National Lottery - is it gambling??!!

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Eternal Optimist
Posts: 11
Topic starter

Is it realistic for a problem gambler to give up gambling without intervention?

Will/can they?

Is it possible to give up actual Casino gambling?

Is it okay to have a flutter every now and again?

Is it acceptable to continue with the National Lottery?

Discuss …….. !




Posted : 24th October 2021 8:32 am
Posts: 368

Any form of gambling is gambling. Lottery is gambling, a flutter is a bet which is gambling. Yes it’s possible to give up going to a Casino either  be physical or digital. Intervention helps but only the compulsive gambler can decide if they want to stop gambling and yes it happens. 

Posted : 24th October 2021 9:22 pm
Posts: 607


I think if you know what your addiction is you can stay of that addiction.  If you have an adictive personality you can get hooked on anything you do if you do it long enough. I think it is unrealistic to Cellophane addicts just because they are addicts. It is much more important for them to get to know who they are so they can make the tweeks that work for them in everyday life. So in short everything is off the table and nothing is off the table. You make your choices and live with them or change them to something else.

Just be aware of who you are.




Posted : 25th October 2021 7:42 am
Posts: 4881

Gambling is gambling is gambling. 

For me whatever I gambled on, it ultimately ended up at the slots, which was/is my primary downfall.

Any type of gambling, including the lottery, is like living on a dream.

Posted : 26th October 2021 11:39 am
Eternal Optimist
Posts: 11
Topic starter

So, I’m not being unreasonable if I say lottery tickets are a problem for me and they are causing a problem in our relationship????!!

Posted : 26th October 2021 3:12 pm
Posts: 4881

If it feels like a problem then its a problem!

The thing is, many people who gamble will say, "the lottery wasn't my problem"... it was "the horses" or "it was the slots" or "it was online poker", the list goes on. Addictive gamblers (me very much included) think this way when they/we/I view life merely in terms of money ie the more money you have the happier you are

But the bottom line in my opinion is that to commit to a gamble free lifestyle is to give this thinking up and to commit to not gambling on anything whatever the monetary value. Its to give up on the "illusion" that somehow spending a £1 or £10 on a lottery product is somehow gonna change one's life... cos its not. In one sense to spend that pound is simply another way to avoid having to do anything meaningful to change one's circumstances, cos hey.. am about to win a bunch of money.

Not sure if this makes sense but thats my thoughts at this moment in time. I would add this as well.... its extremely difficult to change the gambler mindset. many times I thought i'd surrendered to it, but I hadn't. The gambler within had just minded its time.

Posted : 26th October 2021 9:48 pm
Eternal Optimist
Posts: 11
Topic starter

Is it possible for gambler to stop if it is pointed out to them that it a problem in the relationship?

Would they just not lie about trying to stop?

How would they stop?  Is intervention needed or is this something they can do on their own?

How can I be sure they are truly trying to give up??

This post was modified 3 years ago by Eternal Optimist
Posted : 26th October 2021 10:32 pm
Posts: 4881

Yes, you don't place a bet.

people do stop and stay stopped. It can be done.

Like any addiction, recovery is possible

Posted : 26th October 2021 10:37 pm
Posts: 4881

I think when you know the person well you can tell through behaviour whether they are lying to you or not. Am not particularly talking about gambling here. just life in general. Words are easy, behaviour is harder to disguise.

But alas you can never know for sure whether somebody is gambling or not. Addictive gamblers do lie often because of shame and guilt.

On a positive. many people who gamble will return to a more normal way of thinking and being as gamble free time builds up.



Posted : 26th October 2021 10:57 pm
Eternal Optimist
Posts: 11
Topic starter

Give me an ‘Idiots Guide’, step by step of what is needed to stop gambling please ….. !

Posted : 27th October 2021 7:28 am
Posts: 19

Limit your access to money. Block gambling transactions on your bank cards via your bank. Install gamban on all your device's. And imo most importantly find something else to occupy your mind when you feel the urge to gamble ie go for a walk, play an app or game on your device , do a puzzle . Do ANYTHING just don't GAMBLE. 

Posted : 30th October 2021 5:18 pm
Posts: 9

The lottery is definitely one of the types of gambling. I think that a person should want to overcome this addiction himself. At such a time, the support of relatives / friends is important.

Posted : 15th December 2021 12:35 pm
Posts: 176
Posted by: Eternal Optimist

Give me an ‘Idiots Guide’, step by step of what is needed to stop gambling please ….. !

Hi Eternal Optimist

This worked for my partner who is a compulsive gambler:

-Coming clean to loved ones including me

-Gambler’s anonymous (he was very, very reluctant to even try initially but now says this is a lifesaver)

-Gamstop 5yrs for him and me (I don’t gamble but to be on the safe side i also self excluded so my details could not be used)

-Switched banking to Monzo (gambling transactions blocked, you can turn the feature off but you need to wait 48hrs), i get notifications on my 2nd mobile for all his bank transactions

-no handling of cash unless really needed for which he needs to provide me a receipt

-giving me access to his credit reports 

-believing that any form of gambling is gambling, even flipping a coin is gambling

-taking it one day at a time

I wish you the best of luck, it can be done. Not easy but can be done. My partner’s last gamble was in Feb 2020. He still sometimes feel regretful and guilty of all the monies/years he wasted, but is at peace now and have self-pride for all his accomplishments in life.

Posted : 19th December 2021 9:41 am

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