New here - Day 2 of no gambling

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Hi I just got here. Female 32. Looking for a safe space to talk to other people.
I've been gambling since I was 18. It has been a problem for about 8 years. I got clean for 18 months then relapsed again and wasted thousands of pounds. After talking to a friend at church on Thursday, I finally came clean to my husband about the missing money. He has taken away all my access to our incoming money and also taken over all responsibility of bills, debts, etc. This is both a great thing as it stops me having any ability to gamble but also an incredibly stressful thing for the same reason. I feel like a child, but I know it's necessary at the moment.

I'm struggling mostly with how to spend my time. I have spent so long basically planning my life around paydays and trying to sleep my way until the next time we got money that I have absolutely no idea what to do with my time now. I am really struggling to find any enjoyment in anything and the world seems kinda scary right now.

I also have a few mental health conditions and I feel like things are way worse today. I'm not in any immediate danger of harming myself but I need to find ways to keep myself more level asap.

So erm Hi, that's the basics of me. I hope to meet some similar people. 

Posted : 17th September 2022 12:30 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6153

Hello  EllieJay

Welcome to the Forum where you will connect with others who will share their experience, strength and hope with you.  Problem gambling is cunning, powerful and baffling and without help it is too much.

Along with the Forum we have Advisers available 24/7 to help you through your early Recovery Journey.  Please feel free to contact an Adviser on 0808 8020 133 or using our LiveChat option.  I encourage you to make contact so we can discuss the best way forward for you.

In the meantime, please continue sharing here on our Forum.  You have taken such a positive step reaching out - you can get through this One Dat at A Time.







Posted : 17th September 2022 3:47 am
Posts: 11

Hi Elliejay I’m in a similar situation been gambling since age of 14 fruit machines now 52 stopped 7 weeks ago you say that you don’t know what to do with your free time I’ve found going out for walks and things we used to do as I neglected things especially simply things like family and friends and that’s important to be around people hope that helps also they’re is an app you can put on phone or similar devices that counts the days gamble free great watching days mount up hope that helps

Posted : 17th September 2022 9:18 am
Posts: 5
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@carly1holly2 Thanks so much for your reply. I might start taking more walks and getting out of the house a bit. My husband loves going out but for many years I've hated it so I'm sure he would be happy to accompany me on some nature trails. Thanks for the idea! Oh an app that counts the days would be awesome!

Posted : 17th September 2022 7:51 pm
Posts: 11

@elliejay it’s been really helpful for me honestly just going for a walk you bump into people just saying morning to people when you’re out great and you start to notice that you see things in a different way we neglect the simple things that don’t even cost money app has really helped me because  it’s reminder of where I never want to go back to take care chat room is also good on here you’ll get lot’s of tips chatting to other people in similar situations 

Posted : 17th September 2022 10:18 pm
Posts: 38

Hi, I am in a similar boat. I am 34 and female. I have gambled since I was 21. For me it was a form of escapism from reality. I too am struggling with how to fill my time. I have started to write a diary, this not only helps to pass time but I feel like its a kind of therapy, it really helps. I've also joined a gym and made a few cakes. I am trying to relearn what 'fun' is without gambling. It is not easy. Gambling took up so much of my time I have forgotten who I am. Don't feel like you need to answer this but are you on medication? I went to the doctors to try and get the ball rolling so I can try and sort of my depression, which I think I have had for many years. I thought I was functioning. I was able to hold down a job, but inside I think I have just been drowning for a long time. I hope you can find something to bring some comfort, I get what you mean about finding joy in nothing, but I think you have to keep trying new things and hopefully one will help fill the void. - Please take care of yourself and be kind xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 20th September 2022 8:11 pm
Posts: 5
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@ae20 Hey thanks for your reply. It's nice to find someone of a similar age in a similar point as me. I'm actually also going to be joining the gym in a week or two and I love to bake xD I'm currently trying to learn to crochet because my neighbour does it so she's teaching me. And starting to learn guitar. Basically anything to keep myself busy!
I'm on Quetiapine (a.k.a seroquel) and Venlafaxine, which I've been on for many years due to my BPD and PTSD. I feel like I've kind of stagnated in terms of medication effectiveness though so I'm probably going to contact my GP for some extra support. 

Everything seems... boring? you know. Like since it doesn't give me that "buzz" it's just... meh. Idk how to explain but I'm sure you understand what I mean. 

Posted : 21st September 2022 1:56 am
Posts: 36

Hi Elle,

First of all well done for opening up and telling your husband. I know how hard that is as 9 months ago I told my wife. The fear of doing so nearly drove me to suicide. 

I am also going through some legal issues which doesnt help staying sober but ive done it. 

Make sure you have registered with GamStop. I done the 5 year self exclusion. 

Downlaod GamBan on all your devices in the home and even on your cloest friends and family. 

Block you card from using gambling transactions. 

Honestly you can get through this. 

I never thought it was possible and to be honest the temptation will always be there. 

Best advice is to be honest with how your feeling and I would recommend keeping a journal. One of the things my cousellor recommended 


Good luck and keep us posted

Posted : 21st September 2022 12:21 pm
Posts: 5
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@nlynch91148 It made me feel suicidal too. Like I just couldn't face it at all for the fear of how everything would change. Sounds like you're doing great, stay strong <3 

Posted : 1st October 2022 3:46 am
Posts: 6

Hi I feel the same, I have recently stopped as I could see the hole I was digging for myself, luckily I haven't got into debt but I have been spending all my spare cash on slots. I was doing it to try and make some extra cash and it's just done the opposite. I'm trying to fill my time doing other things to make money, I'm trying to sell things we don't need, clothes the kids have grown out of etc on Vinted and do online quizes mainly Prolific Academic. I enjoyed gambling and it was exciting when I was winning but then it's never enough and I would just bet any winnings plus more if I had it and I thought this is an expensive form of entertainment! It's really not worth the cost I don't think we'd spend it on any other hobby but somehow it draws you in and makes you spend money you would never normally do. 

Posted : 1st October 2022 7:30 pm

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