during chat even if you just observe it can help.

You are doing so well and your gamble free days are adding up.

Stay strong






Posted : 19th November 2021 7:37 am
Posts: 2148

Hi Stace

What I would say is there is absolutely no shame in getting yourself to the doctors and talking it through.

I would tend to go more down the therapy route than the drug route

Ive experienced it at all levels and its linked to stess and when you just feel life is overwhelming. However its more than that and takes on a life of its own

its firmly linked to gambling. Ive always been quite an anxious person keen to do well and be liked. Im calmer these days because Im more comfortable in myself and dont feel I have to always please others or the rat race of capitalist life

However its a complex condition  and many people feel it at some level on the scale.

I started dealing with who I am when I stopped gambling. Im a mess in many ways but getting much better. I have found a peace with myself and realised that many factors were adding up to low self esteem

All tbe best but I state again that there is no stigma in talking about anxiety

Posted : 19th November 2021 8:46 am
Posts: 458
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Thankyou all of you ?

Posted : 20th November 2021 10:26 pm
Posts: 136

Hello Stace,

I had a really bad bout of anxiety at the start of the year. It was mainly brought on by insomnia which I suffered from badly for a couple of years although going back into lockdown seemed to be the tipping point (I live alone). I was basically awake by 12:30 am most mornings and by the time 9am arrived and I had to start work I had worked myself up into a frenzy. Eventually I rang my brother to tell him I thought I was having a break down and then went to stay with my dad for a week (despite being locked down). I spoke to the doctor on a daily basis as my symptoms were so severe and after a couple of trials of different meds I was prescribed with Buspirone which started to work/help me straight away. Yes I was still awake but I was problem solving instead of problem making during the waking hours and became much more calm as a result. I was also referred to a sleeping specialist called sleepstation and after around 8 weeks I was sleeping much better and still am. I know different meds affect people differently, for example I was prescribed temazepam at one point and it did absolutely nothing for me but Buspirone has really helped. I hope you find something that works for you, if it doesn't then don't be afraid to tell the doctor.

I do think all my problems with anxiety are deep rooted to my gambling problem a few years ago (not gambled for years now and debt free for almost a year now too), I just hope it doesn't rear it's head again as it was a terrible few weeks and I sympathise with you for your suffering. I was open and honest with those close to me and to the health care professionals and I'm so glad I was.  Take care.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Si_mon
Posted : 20th November 2021 11:27 pm
Posts: 83

Hello, I really just wanted to share something that really helped me and definitely changed my life. After loosing 50k in a gambling spree which was pretty much everyday since the start of lockdown. After having accumulated such a large debt- I was very anxious, depressed and almost given up on everything I life. I was in a very dark place and like you- I couldn’t stop being overly anxious and constantly thinking of what I have done. The first step was to face up to reality- and accepting the money was gone. I contacted Stepchange and they helped me a lot. I now have a realistic plan to pay off my debts every month. This reduced a lot of my anxiety. I have also started listening to The Minimalists podcasts- they talk how living with less changes your life for the better and it certainly did. They talk about how this world is full of ads everywhere and we are all triggered by it- that beautiful watch, that holiday of your dreams, that new gadget.. we have become a world of wanting more and not content with what we have which is probably why many of us here are compelled to gamble- to buy things we certainly don’t need. Honestly- this podcasts is amazing. I now listen to it everyday and it has certainly changed my perspective in life- and has been a powerful tool to overcome my gambling addiction. Fast forward today- I now am almost 3 months gamble free- not a single bet. I know it’s early days but I feel like I am getting stronger everyday- I do not ever want to gamble again and I have accepted that I have paid 50k for that lesson —and will be paying for the years to come but I am happy- I no longer think of what I could have spent that 50k on - because I have everything I need and lastly what really has changed my sleep, mood and totally got rid of my anxiety is CBD oil which I take daily at night a few drops. I had my doubts at first but I sleep so soundly and so deeply now that I wake up so fresh in the morning. I no longer suffer from anxiety or think about the pain of the past- I enjoy the little things in life and have become the most content and happier I have ever been. Honestly, no harm in giving it a try. It worked for me I hope it works for you or anyone out there reading this.

Posted : 21st November 2021 11:32 am
Posts: 458
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Thankyou both, il reply properly when I'm better.


Tonight is bad ??????

Posted : 24th November 2021 11:10 pm
Posts: 458
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Anxiety is the worst thing ever , its destroying me 

Posted : 25th November 2021 11:35 am

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