No one can gamble with control

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They say 3-4% are problem gamblers out of all the gamblers. This is of course because most gamblers dont even aknowledge they have a problem, and of all the gamblers who are ashamed, and all the gamblers who bury the head in the sand. You get it. The list goes on for why you could strongly assume that the statement of 3-4% of gamblers are problematic. It seems way higher! Look at all the succesful sports players and doctors etc. These are highly intelligent people, but they succumb to gambling. Thats because intelligence has nothing to do with it. Its an addiction. My theory is that every single one of gamblers lose more than they can afford. This is based on a lot of research and of course my own experience of living hell; gambling. Its designed this way. Take slots. Its engineered in a way to hook people in. When we play, we go into trance mode. When people lose, they get almost the same dopamine release as if they were winning! Truly shocking. So chassing losses becomes addictive. If you smoke, can you stop smoking? No, you do it all day long. Is it the same to gambling as smoking for everyone? I truly dont believe anyone can "control" their gambling.


Please get your views in here and hopefully agree with what I am saying. Because I am careful with money, but when gambling its like its justified to use so much money. Insane really.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Lowsx100
Posted : 8th September 2019 12:43 pm
Posts: 7

measures need to be in place to stop people from starting to gamble. gambling companies exploit this psychology buy offerring attractive sign up bonuses. once the person deposits they are basically screwed. 

gone are the days of having a one off bet and it being controlable. for most, the only way to stop is by losing everything. jobs and familys included. whilst these companies continue un scaved. it only takes a few minutes and a press of a button. gambling has to be one of the main causes for mental illnesses and a catalyst for forming other addictions. 

all banks should offer people gamble preventions security especially for students and young people who are extremely vunerable. 

its really the biggest evil of modern time 🙁

Posted : 8th September 2019 1:48 pm
Posts: 80
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I couldnt have said it better myself i totally agree with everything. Im a student but my government gives zero s***s. They dont put in any measures to keep people from gambling. What about a bank that blocks gambling transactions? It can be prevented, but at least give us something. It feels so depressing to think that my government doesnt care for its citizens in this form.

Gambling is this centuries epidemic. Evolution will make people get over it, but its going to take time. I wonder how our brain will react to gambling in the long future.

Another thing. Gamblock should be available globally! Not only in the UK. Again, our stupid governments.

Posted : 8th September 2019 8:42 pm
Posts: 856

I tend to disagree. 

I know loads of folk who can have a bet and just leave it if they lose or dont lose more than they can afford.

All gambling should be banned but that's a CG view, it can be fun for some.

The betting companies know exactly what they are doing these days targeting a young audience. 

Just my opinion.

Posted : 9th September 2019 3:28 am
Posts: 175

I've met a lot of gamblers in my time and I would say its more like 80-90% have experienced some type of issue with it

gambling is now presented to us as a fun way to make a bit of extra money

unfortunatley these days with the state of the economy for a lot of people it becomes their only hope

its a vicious cycle that presents all manner of financial and mental issues for the user

I don't see gambling being addressed by any type of governing body any time soon so we must do our best to steer clear of it





Posted : 9th September 2019 8:21 am
Posts: 80
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Holycrosser, how do you know this? Only because they say so? You saw what it did to you. Did you also manage to control it in the start? Of course you did! And look what it did to us in the long run. The reason why I say this is that gamblers lie all the time. They are either in denial or ashamed. Im not talking about lotto, but heavy casino games. Im fairly convinced there are far, far more gamblers than the numbers show because of many reasons.

Posted : 9th September 2019 8:26 am
Posts: 856
Posted by: Lowsx100

Holycrosser, how do you know this? Only because they say so? You saw what it did to you. Did you also manage to control it in the start? Of course you did! And look what it did to us in the long run. The reason why I say this is that gamblers lie all the time. They are either in denial or ashamed. Im not talking about lotto, but heavy casino games. Im fairly convinced there are far, far more gamblers than the numbers show because of many reasons.

