Hello everyone
I’ve just signed up to Gamstop tonight after finally acknowledging I cannot carry on like this anymore .
I stumbled across this forum and thought it would be good to introduce myself and almost use this is as my way of saying ‘yes I have a problem’.
My problem with gambling only really started around 6 months ago but during that time I have lost thousands of pounds and a complete grip on reality tbh 🙁 I can’t stop thinking about how long it’s going to take me to pay back the credit cards I’ve had to use to do money transfers to pay off overdrafts and so on that I’ve ended up using in order to find this habit.
After going the odd week without gambling and constantly coming back to it , enough is enough .
Does anyone have any advice for someone in the first stages of admitting they have a problem? I’ve signed up to gamstop for 5 years (I’ve already self excluded from most sites anyway) but kept finding myself finding other sites to sign up to ‘get my fix’ so to speak so feel this is the only way to properly stop myself . I’ve only ever gambled online (slots is my problem) so would never go into an actual casino/betting shop .. does gam stop come into effect pretty quick? Anything people would recommend to distract myself and also how to try stop constantly thinking about the money and what I ‘could have’ spent it on instead?
thank you
Hello Beegeexo
Welcome to the Forum and well done for taking the first step in Recovery. Problem gambling is cunning, powerful and baffling and without help it is too much.
Putting in place a Self Exclusion with GamStop is necessary to overcome problem gambling. You can also put in place Blocking Software with GamBan and Blocking Bank Transactions.
Link for free GamBan gambling blocking software:
BANKS THAT BLOCK GAMBLING TRANSACTIONS www.gamcare.org.uk/self-help/finance-and-debt-management/#banks
Along with the Forum we have Advisers available 24/7 to help you through this. You can contact an Adviser by calling our Helpline on 0800 8020 133 or using our LiveChat option. I encourage you to make contact so we can discuss the best way forward for you.
Wishing you all the very best on your Recovery Journey.
Forum Admin
Well what chioces do we have when facing "The reality..."?
We could say f... , it lets spend more time in our own fantasy bubble where we can happily spend thousands more pounds on the wins we dont have, just to chase more losses we cant afford to chase as we actually prefer loosing instead of winning. Yes you heard me we get more excited by a near miss than a win.
How much will we pay for this flawed reality? Coming to terms that our brain lies and we cant trust it is a hard sell and with time it will trick you to beleive that your allright to play again because the industry does nothing else than program you to do more of the same. It needs a fundamental shift in insight.
Who am I? Why am I playing. What am I tryinig to forgett or surpress or escaping from?
Now you might be questioning this saying thats BS and he must be a shrink but hey, I am a gambling addict just like you and I am saying these words...
You want advice in what to do when not gambling? Find out about yourself because if you dont you will most likely be talking about this again, and again and again.
Get to know you because you really dont know yourself like you think you do.
Hi @beegeexo
Well done for taking the first step. It's a tough step to take and you should feel proud.
GamStop is a great tool and comes into affect quite quickly. But there are a couple of other tools at your disposal, which I'd highly recommend. Download GamBan on all of your devices. You can get it for free and it blocks you from accessing gambling websites. Also, look into adding a gambling ban on your bank cards. This can usually be done online or in-app. This will block all gambling transactions from being approved.
The debt is a killer for most people. It's a constant reminder of the damage that you've caused. Trust me when I say that it will get better. Every day you don't gamble, is a step towards paying that debt rather than making it worse. It's small steps, but just take it one day at a time.
Distracting yourself from gambling can be useful, but ultimately, you need to find out why you gambled. Treat the cause, not the symptoms. But that's difficult to do and can take time. In the meantime, look for some new hobbies, especially those that keep your mind active. Finding something sociable was a huge help to me.
Good luck.
Hi @beegeexo ,
There is lots of support on this forum but I would also suggest physical GA meetings which may all help remove yourself from the problem of slots and casinos as you have to actually get out the house to find the support and I hope far away from any book makers. The advice above is hopefully helpful too.
just for today I will not gamble!
Well done Beegeexo!
I signed up to Gamstop nearly 3 weeks ago and it's the best thing Ive done. I've not gambled once and to be honest, I'm thinking about it less and less. It's weird, I still have money in my account ( not a lot and I'm in tens of thousands of debt) but suddenly money matters. Before, it was like money had no value to me. It was just something to gamble with. If I had a win I'd buy stuff as if it was an added bonus but if I lost (well, when I lost) I'd just think that its something else to win back later. Now I'm thinking about everything I'm spending. When I go to buy food I don't have that sinking feeling of wondering if I have enough in my account.
I've also notice that my mind is clearing. Before all I thought about every second of the day was gambling, how much could I win, how can I hide my phone at work/home to gamble. Now though I've thought of other things, new qualifications I want to do etc. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck but I think you will find this a fantastic first step. Happy gam free Friday!
Hi mate, I'm a newbie too. Just signed up. I'm going to take a positive from your post and that is that you've only been in the deep end the last 6 months. You can still nip this in the bud. I am an addict. I have been for over 10 years. And I've had 10 years of trying to reform but I always go back it's got a hold. Hopefully you can get this out your system. I wish I had more help and knowledge as to how you can get this out your system but for the time being I'm as crushed and as low as yourself. Best wishes brother
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