Hi I'm new to this site but have been a chronic gambler for 26 years now and need to stop.a bit about my history I'm a 42 year old man a now single father of 4,gambling started with me at a very young age my mum was a single mum and liked a gamble,she used to take me to these dirty smelly arcades from a very young age were I think my addiction originated,I used to bunk school and spend my dinner money in the arcades,then it progressed to spending my paper round money in the local chippie,then pub bandits to fixed betting machines,now online, I hate it and absolutely deteste gambling absolutely ruined my life as I have no savings,no,marriage,or a house of my own,iv been gambling towards that BIG WIN that never comes,over the years iv attempted suicide many times and questioned my luck in life and am living with massive regrets of what if?if I could help someone not to make the same mistake as I made at a young age it would give me some kind of comfort knowing that my mistakes have helped another person.thses days I do try to pay my Bill's first and my rent but it's not always the case but the very little money I have left after paying my Bill's I find I gamble £300-£700 per month and often find myself going 3-4 weeks broke till next payday.its a literally a killer.Â
Hello Jdall78,
Well done for joining the forum and sharing your story here.
I'm sorry that you've experienced suicidality at times. If you struggle with your mood, you could discuss this with your GP, in case you might be suffering with depression or anxiety or stress or some other issue impacting your emotional well-being. Doctors can diagnose and prescribe and refer you to more specialist help where appropriate. You might be aware of NHS services like the National Problem Gambling Clinic and the NHS Northern Gambling Service.
If you feel suicidal at any point, then a 24 hour listening service to remember is the freephone Samaritans helpline 116 123Â https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
It sounds like you've suffered with problem gambling for decades; your post doesn't specify what support or treatments you've used so far. Please call us on our freephone 0808 8020 133 so we can talk with you about the range of free treatment options and the various types of support available.
You might like to start an online diary in the 'Recovery diaries' section of the forum and to join the GamCare chatrooms if you'd like a group chat in real time.
I hope you find the forum useful, there is great peer support here.
Take care,
Thanks Adam I do suffer from stress and depression which I did see my gp about around 2 years ago on my last suicide attempt who referred me to a mental health clinic which I was too ashamed to attend, I have also tried ga meetings which I found hard to attend as the meeting time and places often clashed with work commitments,I also tried to have my pay put into someones bank account which didnt work due to the fact that they would spend it quicker than I could gamble it,I'm also going through a separation with kids involved which doesn't help but it's the debt that I'm struggling with now and want to start a road to financial recovery,how?do creditors acknowledge compulsive gamblers and if so can they help thanks.
Hello Jdall78,
Well done for seeing your GP in the past and attending GA previously. Â
It sounds like you have made some efforts to get help in the past. Now might be a new opportunity for you to get effective treatment and support.Â
I appreciate you that you feel stressed by your debt and separation. There is some information about free debt advice here: https://www.gamcare.org.uk/self-help/finance-and-debt-management/
Please call us on our freephone 0808 8020 133 or on the netline so we can have a conversation with you in real time.
Take care,
Ok thank you.
hi, when i read your post, i thought that i had written it, because it sounded just like me and my history with gambling, i feel that your story rings a bell with many people on here,Â
i too just want to stop, ive tried many times before but it is so difficult i know,
you have come to the right place,
if you need to chat, just message me,Â
Hi thanks for replying and your very kind words are appreciated,yes I wanted to share my story because if it can make one young person wake up and realise gambling is probably the worst addiction someone can get and not take the same path I did,I'm the shadow of the person i was when i was younger,money,girls,cars,confidence,looks,had it all and lost it all and after 26 years of never having a penny left in my bank account at the end of the month it's a silent killer through,stress,depression,anxiety and the feeling of nothing to live for. I have a 17 year old son who i look at and think, you dare ever gamble,and I would never want a parent to go through what iv put my parents through through this addiction thank you. Take care too.
Thank you for your kind words, I think everyone who has a gambling addiction has a similar story,but I will never give up trying to stop and I hope you like me will beat this chronic addiction and make a happier life for ourselfs.im also hear to listen now if you need a chat thank you again stay strong.
Affected by gambling?
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We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.