Back where I started again.

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Not been on for a long time, thought I was doing ok but I was wrong. 

It started in February with a trip to the casino with a friend. I’d built up my finances so had a bet and came away winnings but thinking I was now in control. Then started a once a month trip to the bookies but again I thought I was in control. I actually thought I was a normal person again, I applied for a new debit card and this meant I was able to open an online gambling account my nightmare began. 

Last night the last of my money went and this morning I realised that despite antidepressants and anxiety medication I’m never going to be a normal person. Self excluded now and the card has been shredded but I don’t really know how to carry on. Not sure I want to go through this yet again. Why can’t I just be like everyone else, why do I have to self destruct like this. 

I now have no money, bills to pay and nowhere and nobody to turn to.  So fed up with this stupid life I have made for myself. 

Feel at a new low and that’s saying something with how low I’ve been in the past. If I’m lucky I’ll get hit by a bus tomorrow that would be an improvement on this. 

Posted : 19th May 2019 7:00 pm
Posts: 118
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Thanks for replying, people here have been helpful before. This time it does feel different but not in a particularly good way. I just don’t want to go through it again, pathetic really it’s my mess i should sort it out. 

Working a night shift at the moment but I just want to go home and get in bed and stay there. Failed too many times, can’t see a way forward. 

Maybe in a few days I’ll feel differently who can tell. I suppose things could be worse, I have a job and payday isn’t far away.

Everything just seems hopeless and pointless at the moment. 

Posted : 19th May 2019 8:12 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6173

Dear Daz71,

Really sorry to hear of the stress you’re under and how low you’re feeling at the moment. 
Please get in touch with us on our Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or the Netline here to talk to an adviser 1-2-1 and discuss the further support and treatment options available to you.
Well done for continuing to post here.
Wishing you all the very best,
Forum Admin

Posted : 19th May 2019 8:15 pm
Posts: 0

I'm new to the site and this is my first post.

You are not alone in feeling like this I expect the fact any of us even being on this website are desperate for a quick solution. The quickest solution is stay away from temptation  know you cannot go near any gambling sites and accept   it. Take one day at a time, stay gamble free one day at a time  paydays come around again and again and you will be fine.

When you are feeling your lowest  the only way has to be up. 

Posted : 19th May 2019 8:27 pm
Posts: 305

Don’t let this beat you Daz.

Yes, it’s tough at first, but you can do it. Keep busy and keep checking here regularly. It’s a reality check and a reminder there is hope in the dark times. It gets better and you know that mate.

This is just a blip. Keep looking and moving forward. I hope your shift is going well and I look forward to you battling and beating this. I was in your shoes 140 days ago having tried and failed before. I haven’t cracked it, but I certainly feel 100% better and I’m control. Take it from me, it gets better. 

All the best mate. 


Posted : 19th May 2019 9:44 pm
Posts: 0


To be honest with you guys I have the same position like Daz, sorry to hear even u Daz but u are not alone because i am in deep s**t like u! I am really struggling like u and don’t know what to do! I realised after i let my money to the betting shops and after i come out i will be depressed stressed ? and god knows! I have to pay rent bills food etc.. I don’t know what’s going on with my life! I am losing everything! Family,Friends it’s even the relationship with my girlfriend it’s not working because of me! I am so depressed ??  Working like a donkey all the days and when the pay day comes i just don’t think it twice! What can i do guys! 



Posted : 19th May 2019 10:18 pm
Posts: 0

You should know you are a awesome person it may not feel like it but you are your a beautiful human,

unfortunately gambling has got hold of you it’s s**t it pulls you in and drags you down and and takes all of your money with it! It suck I know I feel it too. 

Just take a moment to look at the stars that’s what I do when I hit low there’s so much more than this horrible gambling addiction. 

I hope you all the best and hope you for a moment just appreciate yourself you are awesome my friend 🙂 


Posted : 19th May 2019 10:52 pm
Posts: 118
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I’d really like to thank everyone for being supportive I really don’t feel that I deserve any sympathy as I created this mess but thanks guys. To Ermal I fully understand where you’re coming from and wish I could offer some advice but I’ve not found the answer yet after years of trying. The only thing that has really worked for me in the past is removing the means to gamble online. I’ve done the same again debit or credit cards for me they’re for normal people. 

Still in a dark place but after a few hours sleep I’ve sorted out enough money to get me to payday. Getting out of this mess seems to be impossible this time I don’t really know where to start, one day at a time I suppose. 

Never been as low as I was yesterday, I just didn’t want to carry on and spent a lot of time avoiding people at work last night. Anyway what option do I have other than try again, I’ll start looking at doing any extra shifts I can and try to stay afloat. Cancelled a planned trip with friends next month, I’ll lose the deposit but can’t afford to pay for the balance now.

Thanks again for anyone that took the time to read my ramblings and reply, I’ll try to keep posting. Maybe start my diary up again if I can get through the next few weeks. Feel too low to look back at it at the moment.

Posted : 20th May 2019 3:04 pm
Posts: 487

Sorry to hear of your lapse Daz.

You just need to start again - I'm sure the vast majority of us have failed at our 1st, 2nd, 3rd....attempt at stopping.

Many of us will have been so depressed by that failure that it resulted in thousands of wasted money and hours of time continuing to gamble.

Start again, start ticking off the days and it will give you the resilience and head space to deal with other issues.

Maybe now is a good time to make sure you have all the self exclusions in place. Gamstop for on line and the various ones for bookies & casinos.

Getting out of any related problems whether it's financial, work or relationships only starts with stopping gambling - but that is the absolute pre requisite and minimum required.


Start up your diary again now - no better time than when you are lowest.

My last day gambling is seared into my mind, I can remember exactly how warm it was on the bank holiday monday, the excuse I'd given my wife to go gambling, my exact steps between 1pm and 3:37pm and the stench of urine mixed with disinfectant in the shop (someone had soiled themselves in the middle of the shop the previous evening). I lost £1120 in those 2 and a half hours. To be honest, I've had worse times and done worse things, but I hold on to the memory of 27th August 2018 like almost nothing else.

Posted : 21st May 2019 9:08 am
Posts: 118
Topic starter

So 6 days have gone by and my head is a little clearer, survived until pay day and by the end of today I’ll have worked 84 hours this week. Hopefully that will help me start to sort things out next month. I’m shattered but the really dark thoughts I had at the start of the week have been put back in their box. 

Ive spoken to my GP and she changed my antidepressant medication and increased the anxiety meds. Hopefully when this kicks in things will get back to how they were last year.

I’ve got my blocks back in place and realised I have to start again and just keep my head straight. Just got an offer of free spins through the post from the same firm I self excluded from on Sunday. This annoyed me at 1st but has now added to my determination not to end up doing something crazy.  Reading back from the start of this week I did sound crazy and I appreciate the replies, people here have always been supportive ?. I apologise  for feeling so sorry for myself I know a lot of people are in a worse situation than me. 

Just got to suck it up and get on with things.

I’ll restart my diary shortly now I’m in a better place mentally.


Posted : 25th May 2019 1:28 pm

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