Feeling helpless

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Hi all, it’s my first time admitting this to anybody. I have had an online slots addiction for over 10 years and am now In substantial debt on credit cards. Everytime I try to kick the habit I relapse. I’m hoping yesterday was a turning point, I have placed blocks on my card for gambling transactions and downloaded an app to stop me accessing gambling sites. I’m posting on here more to try and document my journey as I can’t tell my family as it will break them. Hopefully today is the start of my journey to quit slots and address my growing debt. 

Posted : 7th May 2024 11:22 am
Posts: 232

I feel for you. I was in your position just over a month ago. I was at complete rock bottom after many years. 50k in debt. No way out. Suicidal thoughts, total despair. I came clean to my wife. Did not end well, but I gave her access to my banking and credit file and after she looked into it my addiction was really laid bare. It made me realise how bad I was. 
I got in touch with GamCare, joined a local GA group and contacted step change to sort out my financial mess. 1 month later I have money in my account (not much, but better than none!), I hopefully have a new place to live, I’m not living behind a web of lies everyday. 
So what am I trying to say. Well, I wanted all of this, I wanted to change, I wanted out of the gambling cycle, the constant despair and stress. I wanted a normal life. It takes allot of courage and honesty ti get through the early stages and you have to really want it. This has cost me so much, but if it continued it would have cost me so much more. 
It’s great you’ve come here. Time to take control. Take all the help you can get. Lay it all bare, either to yourself, or if you can to family and/or friends, it’s your time to get on top of this before it takes you down further. 
Good luck with you journey. It can be done 💪

Posted : 7th May 2024 6:56 pm
Posts: 4
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@p6z38njbqm thanks for taking the time to reply, it’s time personally, for all my cards on the table to be honest with myself. I’m hoping the start or a long road to recovery. Day by day for a start and go from there.

This post was modified 3 months ago by djb
Posted : 7th May 2024 8:19 pm
Peer Supporter Patsy
Posts: 68

@tphuk2z0cr  DJB Good evening

That is a open and honest post in you making that decision to lay your story out. that is a great start. I hear that you have started with the blocks on your cards and blocked form sites.

Keep speaking to Gamcare and all of its resources and community. My son gambled for 9 years and although it was a painful process to watch and support. It was far better for me to have known. I encourage you to speak to a family member or good friend that can support you. You may feel that you may break them , but they are more likely to be able to see you are in pain in some way.  

We can never really do this journey alone as a gambler or affected other . So reach out by calling helpline and find out what support you can have.

Son is 17 months free of harm, hard work but so very worth it. 

Hope all goes well DJB



Posted : 9th May 2024 8:20 pm
Posts: 4
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12 days on and I’ve manged to stay strong and not give in to my triggers that draw me to the online slots. Small steps but I’m counting it as an achievement 🤞

Posted : 19th May 2024 9:09 pm
Posts: 340

Hi there.  

So you should look at this as a really big achievement 👏👏👏.  Be proud of yourself that you have taken the first hard steps to your recovery and May it continue. 🙏.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 19th May 2024 11:55 pm
Posts: 4
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After 24 days gamble free I have had a relapse today I manged to get around my card block by depositing with PayPal, the gamblers mind always finds a way. £750 down today and really disappointed with myself. Feels like I’m back at square one again unfortunately 😟


Posted : 1st June 2024 12:48 pm
Posts: 19

@tphuk2z0cr well done for holding yourself accountable and being honest with you’re relapse. Try not to ruminate in the relapse and move forward with your recovery. If there’s anyone that can manage your money close to you that could really help… something to considers

Posted : 2nd June 2024 1:58 pm

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