2015 Challenge

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**This weeks update is on page 45, check in is now open until midnight Saturday 4th July**

Welcome to the 2015 Challenge!

This thread is open to everyone, I hope it will become somewhere that helps and inspires a large group of people to take that next step in their recovery process. We start the year in different places, some of us may have abstained from gambling for a matter of minutes, others may have gone much much longer! The aim of the challenge is simple, we are going to go a full calendar year without a bet. Or the remainder of 2015 if you are joining part of the way through.

I hope that as a group we can fill this thread with positivity and some amazing stories along the way. A place where friendships are bonded, coping mechanisms are discussed, we can offload when we need to and of course we will have plenty of milestones to celebrate along the way.

For anyone new to this, there was a 2014 thread which was superbly run by Mr Brightside. The 2014 challenge really changed peoples lives for the better! This year I have offered to run the challenge, I have big boots to step into! I'm going to stick to a similar format, but if anyone ever has any new ideas or suggestions feel free to make them.

How the challenge works

Firstly, if you would like to join then all you need to do is make a post. In this post introduce yourself, tell us about your journey so far, what form of gambling you have had a problem with and how many days you have been free of gambling for. I will then invite you to make another post checking yourself in for the week. You will then be added to the challenge and introduced in the weekly update.

Secondly, once you have joined then to stay a part of the challenge you need to make a check in post once a week before midnight on a Saturday night. Let us know how recovery is going and how many days you are on. If you ever miss a check in you will be removed from the update list but free to rejoin at any time.

Thirdly, I will update the forum every Sunday morning with a list of all the active members and how many days each of you has accrued. I will run through all the milestones that have been achieved or are due to be achieved the following week. I will try to keep the updates fresh and interesting so that members look forward to the Sunday update.

Finally, use this thread to develop bonds and work together as a team to make life changing decisions in 2015. There may be times we are tempted or feeling low, if so this is the place to be. Tell the group how you are feeling and I'm sure there will be plenty of advice and support out there. The low times will go and being part of this challenge will allow you to have many more highs than lows, especially as the months go by!

Here is to a gamble free 2015, good luck everyone!


[email protected]

2015 Members

  • happy days checked in
  • SuzyLemon checked in
  • mrbrightside
  • triangle checked in
  • Better life
  • Del79 checked in
  • Mo
  • I Wished checked in
  • Bornagain
  • gingermotty checked in
  • Glads Dad
  • delboygolf checked in
  • Jm24
  • sonic boom
  • Greggsboy checked in
  • pellekanin
  • matty21
  • Garyl1976
  • insanity checked in
  • Taxi man
  • scotty 1971
  • brutus123C checked in
  • MrStop checked in
  • shep
  • mrdaniel1
  • tt1980 missing soldier
  • Freshman247
  • cloud missing soldier
  • LK89 checked in
  • chartom3
  • J33
  • SierraJuliet checked in
  • paul1001
  • barryt27 checked in
  • beckyc290
  • Stephen2105 missing soldier
  • John64 checked in
  • Dazz1982
  • Balvaird
  • brightfuture
  • A86N checked in
  • boxingdaysmay15
  • andy14
  • Casey checked in
  • mba checked in
  • skittkes
  • Clivespate
  • GT
  • OneMoreDayLesMis
  • Gerry8 checked in
  • junebug1981 missing soldier
  • Lemon25
  • Thegerman checked in
  • Alannah checked in

Posted : 22nd December 2014 12:00 am
Posts: 1143
Topic starter

Hi I'm Phil and I'm a compulsive gambler. My main problem area is betting in a bookmakers on horses and dogs. I'm 34 and since the age of 16 I have pretty much spent all my wages in a bookmakers. Payday comes and I would take a week or a months pay and gamble non stop until the bookies close or I lose all my money. On the odd occasions that I win I would be back the following morning and for the last 18 years I don't think my wages have ever lasted more than 2 days. I can't ever win because I can't stop. This time last year I joined the 2014 challenge and I turned my life around, I went on my longest run since I was 16 without a bet. I however became complacent and the urges became stronger until I lost the plot and I started gambling again. I can now say I'm on day 22 without a bet and feeling much more positive.

Gambling has destroyed my life, I live a lonely existance with very few friends and many horror stories to tell. I however feel I have learnt a lot from the past 12 months and I feel better prepared for a much better 2015. What worked for me this time last year was avoiding reading anything gambling related, avoiding checking out odds, self excusion and most importantly giving my mum my bank card. As the months went by my mum trusted me more and more and when the urges grew I was easily able to decieve her and get money to gamble with. My last day in a bookies was over three weeks ago and I went from having 1600 in my wallet to nothing in barely more than an hour. I left the bookies a broken man, feeling numb and seeing no value in my life. I now feel different, I have started seeing a Gamcare counsellor, I can see the error of my ways and I'm determined to become a better person in 2015.