By the amount of one time punters who pop up on grand national day, plus folk at work often talk about the odd fiver on a match, some of my friends bet but it’s say £15 on a bet once a week or so, to me that’s not problem gambling , they aren’t chasing big sums, betting for pleasure rather than the need to get out of debt or are chasing losses till it becomes money they can’t afford, to me there’s a big difference in that type of gambler and me.

a huge %of the population don’t even bet, so whilst I agree problem gambling is much bigger than we know I don’t think it’s massive in % terms against the population as a whole and many folk who have a bet will bet responsibly.

it is getting worse definitely and the Internet has just made it a thousand times worse.

Posted : 9th September 2019 8:49 am
Posts: 4881

I think its just a question of degree and whether we view gambling simply in terms of money. I was addicted immediately. There was never a time when it was just a bit of fun (if am honest with myself). Standing at a pub fruit machine, pint on the top, ignoring friends whilst I fed the machine. It might have felt like fun in the moment, but it wasn't really. preferring to stand at a machine rather than socialise. Sometimes the friends would be around the machine to... so the focus of all our minds was on the machine. 

I think that there is probably a small percentage of people whom gamble, where there doesn't "seem" to be any consequences and it does seem to have a social element. I think of retired men whom go into a bookmakers have a bit of banter with the staff and the other retired people. They may or may not place a bet and then they go on their way, probably finish there shopping and go home. For these people the bookies brings people together for a few minutes and is perhaps no different from young people hanging out on a street corner. It does no harm.

However I think that for anybody who spends any length of time in the bookies or arcades for that matter, its a problem whether they are actually gambling or not. Cos your focus is on the action and not on real life. Its more about passing time than anything else.

Anyway thats my random thoughts at this moment in time

Posted : 9th September 2019 9:55 am
Posts: 80
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I hear you guys. If you look at my country, the people here use 544 million pounds a year divided by 5 mill people. Thats around 150 pounds on average per person! Take away all the kids and very old people, and it is shocking. I believe that people say the can control gambling because they dont want to appear "weak" or problematic. And on the other hand you have the ones that just started gambling. It is progressive. They arent problematic yet since they slowly started falling into the trap, the addiction. Gambling is designed this way. It makes us feel like we do by twisting logic and judgement. But lets say they go gamble tesponsibly. They win. They walk away. Buy some clothes etc. Then what? They come back at a later time. And they cant win everytime. So this is lent money. Its bs in every aspect you see gambling from. It all leads to irrationality. 

Posted : 9th September 2019 5:22 pm
Posts: 2148


We have to start removing the word control from any gambling paragraph. I dont see old joe in the bookies who bets on one horse as someone to look up to as being in dont beat the bookies for a reliable income. he is in there most days, he in control? tell me.

I just dont like gambling linked at all with the word control. Clearly I have my view as a recovering addict

No gambler has control over the outcome unless it has been illegally fixed beforehand. The odds are set on sporting events by teams of people with experience in risk management...they are not offering life changing odds with an no brainer decision.

If I flip a coin, we have no control at that moment. Its an event of mathematical probability of 50/50 if the coin has been spun fairly.

Gambling is highly addictive and the methods of gambling are designed so people will lose control of their minds quickly. When losing its natural for a cold sweat and rash decisions.

I dont like the argument thst people can gamble with control because its always an irresponsible decision with money that can be lost. How much are you prepared to lose on a red or black situation. Its not an income scheme as it would have to be reliable to be called that. Its a losers game or the gambling dens would be out of business

I dont look up to any gambler. I know there are far more addicts that have yet to admit to the problem

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

Posted : 9th September 2019 10:08 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi, joydivider. Yes, you are correct in my opinion. Evolution has made us this way. That when we dont achieve something(gambling), we try again, and again because we are programmed to be determined and succeed. Unfortunately this instinct is valuable in most things, but fail miserably on this aspect. This is one of the reasons why we dont understand why we keep on going through this misery. It messes our minds because of our nature. And the fact that losing on gambling almost gives us the same dopamine release as winning is evidence that we are programmed in some sort of way which the gambling industry fully take advantage of. Its sick, really. Hope you all take care and steer away from this evil. Good night.

Posted : 10th September 2019 12:46 am

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