Hi, can anyome recommend a uk bank account that comes with a card that only allows cash withdrawals and no online transactions?
All my gambling is online so i'd like to set up a bank account to deposit my monthly spending without the worry of me being able to spend it on gambling.
I've had a look but all accounts i've seen come with a debit card that can be used online. I could only carry cash i suppose but if anyone knows a good option it would be appreciated.
my mother in law has one that she can’t use online it’s from Santander think it’s called a cash only card x
my mother in law has one that she can’t use online it’s from Santander think it’s called a cash only card x
Lloyds do a basic cash card account which I used to transfer monthly funds to as you described buy many online sites now have a bank transfer service which uses online banking details to log directly in to bank accounts securely. It's becoming harder and harder to put physical blocks in place unfortunately. The cash card did make it easier for me whilst receiving counselling and once I had come clean to friends and family.
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