Health issues since i stopped gambling

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I started experience health issues like mild stammer when I talk to people,I become withdrawn from socialising with people and afraid of what future can hold for me.

It looks like I started suffering from PTSD for some reason and people who know me also started telling me that they do not recognise me anymore and that I changed a lot.

In negative way apparently.Stressed and worrying all the time.Dont want to let anyone into my life

When I gambled I had no visible worries people seriously thought that I was doing very well with my life and that I had no worries,because all the worries and stress I had I use to compensate it with gambling so there was nothing to show.

Mood swings I use to blame for having a bad day this or that and everyone was OK with it.

I do start worrying about my mental health not gambling as I can also tell that I am becoming someone else since I don't gamble at all for few months now.


Any advice would be welcome especially if stammer has something to do with stopping gambling completely or not

This topic was modified 5 months ago by johhnyuk
Posted : 28th May 2024 12:11 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6089

Hi @JonnyUK thank you for sharing what you are experiencing since you stopped gambling. Firstly I would like to acknowledge the strength and determination you have displayed to stop gambling so congratulations on your achievement.

I would advise that you make an appointment as soon as possible with your G.P. to discuss what you describe and if you have immediate concerns that can not wait then attend an A&E department. If you have someone you feel comfortable to share your concerns with be it a friend or family member then do let them know. As sometimes when we are not feeling our selves and going through changes we can not explain it can be overwhelming to do so alone.

I hope you will begin to feel better soon and wish you all the best for the future



Forum Admin

Posted : 28th May 2024 4:39 pm
Posts: 285

Previously when I stopped gambling I suffered from headaches and sleep issues.

It would not surprise me if you were experiencing these symptoms due to giving up gambling.

Gambling floods your brain with Dopamine and you can build up a high tolerance to it.  If you suddenly stop gambling then the brain is not getting it's fix.  It could be like someone who takes Valium on a daily basis for years suddenly stopping, they may get anxiety and other symptoms. 

But that is just an idea.  You absolutely need to book an appointment with the GP

Posted : 28th May 2024 10:05 pm
Posts: 6

Hi Johnny,

I've only stopped gambling for 2 days now, finally admitted to my wife, (as you can imagine she wasn't happy)

But the part where you talked about people not seeing your worries when you gambled hits home with me, I am finding hard to be myself (who I was when I was gambling)

And I'm worried that in the long run it will have a big impact on my social life and work life.let me know how your getting on, will be good to hear from someone that understands what I'm going through!

Posted : 30th May 2024 7:33 pm

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