The Chase feeling

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Posts: 17
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Winning big can be the worse thing for a gambler now I know I one big and lost it all is the sickening part which always tells my mind to try and get it back as quick as possible I am not trying to go into 2023 gambling have to put a stop to this before it gets worse then what it is 

Posted : 27th November 2022 2:03 pm
Posts: 195

A small loss can be bad too. The first time I ever went to a casino I lost £80, I went back the next day to win that money back and last more; a year later I was in £22k in debt. I wished I stopped at that £80. However to your pont, I believe if my first ever visit to the casino resulted in a small £80 will I believe I would have gone back to win more and ended up losing it all and chasing the loss. It's a horrible circle you can't win. 

All the best for 2023!

Posted : 27th November 2022 4:37 pm
Posts: 607

If you took away the money from this you would just have the behaviour and the feeling. And it is all about the behaviour and the feeling. Money is just the lie. Your brain tells you tricks that if you just play this or that time you will turn it around until IT has turned you around yet again and then you start doing the same process all over again.

If you get out of bed the same side and at the same time as the day before. You go to work to get the same wage and you go to the same shop and then later you do the same gambling as any other day of the week. Have you changed anything?

Real change will come when you stop chasing losses because chasing losses just another excuse to keep on gambling. Many small changes makes bigger ones down the road so start small.

I wish you well!



Posted : 27th November 2022 6:32 pm
Posts: 1862


Often refered to as the feeling of the buzz or the high.

This for me was the adrenaline rush.

And the the adrenaline rush was due to my fears.

And my fears were trying to escape.

People have given teh comment that the adrenaline rush made us feel a live.

Once I was able to abstain from my addictions I would often take risks were not healthy for me.

By escaping to my addictions I am not healing my pains.

By escaping to my addictions I am not facing my fears.

By escaping to my addictions I am not fullfilling my needs my wants or my goals.

Once I justify lying the fear grew in me more and more.

The recovery program was about healing the hurt inner child in me.

Saying I am fine or not so bad was me lying to myself.

First in recovery comes abstaining.

Only once I was able to asbtain from unhealthy habits I took up healthy habits.

Now in my recovery I am humbled to be equal to all people in recovery.

Love and peace to every one.

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham

Posted : 27th November 2022 6:42 pm
Posts: 1

My name is Brittany and I’m a gambling addict. It started at casinos every once in a while now it has moved to Lucky Land slots. One big win and I keep thinking I’ll win big again. So I keep spending money over and over again and now I spent my car payment money and made my account go negative. Finally told my husband this morning but now what the heck do we do? The account is negative and gonna keep getting $105 in fees every day. Our Diary next week will be gone and can’t even pay the bills. I have even more stress now so why does gambling keep happening? Why did I do it in the first place? My husband says I don’t know how you keep spending even when you don’t have the money. That’s what a gambler addict does but why I still don’t understand it myself.

Posted : 27th November 2022 7:24 pm
Posts: 68

Today i won then spent all that then when that went spent my own money now i feel sick

Posted : 27th November 2022 9:34 pm

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