I need help…. Please

6 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 3
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Hi all. I've joined here today for some help removed link I’m a mum of 5 and I’ve just found out this morning my partner has gambled away £5000 that my mum gave us for our broken car. I’m broken. I don’t know what to do. I told him last time he left us in this trouble that me and the kids would leave him and he’s done it again. I don’t know what to do. I can’t even afford to do any food shopping or anything. I’m so scared and worried 

Posted : 30th June 2024 2:15 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6016

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling right now but thank you for sharing your experience.

Please do get in touch with our live chat or via phone on 0808 8020 133 to speak to an adviser. We will be able to offer more support and the space to speak about what's going on. We are here 24/7.

For food support, there is the Trussell Trust who run a Help through Hardship helpline here https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/help-through-hardship-helpline/ - 0808 2082138

We are here for you.


Forum Admin

This post was modified 2 days ago by Forum admin
Posted : 30th June 2024 9:50 pm
Posts: 161

@tvhxjwr09e. I am really sorry that you experienced this.

Firstly don't make any sudden decisions.

Secondly stop all access to him getting money.

Third... Call gamcare on the above number.. stepchange are also Great 👍 

Please don't be scared or worried.  There are people who can help 

Posted : 30th June 2024 11:50 pm
Posts: 3
Topic starter

@forum-admin Thankyou so much

Posted : 1st July 2024 12:24 am
Posts: 3
Topic starter

@thebean thanks so much for the reply. I’m just so shocked it’s happened again. I promised myself I would leave him with my kids if he did it to me again but I just can’t leave him he needs me to help him I just don’t know what to do or say to help him

Posted : 1st July 2024 12:27 am
Posts: 344

This is awful situation to be in, is he willing to get professional help, he simply cannot be trusted with money, the only way this will work is all blocks in place handing over finance, he needs to understand he is the problem 

Posted : 1st July 2024 1:02 am

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