What the hell am I going to do?

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I don’t really even know where to begin with this. I’m completely lost. My partner and I have just completed on the sale of a new house, he had been gambling a bit and winning and was convinced he had found so foolproof way to always win at Roulette online. He won 90% of the time for months it turns out he won over £10k and was convinced he was invincible. Then the same week as we exchanged on our house, he lost the £10k, plus another £10k chasing it and basically ended up taking out a £25k loan the same week as we exchange on the house. He finally confessed to me and was apparently contemplating suicide as the only way out. He miraculously didn’t get caught out by the mortgage lender and the sale completed without them discovering his new debt. I was 36 weeks pregnant at this time and the stress it caused me not knowing if we would lose our house and lose/forfeit our depsosit if the sale collapsed due to the new debt caused health problems which resulted in finding out our daughter was not growing properly and emergency c section 3 weeks ago at 39 weeks.

He showed so much remorse and regret and contrition and promised me he would never gamble again. The impact on us both, our eldest daughter and our newborn was so great that I believed him. I thought he was shocked into remission.

Fast forward to today and Inopened a redirected letter from another loan company, then riffling through drawers discovered that he has in the last two weeks since our baby was born, taken out another £60k+ worth of loans and maxed all his credit cards chasing the money to repay the debts.

I am so shocked and horrified ( and exhausted and hormonal and scared) I can’t even begin to comprehend the magnatude of this idiocy.

I’ve bizarrely managed to restrain myself from even getting angry, he’s clearly mental unwell and no amount of shouting and screaming is going to change the situation. We just need to fix it.

But how the f*** do you fix this? I’m on maternity leave and in basic maternity pay, the new debt is 25% more than he earns.

We aren’t married but have the mortgage in joint ownership and have two small children.

I am completely helpless, couldn’t leave him even if I wanted to as there’s no way he could pay the mortgage, his debts and support his family while renting somewhere else.

We cannot lose the house, it’s all we’ve got and we’ve only lived there for a month.

I’m beyond devasted and terrified. And so angry and betrayed. I can’t even be furious with him because the empathetic side of me thinks there’s no way he can feel any worse.

He’s been talking about killing himself and making it look like an accident so I get the life insurance money. He’s beyond desperate.

He’s calling Stepchange tomorrow and I’ve insisted he sees a counsellor in person but I don’t think that will be enough to secure our family home and the security of myself and our children.

The only good thing is he can’t borrow another penny.

Please god help me make sense of this all. The babies and I have come to my mum’s but simply cannot tell anyone in real-life. Telling my family would make everything so much worse. My mum is fairly hard work at the best of times.

I’m so exhausted from all the night feeds but

exhausted from all the night feeds but Incant sleep, I’m so anxious I feel like I’ll burst.

I’m completely lost.

Posted : 19th June 2018 10:49 pm
Posts: 545

You have to put all blocking steps like self exclusion on gamstop which will cover most online casinos plus theres a one call self exclusion for a year to all bookies

Posted : 20th June 2018 1:00 am
sooner or later
Posts: 1

Just take it one day at a time, Ellie. Your suggestions that he phone Stepchange & go into counseling sound like some of the best steps your husband can take going forward so well done. As Christer1 above also suggests, self-exclusion programs are also helpful. Perhaps you might also consider attending Gam-Anon meetings, where those affected by a loved one's gambling problem can share their own experiences - you are not alone. I hope this is the big kick your partner needs to finally put an end to his gambling, as you deserve better & have demonstrated great inner-strength and compassion in how you've dealt with it and pushed on so far.

Posted : 20th June 2018 3:40 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Oh Ellie, you sound just like me. I remember sitting in the building society remortgaging when my youngest was 6 weeks old. Stepchange, counselling are great. He needs to sort the debt himself, no help, no bailouts. If he's suicidal he needs the doctor or samiritans. You need support, safeguard your finances, get credit reports. Call gamcare and talk to someone, find a gamanon meeting if you can get a babysitter. Encourage him to seek help, GA is a good place. Then look after you, you can't stop him unless he chooses to stop. It's a nightmare but is manageable. Stepchange will give him all the help they can. Your main concern is you and the kids. Look after you, don't be coerced into signing anymore loans. They are desperate and in a dark place. Take it a day at a time. Come on here to ask advice or just rant. Get some help for you too.

Posted : 20th June 2018 6:49 am
Posts: 0
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Thank you all for your responses.

I just feel so overwhelmed and betrayed. The debt is 1/3 of our mortgage and will take about 8 years to repay, even if he gets a IVA which will screw up everything, remortgaging, family holidays, everything. We rely on credit for monthly car insurance payments and emergency bills etc. He’s messed us up for so long, I’m going to have to go back to work early instead of enjoying precious time with my baby. It’s all just so awful.

