Last straw .

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Finally decided to own up to my addiction and told my partner about my gambling addiction she always new i gambled here and there but not to the extent i do . I lost 2400 in one night last night which is bad but luckily enough i have money in savings to cover it and the xmas presents are all bought i could have easily lost everything with my mind set last night i was just in the zone with slots and live blackjack i was glued to the tablet for hours didnt eat tea or think of anything but gambling . Ive given all cards and online banking to my partner and have bet blockers and signed up for gamblock i came out with everything to my partner the lies the sneakness . Am 29 nearly 30 being getting gradually worse in the last few years must have lost 40k plus on slots in bookies and online . Sorry for rambleing just had to get it off my chest and to kick this terrible addiction.  Merry xmas anyways 


Posted : 18th December 2021 12:46 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Good Evening @Rel 

Thank you for sharing with the forum. 

It sounds like you have taken some really positive steps to help you to manage your gambling. Putting blocks in place as well as having help to manage your finances are helpful ways to aid your recovery. Well done for opening up to your partner about what you had been going through, it often helps to share this with someone close to you. 

Have you been able to find other activities to help you manage your time, what things do you enjoy?

You are always welcome to call our helpline on 0808 802 0133 or come through on our webchat and we can go through any additional support we may be able to help you with. 

Keep posting and Welcome to the Forum!


Forum Admin

Posted : 18th December 2021 10:20 pm
Posts: 4881

HI.. and welcome to the forum... and yes from what you say, you are very much a compulsive gambler just like I am. You can't win cos you can't stop.

Great stuff on the practical measures you have taken and opening up to your partner. Just one thing to add. Registering with Gamstop for 5 years is a must. It will stop you gambling online, even if you do get a new device.

Merry Christmas

This post was modified 3 years ago by S.A
Posted : 19th December 2021 2:00 pm
Posts: 2
Topic starter

Tahnk your for your coments and support its day 2 now its not going to be ride but i no i have to change and now befor it gets to the point of no return   i dont want to be 50 with hundreds of thousands of debt no offence to anyone because ano its where i would be heading if I didnt stop. And ive sigbed up for gamstop thanks for addvice. Need to kick it befor it ruins my family . Thing is with us gamblers we always want more that win is never enough so when you win you lose and I new this for years but like the saying goes ignorance is bliss . But am glad ive come to this realisation now even thou ive a long long way to go good luck to everyone battling this addiction.  


Posted : 19th December 2021 5:00 pm

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