Back again!
partner of CG! 5 years going Ok, but turns out things have been slowly deteriorating over the past 6 months.
not really sure where my head is at right now... hate the fact that I feel embarrassed yet I haven’t even done anything wrong.
Need to get on top of the financial situation again now!
Im currently 277 days gambling free and still in huge debt, remember its just 1 day at a time and keep loolong forward.
Always here to talk
Hi cpool,
thanks for your reply. Well done on 277 days.
i am struggling, and emotionally torn, I love him, but ‘at what point do you call it a day?’ I’m not sure I can keep doing this, we’ve suffered so much already. I know it’s hard for him too and an addiction but I have to think of the future of myself and our child.
it’s going to be a hard day!
What works for me is complete transparency, we now have 1 joint bank accout . No separate accounts and just moving my thoughts away from gambling and into things to do in the house or stuff to do with the kids. Use gambling software on all the devices in the house that block gambling sites, and just have a frank and open discussion setting out a plan to move forward. Please speak to the experts through here as the support is amazing, remember although it is an addiction he needs to have accountability and an awareness of his actions. It will be hard and a slow process but the days soon pass by and for me 278 days have gone in the blink of an eye.
Stay strong and stay positive.
He has handed over all financial responsibility to me, he says “for forever” but I know he will get restless on further down the line e.g. 6 months GF and still won’t understand why I won’t give access to accounts.
Think you’ve nailed it when you say “accountability and awareness” not sure he fully embraces what he has done yet...
just feel like, when is “enough is enough!?” How many times will we have to repeat this? And how many times should I continue to support him knowing it’s at our child’s detriment.
I would love him to embrace our children as you seem to have.
congratulations on 278 days. Can I ask; how do you maintain it long term? Relapse - is it inevitable?
Hi Toohot ?
Just wanted to say thank you for your support and making me feel so welcome in chat. Really glad I joined.
Im sorry you are on the receiving end of this and admire your strength and the supportive nature in which you give your OT.
Hope to catch you in chat again soon. I hope you having a relatively relaxing evening with not too many stresses to deal with.
Lonely soul (Bex)
Hey Lonely Soul,
ohh thanks so much for your kind words! I’m a little honoured if I’m honest that you’ve found me to comment.
I genuinely hope you can use the space to support yourself and I mean it when I say, there’s an army of ya cheering you on now!
counting your days with you!
TooHOT x
Thanks Toohot.
The thing about this site, is there are hundreds of people who are here and a few who really stick out by making the journey that bit easier through support and connections. In the past few days, you are one of them. ?
You are special - to come here and offer the support you do being on the other side, makes you a very special person and your OH is lucky to have you.
I hope you have a good day!
Awww Bex!! Too kind...
I'll be sending him your way when he needs a gentle reminder 😉
The truth is, the people here were here for me when i needed them. The listened, answered my questions and supported me through some pretty uncomfortable times. Its only fair I return the favour... and stick around long enough for them to see the rewards of their efforts.
If I can offer you, half of whats been offered to me. Then thats enough for me.
Enjoy your day also! One day at a time... Cheering you on!
TooHOT x
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