It's been an on going battle for over 23 years and still counting

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So I'm a new member here..... my story started when I first met my husband to be.

We were 17, and soon enough we started dating. Part of our social life and crowd we was in, we all did a little bit fo gambling.

It started with gambling machines, we would be in the local machine shop, putting a tenner here and there. At first yes it was fun to watch and I don't know why I thought it was cool, you know bunking off lessons and hanging out in these shops. But as time went on.. I was getting really bored sitting there for hours and hours just watching my boyfriend playing these machines. I didnt want to do it anymore. I guess this is where the problem started. As he started missing alot of lessons at university and even at one point dropped out. But I dont recall him being in debt so much yet.. as we were students and so the only debt he did have was student loan.. but then it appeared normal as everyone has student loans.

Moving forward a few years.. from Machines, our friends and us then moved on physically going to Casinos to gamble.... and here is where the problem really esculated. I only tagged a long with my boyfriend and yes I played a bit here and there, but I can stop.

He however, just kept leaping from one table to another and his bets got bigger and larger. Was I suspicious about where all this money was coming from?? Of course I was, but he never told me.. (he was working part time), until the day came when like all gamblers have run out of their tricks, know they are in BIG trouble... and they start having to be honest to those closest to them.

He told me it was from credit cards, loans, borrowing from family etc etc.

So moving years forward of course we have stopped going to casinos, but now it's online gaming...

I stuck by him.. and gone through this vicious cycle so many times, I've tried to manage his money, but as we started to have children, my time and day is very much trying to look after them, do the house work etc etc..and by evening I am in bed with kids sometimes as early as 8pm. I gave up my job after my first born, hoping that he knows if he was to gamble, he will have no help from me as I have nothing. You could say I took a gamble on us, hoping he will stop, take a look at his kids and all will be good. It's now 23 years since we've been together I have a 9,6,4 year old. In November last year I've realised his continued to gamble, so I've kicked him out of the family home... and he has finally shown exactly what it is we owe.

Lets say his gambled over 100k.. yes.. not 5k /10k... everything.... we are on the brink of losing our home... feel sick when I see him... am tired, in tears, have lashed out at him....

Moving forward now.. I need to work with him as to how we can stop our home from being taken away from us.

His banned himself from the online sites he was using, and gone on to Gamcare to ban himself from further online site.

I'm waiting to hear from someone in Citezens Advice Bureau, and have got members of his family involved for support.

Will try to see where we can get councilling for this problem too.

I dont believe he will stop.. but I do believe I need to be on top of everything from emails, to bank accounts.. and to make it much more difficult from him to gain access to credits.

With regards to my relationshiip with him... I don't know if I can see pass this.. but right now thats not important.. saving my family home right now is the priority and this cant be done unless me and him work together to resolve our isues by tightening our belts.

Because this is the reality .. and our only way out.

Posted : 14th January 2019 11:45 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi if he has debt problems he can call stepchange. Gamstop is on online block he should join, showing you the email as proof. Debt comes last, all mortgage, bills etc first, you still have to live. He should go to GA, no excuses. You can find a gamanon meeting for support for yourself. You started this together, he has an addiction, you both need to recover. Gamcare offer counselling for both of you. Ongoing support comes from GA and gamanon. My husband handed over salary but could still apply for loans to gamble with. Credit reports will help you see what is really going on.

Posted : 15th January 2019 7:28 am

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