Bank help please

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Sister Karen
Posts: 5
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I look after my brother's bank card for him as he is a compulsive gambler. When he needs money or something bought I either give him the cash or buy it for him. He tends to be fine with cash as his problem is mostly with online gambling and casinos (he's already banned himself from the local casinos).

He is going to be receiving an inheritance in the next few months and I am wondering whether anyone knows how I might protect the funds for him. I would like it to be put into a Trust for him with myself and his daughter as trustees so that it can be used as income as he currently receives long term ESA and PiP. Unfortunately my mum was too ill to change her will before she died.

Does anyone have any other ideas? He also has huge debts and I don't want to be liable for any of them.

Thanks in advance


Posted : 26th September 2019 10:55 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi Karen.  I would talk to a financial advisor. There are lots of free resources like debtcamel, Money saving expert. There are bank accounts like Monza and Starling which restrict gambling. Stepchange can offer advice regarding debts and liability. Your brother's debt should be nothing to do with you. If you want support I would find a gamanon meeting and people there will offer their experience. It's a shame you're having to worry about this when you have your own grief to deal with. This may also be a time of stress for your brother and a trigger. Is he attending GA or receiving any help from outside sources? Good luck!

Posted : 27th September 2019 6:32 am
Sister Karen
Posts: 5
Topic starter

Thank you for your advice. I will look at the bank accounts that you suggest and I do have a friend who is a Financial Advisor so I may go and see him.

He went to the National Gambling Clinic but won't go back. He won't go to any meetings either. He does have a mental health nurse that he can call if he needs to and I suggest he talks to them quite often.

I've tried to get him to sort out his debts but he won't, they are mostly commercial debts from when he had a business.

Posted : 27th September 2019 6:51 am
Posts: 4881

Hi... I am a compulsive gambler and yes, I can see your dilemmas. First off you do need sound financial advice to protect yourself and your brother if creditors come chasing. Am not knowledgeable enough myself. In the past I have found national debtline is a good place to start and then they would refer you on as needed.

Secondly I presume that your brother has registered with gamstop... its very effective at preventing online gambling... 99% of online casino's are a part of the scheme. It stopped my online gambling in its tracks.

On a personal note my sisters may face similar dilemmas when the time comes. Whilst i have already been written out of my mums will, she did say that my sisters would probably sort me out, which in reality might mean that if I want something then they would pay direct. That would be fine with me. I don't seem to be able to cope with large chunks of money. I'd hate myself if i gambled away an inheritance. Your being very kind to support your brother in this way.

All the best... S.A

Posted : 27th September 2019 7:18 am
Posts: 56

If he inherits money without conditions, his creditors could be on it like sharks...

and his benefits could be affected.


I agree with merry go round. Get professional advice and quick...

Posted : 27th September 2019 8:04 pm
Posts: 920

It is definitely a condition of claiming benefits that you disclose any other monies you receive. It's on all the time on fraud awareness that I read and watch (I have an interest in it for work and school stuff). They count it as fraud if you have undeclared other income. So long as he declares it, I think because it's PIP he may still be entitled to it but do do make sure he tells them. 

As for creditors, if it's business debt and it's a LTD firm, it's unlikely they can take private funds from him but getting professional advice is for the best on that aswell. 

All the best. 

Drama x

Posted : 27th September 2019 9:37 pm

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