I'm currently single and live with my parents. I work full time and I'm a passionate sports fan. I love nothing more than going to a world class sports event and have a long to do list. Having destroyed so many previous relationships because of my gambling I am having a break until I feel I'm in a better place. My aims for 2015 are to become a happier person, buy a car and go to the States in September. These will be achieved by sticking to the challenge and not gambling.

I have many flaws, but I'm going to put my all into this challenge both personally and also in my duties of running the challenge and doing the weekly updates.

I'm Phil a compulsive gambler and I'm signing up to the 2015 challenge because this is the year I reclaim my life!

Posted : 22nd December 2014 12:31 am
Posts: 0

Hello Phil,

I would like to be a member of the 2015 challenge that you have kindly offered to run. I haven't had a bet since 13th Dec 2013, and I wish to try and remain gamble free for 2015. The previous challenge helped me significantly in my recovery and I would recommend it to any gambling addict that wants to try to abstain.

Well done for stepping into Tony's shoes and you have my full support on this challenge, for us all to have a gamble free life.

Have a great Christmas and New Year.


Posted : 22nd December 2014 3:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi Phil,

Thanks for organising the 2015 Challenge. I would like to join. I am gamble free for 193 days.

Online slots, online bingo, poker machines and horse racing took all my free time and money until I joined this site last June. Reading the diaries showed me I wasn't the only one caught up in a secret life of hiding bank statements full of gambling transactions. My life is nice and calm now and I love this forum.


Posted : 22nd December 2014 9:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi everyone,I too would like to join the challenge,I am currently on day 4.My story is similar to most,started in my teens in the slots,playing 4 pound jackpots,progressing to the fobts,I always convinced myself I couldn't be addicted as I sometimes went weeks without gambling,but looking back,I now realise that everyday I wasn't gambling I had one of the key elements remo ved,either I had no money left or I was too busy or I had nowhere to gamble.Amazingly I have managed to keep my home and my family and for that I am thankful,however,I know that only by total abstinence will I ever regain control,in just a few short days I have realised just how much good can come of coming on the forum and sharing your feelings with like minded people.Wishing everyone good luck into 2015!

Posted : 22nd December 2014 10:59 am
Posts: 0

Morning 2015 troops!!

Well this is a weird feeling.......but a brilliant one!! What a great front page Phil - not sure about filling the boots - yours are already tight fitting mate. Please count me in for the 2015 Challenge - and for info Mo, I'm going nowhere! Really excited about watching this Challenge take the 2014 one to a whole new level and Phil, when September 2015 comes and you find yourself on that dream holiday in the US then I would be honored to deputise in your absence.

I am Mr Brightside, 42 years old and have been gamble free since 8th December 2013. Football bets, FOBTs and online slots were the gambling areas that I leaned towards........but no more. I'm not complacent and realise that a big crutch to my recovery will be this forum and even more so the people who write on these pages.

Cant wait to continue this journey with the old and the new.........we've got a better chance together.

Have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.........let's make 2015 a great gamble free year.

Thanks so much Phil for taking on the responsibility for this Challenge - you're making a difference already.

Mr Brightside

Posted : 22nd December 2014 11:05 am
Posts: 0

Hi, my name is John and I've just joined the site. I've look at a lot of posts with great advice and this challenge seems a great idea. I've gambled for a long as I can remember. From throwing 10ps up against the kerb with my mates as a kid to wasting thousands in the bookies and online. I want a gambling free life to get the person I use to be back. I've not gambled for 2 days. Like others have said it can only help working together.

Posted : 22nd December 2014 12:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Phil respect to you for running the challenge! I'd like to join in with the challenge, your story sounds remarkably similar to mine even the trip to the states you have planned I travelled september just gone for four weeks unfortunately I was still gambling then but wouldn't it be great when you make it to next september and can reflect on how much you have achieved when you get to that point!

I too am a compulsive gambler, I absolutely love sports so would bet on football, horse racing, dogs tennis, cats co ck roaches, pigeons, anything haha and my number one nemesis was the roulette. chasing, winning, losing, winning and of course losing until everything had gone. Like youI have many horror stories. Relationships have suffered, i'm in debt, my self esteem was badly bruised and i've been on and off the 2014 challenge throughout the year.

My last bet however was in November on the 13th I had reached rock bottom, i was sick and tired of being sick and tired! of sleepless nights, debt, hiding things, destroying relationship with my parents, being distracted from the things i love like my job, my final year of uni, girlfriend, playing football, going running so i broke down and told my parents enough was enough, I self excluded from all bookies which i feel was my biggest problem, i closed online accounts not that I really used them, i destroyed all my bank cards and handed all my finances over to my parents.

