Roulette and FOBT roulette addiction

6 Posts
6 Users
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Hi, so tired of gambling, so sick of numbers in my head. I must STOP, FULL STOP!

My mind is so hooked on roulette, I really need to stop the wheel from leaving carnage everywhere in my life!

Today has been the last time, realising the total futility of trying to win against a machine, really dumb of me!

Tomorrow is Day ONE of my recovery..

Blackpool Gambler

Posted : 12th August 2024 11:48 pm
Posts: 17

o*g! ‘Blackpool Gmabler’ you totally have got this!! Keep at it, we are all in this together, even though we don’t know each other, we have a common understanding of what the feeling and dread is. Jump onto the forum and express your feelings as soon as the urge creeps in! It has helped me. You should be proud of yourself for making this decision to switch things around. You are in control now! Let’s go 🙏🏼

Posted : 13th August 2024 10:12 am
Posts: 39

Yep ball bouncing on a spinning wheel for the sake of your sanity unreal isn’t it but see it for what it is if someone asked you to throw 10 Pound notes on a spinning wheel would you no but that’s all it is throwing it away it’s not the game it’s us we just want the rush the game is irrelevant you can do this for sure 👍 

Posted : 14th August 2024 9:09 am
Peer Supporter Patsy
Posts: 82

Afternoon @bear55


Thank-you for your honest post. My son gambled on roulette for 9 years with him loosing thousands and thousands and spiralling mental health.

Seen the misey it's causes. There is no winning at all. Just spin and then pain..chasing the feeling that really never comes .

Keep focused. Seek help when vulnerable , know your trigger moments  and keep open to support . Gamcare community are here in all forms 

There is life after roulette,  so you can crack this. Son 18 months free and seeing life and living it. 

Go for your dreams and where there is help there is hope 



Online Peer Supporter 

Posted : 14th August 2024 3:11 pm
Posts: 6

You’re not dumb, gambling is insidious, and those machines are designed to manipulate people, They offer false hope. 
I know of one person who when giving up gambling, decided to get one of those body scan weighing scales, gives you crazy detail like bone mass etc, that was his new routine. Weighing himself every day, looking at the change in trends daily. 

Posted : 15th August 2024 12:01 am
Posts: 15


im from Blackpool myself and I’ve been 20 days gamble free this is 21 it’s hard being in a seaside area I understand trust me I’m more bookmakers where I gamble but I no ur pain and seen people lose every thing u r strong and my best advice would b self exclude urself from all arcades and book makers and u will feel so much better 

any time u want a chat msg away go in chats we all here to help and that 


Posted : 15th August 2024 11:59 am

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