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just can’t beat this lost  another £2000 tonight promised myself no more then as usual fall into the trap of betting just breaks me that I can’t stop another few nights now if not sleeping the stress of having no money again.I’m so frustrated I could scream the house down the lies the moods all just seems crazy worst thing is it makes me so sad to thing I can’t beg again like my life is empty even thou it’s destroying my entire life.10 years of this same cycle losing money wanting to stop but always give in just so fed up and beat this awful addiction as beat me I’d give anything to have never started 

Posted : 12th December 2021 10:50 pm
Posts: 2


I have been there and it the worst feeling in the world but you can help yourself. GA helped me alot. Get to as many meetings as you can and allow yourself to open up. It will be tough at first, and when I say though it will tear you apart but there will be people there going through or been through similar things that will help you out

Posted : 12th December 2021 11:26 pm
Posts: 3


I registered on here because I read your post, I'm in no position to give advice as we're basically in the same boat although I'm fairly numb to it at this point. I just wanted you to know you're not alone as your post expressed to me, I found it a little comforting; hopefully, you do too.


Posted : 13th December 2021 1:08 am
Posts: 174

For me, the hard part about stopping gambling is that in order to achieve victory over gambling you have to admit defeat. Arghh. The worst paradox. The old saying, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" doesn't work in gambling situations. You think another bet and a big win will solve your problems but it doesn't work. You can't keep trying -only result is failure in the  long term. I have to admit gambling has got me and all my theories and so-called 'systems' just don't work. Because of the house edge, gambling will always get you in the long term. You just can't beat a mathematical formula. 

Posted : 13th December 2021 4:10 am
Posts: 607

You may have heard of the expresion. If you say can or if you can't you would be right in both? What you choose to do matters. If you choose to chase losses you will chase losses. If you choose to stop you will do that to ultimately.

It is about knowing yourself a bit more. Right now you know what you are and how you feel but do you know who you are? We brand ourselves losers gamblers and that we don't know anything else so we might as well do what we do, but the tools in stopping this is to know yourself better. 

Now I am not saying anything is easy. I am saying that you have a journey and choices to make. But it is doable and you can choose to make a new life for yourself. Start with the good professionals here. Read up on cbt, hypnosis, gestalt. Start talking to professionals that will give you some tools that you can work with and make the choice to change.

This forum is also full of people who have decided to make that change. Draw strength from them and decide to succeed because you can and you are worth it.



This post was modified 3 years ago by c43h
Posted : 13th December 2021 5:18 am
Posts: 156

Good morning Paul,

I can relate to your post. I have had many relapses but after 21 days GF on this occasion I signed up to GamStop. 
So many times I said that’s it I am quitting but I never signed up to GamStop because I didn’t want to let go, I wanted that little thought in my mind that I can still go back to it. 
With GamStop, I have no choice now, in my head it’s that defence mechanism to know I have to stop. 

To quit, you have to be dedicated, determined & disciplined, it is a daily battle but with those 3 things it’s a start. Make a start today by signing up to Gamstop. 

Posted : 13th December 2021 7:27 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter

Thanks for the messages think the hardest part is letting go knowing that’s it that I’ll never get that buzz or escapism I get from betting I know these few weeks and days will be hard and tbh I’ve not got past even 3/4days in a long time without betting just need to focus on one day at a time and focus on how much better I’ll feel about myself being honest and not lying about continuously gambling and hiding the lies 

Posted : 13th December 2021 9:48 am
Posts: 43

Paul , I have just relapsed after exactly two years , [ ok in between very small indiscretions ] Firstly in my case ALL my gambling is with physical cash in pubs or FOBT's [ the Pubs need regulating next btw , I am a binge drinker I can't remember being sober in the pub when I gambled in the past . This Lapse was in the Bookmakers , pretty much all their alleged protocols went out of the window . Cut to the chase I had £500  literally the next second I didn't .[ I hope that passes !! ] I Then went out on two occasions drawing £200 plus the £150 I lost trying to get this £500 back , all whilst the bookies manager is on the Phone to Her Head office , they suggested the boss made me a coffee . I was in meltdown , I lost £560 I was shaking and clearly stressed . they have my number , because they wanted me to return to the shop Monday to discuss the events of the sat night . 

I am writing this because , I still have an exciting life , I have one of the best careers attending all the top events TV Music etc , done TV stand Up  Club Dj , but the gambling drains me and is the reason why I messed up with three of those careers  the TV and Comedy ones . My point is I know where this will lead me if I continue , and there are infinite things more exciting than gambling , for starters , set a goal save up , and realise that ambition it might just be something simple , mine is to go to New York and the Museum of Modern art . If your gambling is online then get rid of your smart phone YES do it . use one without apps . block gambling sites on your laptop , self exclude from all bookies . Ban yourself from your Local . and do you know what ive done all the above . 

You say you might not get the same buzz from gambling which is wrong that is a psychological imbalance placed inside your brain via clever computer tricks , but thing of the low when you lose . 

I had a meltdown in that shop I chased losses in plain sight of the manager , and im now about to go to counselling again . that is the reality of the situation it takes you to the edge of despair . any where is better than that . 


Posted : 13th December 2021 11:09 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter

It’s just trying to not let that wee voice in your head win that says one good bet and you can get everything back 

Posted : 13th December 2021 2:40 pm
Posts: 43

its not easy , I have just done  probably £400 again tonight I don't know I just grabbed cash I had at home ant took it out  sorry if I sound smug , not at all its what I have saved for months

, [ im in meltdown atm ] this was the back end of a night out  in drink I am getting help next week , but nobody half P****d should be allowed to gamble PERIOD ,its not 10p a play anymore ,plus ...the pub machines now have the same "FORTUNE SPINS ' they call it as the bookies where you lose tens of pounds before you get a sniff at a Wim , this has come into being by stealth . it must be stopped I am a binge drinker  and gamble when ive had a drink I ended up between 10.30 and 12 pm losing 400 , the pub machines are now the real danger the bookies have been regulated to a degree . how do I get this indiscretion noted to the powers that be ? this is an appeal to everyone . I will front it I don't care , the pubs now are more dangerous than the betting shops . online is easy to stop as ive said , do not own a smart phone and put blacking soft ware on your PC or Mac . 


can somebody advise what I can do please . 

ps sorry to the original OP but I have hijacked your post , but I really need to try and help myself and everybody , 


This post was modified 3 years ago by ALL AT SEA
Posted : 14th December 2021 1:22 am
Posts: 65
This is my biggest issue, the buzz and escapisms! good luck - I’m 22 years in. 
Posted by: Paul1951

Thanks for the messages think the hardest part is letting go knowing that’s it that I’ll never get that buzz or escapism I get from betting I know these few weeks and days will be hard and tbh I’ve not got past even 3/4days in a long time without betting just need to focus on one day at a time and focus on how much better I’ll feel about myself being honest and not lying about continuously gambling and hiding the lies 


Posted : 24th December 2021 11:01 pm

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