38 days and feeling positive

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So today I'm 38 days gamble free! I'm feeling positive and haven't had a single slip I'm always aware of it tho. I don't even buy scratchcards any more, I have to come on this site and remind myself everyday that the addiction is still here it's always going to be here but I'm so determined to beat this awful addiction.

Posted : 4th December 2016 10:08 am
Posts: 0

Thats why i think we all come here! I came on here tonight because i started to have urges, such a horrible disease. Ive been 4 weeks without gambling but i can do that, but when i gamble its usually massive so i gotta keep in control, i hope you do too!!

Posted : 4th December 2016 8:55 pm
Posts: 0

I just wanted to say well done mate. And keep going strong. Your posts feel similar to me. But...I just blew 1500 quid on online slots. I feel devastated right now. I just want to say to you - Keep that URGE of temptation away. I had been gamble free for two months. The urges had become less. Had addiction counselling for 12weeks. I thought I wouldn't do it. But big Urge hit me and I didn't practice restraints that I'd talked about in one-one counselling. Square one. Keep going as You know you don't want that (this) god awful feeling, when you blow away money like this. And what it does to the soul. I'm going to start again, but be aware that I have to be stronger next time.

Good luck

Posted : 5th December 2016 1:31 pm
Posts: 11
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Keep going timeline1 like yourself when I go I go! It's never 20 or 30 pound it's always 500 or 1000 and it's always money I don't have that I then have to borrow to pay bills and take me about 6 months or more to get back on track! This is the most awful addiction I didn't even see it sneak up on me but I'm so stubborn and determined to stop I have my priorities straight now....can I say that I will never gamble again unfortunately I can't but I'm on here everyday to keep reminding myself what will happen if I even have 1 little slip...good luck guys and girls here's to a gamble free new year

Posted : 6th December 2016 11:11 am
Posts: 0

Thanks Purple29. Yes. It's a real binge when we slip up, 1500 quid in probably no more than 1.5hrs is ridiculous. Though my mind keeps trying to rationalise it I do feel that need to chase. Though been here before so I know I can't. Stupid loss of money just before xmas. Anyway... at least I stopped when I did, and use it as experience I guess. That urge is almost like the boogie monster hiding somewhere in the not to distant future. I know it's going to try and strike but DEFEAT it.
Have a positive Xmas and new year without gambling also.

Best wishes to you, and all.

Posted : 8th December 2016 10:41 am

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