Been here far too many times, i want too stay here an never look back

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Hi Allister

You describe it perfectly for I am sure most of the people on here are very intelligent and sometimes I find this the hardest pasrt to deal with. I have a very good job, well educated and in fact educate people for a living so being intelligent, I ask myself after ive gambled how can one be so intelligent but yet act in such a stupid way and illogical when we know in the end we will lose no matter what because we are complusive gamblers. Just remember the ugres will desiappear, you just have to ride it out and it will disappear. I spent about 4 hours last night reading posts and only getting three hours sleep beofre getting back up for work. However, I am grateful because although I didn't get much sleep, it was not through gambling. Stay strong and hope to battle with you through another day and have another gamble free day.

Take care


Posted : 30th July 2015 9:55 pm
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Can believe it, had a gamble over the weekend, went into town an was short of cash as I am working a months lie at work an very short of cash. On Thursday I turned £10 into £130 and on Monday was sitting at £230. Went in was down too £180 an got a 9/1 winner on virtuals with £6 on it. Went too pick money up she says you were on 2 seconds late a had 4 seconds too spare when I put it on. Was so angry I said I will go else where. Went over too bookmakers across the road an lost everything. Why is it so hard too stop. 4 days till payed day an maxed everything an not one penny. This is the hardest time ever. I have lost all my money though gambling. I can't gamble as I don't no when too stop. I actually can't walk away. I need too stop forever a cant live like this anymore. The feeling of losing is killing me inside for being so stupid an actually gambling in first place. Need too move forward an think of future and not dwell on past. Today is the start of a gamble free life and a far happier one. A need too be on every day an reading everyone's posts. Moving forward never back

Posted : 3rd August 2015 9:41 am
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After The day I have had an the feeling down about how stupid I have been. Am back having the right frame of mind an thinking I can do this. I can give up gambling if I want too. I just need too stay focused an on her getting support an giving support too other people. Here is too a gamble free life and a bright future. Moving forward never back tomorrow will be day 1 an starting all over again.

Posted : 3rd August 2015 10:16 pm
Posts: 0

Good on your Allisterc32. Never stop fighting it if you really want to give up. Dont feel stupid about whats gone in the past. Think about the future. Think about what made you happy before you gambled. Is there a hobby or something you could take up? I gave up and have learnt through sheer bloody mindedness that its a futile exercise. I hated myself and that was enough to arrest the cycle. I didnt want to hate myself anymore. Set very small manageable goals and stick to them. Its no different from giving up drink and smoking. The first few days are the hardest but it gets easier. Here to help whenever you need it

Posted : 3rd August 2015 10:24 pm
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Cheers dantheman2311 for taking the time too comment an those kind words. Just heading too bed now as my head has been all over the. In the morning it's a new started

Posted : 4th August 2015 1:16 am
Posts: 4422


Fella did you self exclude from the bookies yesterday? Because I can tell you that it is easy for us to make great pledges when we are potless. You wrote that you can give up if you want to

Do you? Because if you do and I mean you really want to stop for life then use today to go to every bookies you might frequent and self exclude, ban yourself from using the facility.

Will power alone will not work, you cannot gamble responsibly you are a compulsive gambler

If that bookie would have paid you cartoon punt would you have walked away?

I lived for twenty years blaming everyone else for my own self created misery because I progressively comitted to addiction.

The mantra

I cannot win because I cannot stop

No end game, no punt available that will make your dreams come true, a win provides fuel to feed addiction, losses chased until your potless.

A wiser fellow than I shared this with me.

How do you make a compulsive gambler a millionaire?

Start him a billionaire!

Apt and true.

My friend if you want to change your life you have to lay some solid foundation for it to be built upon.

I hope you embrace recovery, it's a gift, one only you can take.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 4th August 2015 6:57 am
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Thanks for you comment Duncanmac it's great too hear your story. I did self exclude myself from the bookie yesterday after I lost all my money. But a think your right a might not have stop yesterday if they paid me out, but one thing is for sure am glad it happened now for the way am thinking about things just now because on Saturday I couldn't see by having a gamble cause I was back on it. Now am back off it am more determined than ever. Time too show people that all my hard work in life will show. I have had so much money through my life a virtually gave it all too the bookies a could honestly easily have bought a house by now. Let's look too future now, am on day 1 an feeling positive. No more gambling I am a compulsive gambler an cannot gamble cause I don't no when too stop. Moving forward never back

Posted : 4th August 2015 10:06 am
Posts: 1701

Keep looking forward. I have had slips and I view them as part of the process at the outset I though it would take me 6 months to pay everything off and be equal and then be able to start saving and being 'normal'. In reality 6 months has just passed and I'm closer to my goal but not quite there. Got another 2-3 months till I've evened things out fully and can look forward but I need to stick to that now. I can't be saying it's taken me 12 months or 24 months. It's a critical point for me right now.

Posted : 4th August 2015 8:35 pm
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Cheers change for you kind words. Yeah its deco about moving forward. 1 day gamble free an feeling great. A feel free again an that a can build a great future without gambling ruining everything all the time cause it did before. Take one day at a time an stay strong. Stay on the website an talk too other people an share our experiences too help each other through an stay gamble free. Moving forward never back

Posted : 4th August 2015 10:23 pm
Posts: 1701

Nice one Allister. I want to you help you along and hopefully you will help me too. I can't be in a bad position again in a months time. I need to finish what I started in Feb so I want no more relapses.

Posted : 4th August 2015 10:27 pm
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Yeah change that's right support each other. On day 2 feeling positive. I woke up this morning an said I have a gambling problem an must not gamble. Going too stay busy today an supporting other people within the website. Moving forward never back.

Posted : 5th August 2015 11:56 am
Posts: 0
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Yeah change that's right support each other. On day 2 feeling positive. I woke up this morning an said I have a gambling problem an must not gamble. Going too stay busy today an supporting other people within the website. Moving forward never back.

Posted : 5th August 2015 11:56 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Yeah change that's right support each other. On day 2 feeling positive. I woke up this morning an said I have a gambling problem an must not gamble. Going too stay busy today an supporting other people within the website. Moving forward never back.

Posted : 5th August 2015 11:56 am
Posts: 1701

Nice post Allister. I think there is something good about telling yourself as you wake up that you cannot gamble again as the story ends badly. Hope you're staying busy and the day is going well.

Posted : 5th August 2015 2:48 pm
Posts: 171

Hi allister

Well done for getting back up and brushing yourself off, that takes strength. Remember never give up giving up because even if we have slips life will still be better for the happy days in between the blips then giving up the fight and giving everyday to the demon. sending mysupport.


Posted : 5th August 2015 10:21 pm
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