7 days

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Ok so I've gone 7 days without a bet.. My last bet was on the 20th where as what has been the case so many times I was let down by "1" goal on a bet that would of cleared my credit card and paid for Xmas. anyways I'm really craving a bet now which is stupid seeing as my girlfriend has already told me if I bet I'm out the door and my mum (after putting 7 grand debt on her house over my betting) has said she'll disown me. But I still have the urge..any tips/advice?

Posted : 27th December 2014 8:03 pm
Posts: 127

I So wanna play the slots right now all I keep thinking is what difference will another 50 quid makew when i Am in so much mess ,and I might win ... But remember the feeling when you only have one more spin and you are saying to yourself oh please don't let it be my last , afterwards wishing you had walked away with the 200 you had before you blew the lot ...I hate that feeling loosing when you have won ...its worse than winning nothing ......

Here's a thought my sister is a district manager for a very big bookmakers her bonus this year is £9000 pounds ...that is what she will receive after tax ....she is going to buy herself a designer handbag ... I paid for that bag ...it would be funny if it wasn't so tradgic..she tells me that in the shops where she works they take approx 1000 pounds an hour in a slot machine ...she would kill me if she knew I gamble.....no poor bookies as they say.....:-) chin up

Posted : 27th December 2014 8:35 pm
Posts: 0

It's hard to advise people as everyone has their motivations and attitudes towards gambling. All I will say is though is how ridiculous the whole thing is really. We are putting everyone and everything on the line just to feed our lousy addiction. Do you want to place that bet more than you want your girlfriend to stay and your mum not to disown you? Think about it. Do you want to unleash hell on yourself?

Break the habit and stick two fingers up at gambling once and for all.

Posted : 27th December 2014 9:44 pm
Posts: 0

Do something, anything, whatever it takes until the urges pass...Go for a walk (it's freezing), read threads on here, phone a friend, it really doesn't matter what just as long as it lasts long enough to fight off the urges!

7 days is amazing, you have an awful lot to lose going back to day 1! You can fight them - ODAAT

Posted : 27th December 2014 11:08 pm
Posts: 0

Also, don't pine over the bet that "would have paid your credit card and for xmas".

Let's be honest, you would have spent it on gambling exactly as I would have done too.

Posted : 28th December 2014 12:50 am
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I'm back again. Day 1 is about all I can manage atm. I'm sure my story will spill out slowly the more days I spend away from this curse!!..

Posted : 29th July 2016 10:51 pm

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