2015 Challenge

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Checking in Day 189.

Posted : 29th November 2015 3:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi guys. I've missed the last 2 weeks check ins as I've been away but I'm here checking in on day 302! I'm nearly there. Passed the 300 day mark and I'm not even tempted to gamble and rarely think of it! Keep strong guys

Posted : 30th November 2015 1:36 am
Posts: 921

Good Morning All !

Just echoing the words of Suzanne - it matters not how many days since we last gambled. What matters is your outlook today ... And if for today, you choose not to gamble, that's the best choice you can every make for your own and your family's health, wealth and well being.

Having said that, it's still lovely to celebrate our mile stones together ! Congrats to mrdaniel1 hitting 300 days ... And I have reached the 200 days mark TODAY!

At the start of the year, this didn't seem possible, but making the choice not to gamble each day has delivered me happiness and I think 2015 has been a very good year for me and my family. I know this is largely down to quitting gambling and I never want to go back !!

Best wishes to you all this week 🙂

Posted : 30th November 2015 8:49 am
Posts: 390

Hi all,

Welcome to Russ..hope you find the abstinence, help and support you are looking for. It may sound selfish, but seeing the pain newcomers are in keeps me extra vigilant and on guard.

Congrats to the milestoners this week - as has been pointed out, every day gamble free is a bonus but it's nice to recognise special days. Glads Dad (1 year), BoxingDaysMay15 (200 days today) and little me getting through 600 days.

  • happy days - 716
  • triangle - 626
  • delboygolf - 619
  • Garyl1976 - 605
  • I Wished - 580
  • SuzyLemon - 535
  • Glads Dad - 371
  • LestWeForget - 336
  • MrStop - 316
  • mrdaniel1 - 301
  • Balvaird - 230
  • Casey - 224
  • boxingdaysmay15 - 199
  • andy14 - 189
  • The Ghost - 126
  • brutus123c - 94
  • Lemon25 - 44
  • John64 - 25
  • ergos - 24
  • WillDo79 - 5
  • Never_give_up - 4

I'm going great, was able to go to a swish restaurant and bar and treat the wife this weekend...this never used to happen with having to beg, steal or borrow money. I'm forever thankful to both GA and these forums for offering the hand of friendship when I needed it most.

Some quick sums - total abstinence across the 21 people checked in is 6169 days (getting close to 17 years). Staying in touch and close to like minded individuals does work.

Have a good week everyone.

Posted : 30th November 2015 9:15 am
Posts: 300

Checking in on day 26, have a great week guys

Posted : 1st December 2015 11:37 am
Posts: 0

Check in day 233

Posted : 2nd December 2015 9:51 am
Posts: 0

Late check in for last week/early for this week!! Either ways I'm up to 103 days!!

Posted : 2nd December 2015 4:19 pm
Posts: 0

Checking in today, another day gamble free, another day of facing life's problems head on rather than hiding gambling away my future. Stay strong everyone we can beat this one minute at a time xxx

Posted : 3rd December 2015 9:00 pm
Posts: 0

Day 539 - Checking in.

Don't get lured into playing slots. No one ever wins. They all put it back in and a lot more with it. A win is only a temporary loan and prolongs the moment of the "walk of shame". You haven't won and never will. It is easier not to start at all than it is to try to stop. Forget all the intentions of limiting time or money. It all ends the same way, Watch out for those offers of free spins & run in the opposite direction. They are designed to snare you in. Remember we cannot win because we cannot stop. Suzy

Posted : 3rd December 2015 10:40 pm
Posts: 0

Evening everyone,

Checking in to report a gamble free week. No urges or thoughts to place a bet which is good. Have a great weekend.


Posted : 4th December 2015 10:10 pm
Posts: 0

Checking in on day 132. Still gamble free! 🙂

Posted : 5th December 2015 9:07 am
Posts: 0

Checking in day 307! Passed the 10 month point this week and heading towards the 2nd Feb for my one year point. A year since I lost all of money and couldn't afford my bills for the month. A year since I was 20k in debt. Now I have 5k debt on 0%interest.. I've just spent £900 on a new bathroom and have bought the majority of this years Christmas presents with plenty of cash to spare.

You do not win with gambling. Little peaks before a big drop. So glad I've managed to overcome the addiction!

Stay strong

Posted : 5th December 2015 10:30 am
Posts: 0

Day 100
Missed last week sorry,
Feeling positive but keeping my wits about me not to allow this demon back into my life
Cheryl x

Posted : 5th December 2015 12:35 pm
Posts: 3239

SuzyLemon wrote:

Day 539 - Checking in.

Don't get lured into playing slots. No one ever wins. They all put it back in and a lot more with it. A win is only a temporary loan and prolongs the moment of the "walk of shame". You haven't won and never will. It is easier not to start at all than it is to try to stop. Forget all the intentions of limiting time or money. It all ends the same way, Watch out for those offers of free spins & run in the opposite direction. They are designed to snare you in. Remember we cannot win because we cannot stop. Suzy

True for all gambling in my book.

Checking in gamble free this week


Posted : 5th December 2015 5:58 pm
Posts: 0

Reset my Days to Zero.

Yes a big fat 0.

Didn't take my own advice and got lured back into slots. Stunned by how much effort I could go to open a new account. Was happy enough to play bingo but the slots were "winking" at me. Ha! What a joke! Self excluded & more determined than ever that I won't ever be tempted again.

Honesty. That's what I learned in over 500 days gamble free. Tell the truth. I could leave my counter & no one would know. But that will feed the addiction. My head is splitting from staring at slots, my credit card balance is bruised but I have owned up & can move forward with a clear conscience.

.My counter is reset & I will learn from this episode & know that ALL forms of gambling will cause me to self-destruct. Suzy

Posted : 5th December 2015 8:51 pm
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