Bit by bit i'm rebuilding my life it's still a long process to get to the person I want to be but i'm on the right track...Today is day 40 without a bet and i'd love to do a full year without gambling and be a part of the challenge so you have my support and I hope we can all achieve this together.

Merry Christmas one and all let's smash gambling out the park!!

Posted : 22nd December 2014 1:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Phil, thankyou for setting this up for 2015, its sounds like a fab idea and something for us to concentrate our minds on rather than the gambling.

I am an escape compulsive gambler, I have just joined gamcare recently and I am on Day 1. I am completely addicted to the online slots only, I say 'only' but they have ruined me, financially and emotionally to the point I dont know who I am anymore!

Looking forward to 2015 to being gamble free, I want to rebuild my life and be happy again.

Good luck everyone and merry xmas! bring on 2015...LETS DO THIS!!!

Posted : 22nd December 2014 3:09 pm
Posts: 3239

Hello Phil

Id like to continue my journey on the 2015 Challenge please

I'm up to 284 days today gamble free but that's not the whole story. Like Glad's dad was saying on the 2014 jorney I've stopped before and gambling has found its way back into my life. As much as gambling sneaks back into the shadows it doesn't appear to disappear for some.

My gambling was all total. I'd say my gambling was roulette, bingo and slots, but if I couldn't get on them i'd find a way to gamble some how.

I use a lot of strategies to stay stopped - i'm here almost daily, i have counselling and i go to GA and I share my life, worries and fears with friends and family.

Thanks for stepping up Phil


Posted : 22nd December 2014 5:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Phil,

I'd really like to join your 2015 challenge and thanks for the invitation.

By way of introduction my name is Andy I am 37 years old and I am a pathological gambler.

I've been gambling most of my adult life really, starting with fruit machines and ending up where I am now addicted to pretty much anything I can bet on. In recent years I moved to NZ as a fairly happy young chap intent on exploring the world and seeing what down under had to offer. In a short space of time my addiction became very strong, and I was spending most of my free time (and work time) disappearing to place bets on horses dogs etc. Rather than confronting my problem, I decided to run away from it and return to the UK thinking this was going to solver matters. My condition has worsened to the point where last Friday (18/12/2014) I had a frenzied gambling session before work and lost my entire salary for the month. This is in addition to being almost 30k in debt. I'd like to say it is one form of gambling I'm addicted to, but I'd bet on about anything that moves. The FOBT machines for me are the worst because there are so many and so easy to access.

Ive spent time with my family over the last few days and told them everything. I've also contacted the problem gambling clinic and will be attending GA as much ad I can. I'm really looking forward to the challenge with positivity and the chance to help others with the same issues.

again thanks for the invite.


Posted : 22nd December 2014 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

Evening all,

after a long week of thinking and reading glads dad post on the 2014 challenge I have decided I would rather have the support of all you lovely people on a daily weekly yearly basis. We never know when the bee will sting and to find myself lost with nowhere to turn is not a place I would want to put myself in. In gambling free terms I am merely a baby and like any baby I need the chance to grow and that can only be done with others support.

My name is Derek, 35 years of age and have not gambled since 12th August 2013. My nemesis was the high at bookmaker and would like to emphasise WAS. Phil I look forward to the coming year stepping beside you flying the flag of recovery and we will be strong in numbers.

can I ask we all say a prayer tonight for all affected in the tragic accident in my hometown of Glasgow. Life is short so hold those dearest a little closer tonight.

del 🙂

Posted : 22nd December 2014 10:57 pm
Posts: 0

Great post Del and so glad that you'll be with us.

Prayers are being said mate. Just horrendous and a true tragedy. Hope yours are all ok.

Mr B

Posted : 22nd December 2014 11:19 pm
Posts: 1143
Topic starter

Not long been in from work and I have to say I'm absolutely delighted to see so many members already signed up to the challenge. Welcome to you all and I look forward to the progress we will all make as a group. Don't hesitate to post on the challenge anytime you need to and there will always be someone here to support you along the way. I'm really excited about what 2015 will bring and looking forward to celebrating all the milestones that we achieve along the way. Its brilliant to see new members alongside existing members from the 2014 challenge.

On a sadder note I wasn't aware of the tragic accident in Glasgow until now. The timing is just so cruel. Sending all my thoughts and prayers to anyone affected by this.


Posted : 23rd December 2014 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Phil

I would like to join the 2015 challenge and hope everyone can help each be strong to help us day by day. I'll post more later as been a very sad day with the tragedy in Glasgow.

Be strong everyone.


Posted : 23rd December 2014 3:17 am
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