Grieving the loss of gambling in my life by quitting.

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Well after another attempt of quitting, tomorrow will mark my 1st week gamble free. 
I would like to say I feel good but my goodness it has been a struggle. Headache, mood swings, not fun to be around. Constantly trying to fight the urges & distract my mind. 

But I have to find a way of keeping the devil off my back, this cannot carry on for my own sanity & the future of my family. If I can nail this I am 3 years away of being debt free. I know I will always be an addict, but its a milestone I have to reach. 

At 42 I can turn my life around, I have to try to stay positive, forgot the 200k over 8 years I have lost, I can never recover those losses but I can shape my future by nailing this. 

I feel lost emotionally, the loss of the excitement of placing a football bet, the buzz of checking the odds. I am almost grieving the loss of gambling in my life. 

Come on I can do this 

Posted : 28th May 2024 9:06 pm
Posts: 38

Every day gamble free is an achievement. The journey may feel tough and I too also had off moods and struggled but after a while it went away. I focused on not giving myself the opportunity to play including switching off devices if I felt the urge to play. 

I often asked myself how much would I need to win to stop. I could win big and still end up throwing it back into a casino and losing it all...Reality was I had no limit I just wanted to play - When the balance hit 0 I'd just deposit until I had nothing left and felt horrid. 

Interestingly I never remembered the times I lost everything I only remembered the wins. I never focused on times when I went to bed shaking and emotional after losing all my money for the month. 


1 week gamble free is an achievement - Best wishes for the journey. Its achievable - I once thought I'd never be gamble free but for now I've reached that status.

Posted : 29th May 2024 9:19 pm

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