Another win! Help

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Two weeks ago I won £4000 on fobts, I was anxious, couldn't sleep, restless until I spent 8 hours the next day losing it all which I felt 'normal' again. What is wrong with me !?!

Yesterday I won 3x that amount and waiting for it to hit my bank account ..... Can't sleep same issues...

i hate this 🙁

Posted : 29th October 2015 5:14 pm
Posts: 0

I don't sleep much, wake up thinking about debt and gambling, started smoking again. It's not normal its a problem. It's escapism for me but only while I'm in it. I guess like any drug when it stops you come down. I hate it , think we need help, NO i know we need help. Things that aren't good now only get worse unless there's a change.

Posted : 29th October 2015 10:19 pm
Posts: 0

T T - like you I am just starting out on my quest never to gamble again, although I started at your age and have been trying for 10 years. I have been successful for long periods but fallen back into the evil arms of gambling, mainly down to my own nativity and arrogance thinking I could do it myself. Help is the best thing for this sickness and I wish I had learnt that long ago.

Another compulsive gambler and friend told me the other day that the 'big win' is the biggest enemy we as compulsive gamblers have. Another thing she said that really left an impression on me was 'stop chasing the win, no ones life is going to change when it comes!' It made me think how true those words are, no matter how much we believe we can make our millions...will it ultimately make us stop and be happy?

i am the last person to give you advice but I really hope you decide to get out now and seek help to do so! Everyone on here is routing for you...

Posted : 29th October 2015 10:19 pm

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