Posted : 20th June 2018 7:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ellie im so sad to here your story i was gambling when my daughter was very young, i didnt get into debt with those sort of numbers but the principle is all the same... the only advice i am going to give you is that if you are going to stick by your husband and give him one more chance then you solely have to take responsibilty for all financial decisions etc no cards or money or access for him.

secondly as much as the money part is the biggest worry, he needs to get better befor your finances will, get him to counselling, and even on this forum where we can all give him advice. but while he is stil essentially broken your finances will never be fixed.

hope this helps :]

tunnie x

Posted : 20th June 2018 7:49 am
Posts: 0

Stepchange can advise u whether a DMP or IVA is best. Generally with a DMP all interest and charges are frozen and you are left with monies to live on.

Wish you well

Posted : 20th June 2018 9:09 am
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He’s just called me and told me that it comes to £130k. How on earth has be been lent that much on his income with a massive new mortgage? He’s working everything out to arrange an IVA. Is there any way that they will let us keep the house?

Posted : 20th June 2018 10:36 am
Posts: 0

Give citizens advice or National Debtline a call. Might be able to assist.

Best wishes

Posted : 20th June 2018 11:06 am
Posts: 960


So sorry to see this. I too couldn't understand how the banks kept allowing more and more debt to be racked up within a matter of weeks without it ringing alarm bells but came to the conclusion their greed outweighed their caution.

Echo the advice to speak to the experts but I would add check his credit reports for yourself. You can't trust a word he says without independent proof so don't. All reports are available quickly and free online. Noddle (Callcredit),Clearscore (Equifax) and Experian through MSE's credit club. It is overwhelming and exhausting and devastating but unfortunately you're the rational one in all this and it's crucial to establish the truth and get the family finances locked down under your sole control as soon as possible.

Posted : 20th June 2018 5:44 pm
Posts: 960

Also reading your first post, please try to save your empathy. You need your energy for you and the baby. Being too understanding isn't in your interests. It leaves you open to the manipulation all CG's are expert at. He can get any understanding he needs from GA and counselling. Samaritans too as MGR says if necessary. Read up on the addiction and get some support for you if you can. There's a lot of support and advice available to him if he looks for it but you've had a bombshell dropped on you out of the blue. He's known about this for a very long time. He's had the choice to look for help rather than place his next bet every single time he did it but hasn't. Time to insist on what you want and need.

Posted : 20th June 2018 6:05 pm
Posts: 0
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IHe’s really scaring me, he’s talking about how much better we’d be without him and how much better off we’d be if his suicide looks like an accident and we get the life insurance money.

I think this is what rock bottom looks like and it’s f*****g awful. I don’t think I’m able to even feel anger right now, just total despair.

I can’t see how we can fix this, he’ll try to arrange an IVA tomorrow and if they insist on bankruptcy then he says he can’t see any another way out. Maybe I am being manipulated but he needs to stay on this planet and deal with the consequences with me, not leave me on my own with no income and a grieving 3 yr old. I can’t handle any of this.

Posted : 20th June 2018 10:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ellie,

i am so sad reading your story but as harsh as this will sound dont listen to a word he says, i have made the same threats myself befor... he is just hoping for you to say that you will forgive him and get it sorted, scaring you to think he may do the worst if you dont forgive him and tell him to come home.

like others have said get professional help for you and him but dont just let him have the easy way out. this is his mess to clean up not yours.

always here even if you just need someone to talk to :]

tunnie x

Posted : 21st June 2018 3:56 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi Ellie you are in total shock! gambling to that extent has definitely affected his mental health. Stepchange will tell him all his options. I agree with you, I wanted the family to stay together. Beware though if he doesn't seek help for his health and get to GA this could begin again. I would want to make sure I was involved in all conversations regarding debt.

Posted : 21st June 2018 5:12 am
Posts: 0


re his threats, point him firmly in the direction of help but don’t take on any obligation to save him from himself, either physically or emotionally. Easier said than done but it just leads to manipulation, anything would go because if you set limits as to what you can tolerate, he might harm himself.

Step back from his whirlwind of chaos. You have no control over what he does or doesn’t do, you didn’t Cause it, you can’t Control it and you can’t Cure it. Let him take ownership of his own situation, let him fix him but make sure that you protect you.

He can get help from Samaritans or better still, from GA, fellow members often report feeling suicidal. If he starts meetings, he’ll find that they get it because they’ve been there.

Keep your focus on you and the baby, lock down the finances so that as far as possible, you’re not paying for the gambling. Then get help for you, best is via GamAnon, if someone can babysit. Even if you go sometimes and get some literature and a couple of phone numbers, that’s better than nothing.

Also, you mentioned keeping the secret. Addiction thrives on secrecy, once it’s out in the open and a known fact, everything becomes much clearer. The best situation is for everyone around him to know and be on the same page, to encourage meetings and decline bailouts. True friends support, they don’t judge and part of you not taking on what’s his is not adopting for yourself his shame at what he’s done.

Focus on fixing you, let him fix him.


Posted : 21st June 2018 5:54 am
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