Why do i keep allowing myself to lose my hard earned money.ive never actually won so like am I addicted to losing then.
Don’t beat yourself up too much, it happens to everyone. I realised I gamble to escape the things that are playing on my mind and to escape for a moment.
I’ve realised I don’t play for the money, and the ensuing rage bet chasing I do is a consequence of my rational brain telling me I’ve been an idiot so go get that money back.
only when you catch a breath do you realise that even if you win you lose. So the best thing you can do is spend that money on yourself or a good deed.
The house truly always wins. Unless you stop and there’s no more competition.
good luck
Yes agreed it’s the system it works it’s way slowly into your life over years leaving you burnt out and dependent on that next fix or challenge that you actually believe you can be the one this time
Well it’s time out for good to gambling risky investment and dependency for all of us. We can beat this as a team stay one hundred percent switched on and determination will grow 🙌🏻
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