Day one trying to stop

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After tonight I have decided that I'm trying to get my life back. I didnt realise how bad my gambling had became until I noticed I was lying to my own family about what I'm spending money on and getting myself in money issue with family I.e lending off them and pushing repayments back. Everytime I gamble it just fills me with anger not cause I have lost but because I wasnt strong enough to stay no and could of put the money to better use.

I have currently banned all the sites I have had open that i can think off and frozen my card to gambling.


Is there anything else people can think off I can do to keep my on the right track?.


Thank You.

Posted : 24th July 2020 6:39 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6153

Hi @patchyxx , 

Well done for posting here on the Forum where you will no doubt receive support and advice from other users who know how you're feeling and who have been, or are going through a similar experience. 

In addition to banning from individual sites, you can register your details with - this is free, easy to do and it will block your access to all uk licenced online gambling sites. Also, we recommend downloading a blocking software app such as Gamban. Gamban will stop you from receiving promotional offers, free spins/free bets etc

There is also further support available 24 hours a day, please feel free to contacts an adviser on the Netline or by calling us free on 0808 802 0133. We can refer you for some free one to one treatment as an added measure of support. We are all completely non judgmental here. 

In the meantime, please keep posting and sharing your story.

All the very best


Forum Admin 


Posted : 24th July 2020 9:21 am
Posts: 4

Hi @Patchyxx,

Im new to this site an like yourself I'm day one of stop gambling. I'm seeking support and guidance to help with my gambling before it gets out of hand, I've been gambling for the last few months and I've spent 3 months wage an that's everything, chasing losses to try win back. I've been honest with my partner and confessed when I've lost all money. Shes stuck by me and supported us both financially but think last night was the final straw as once again I lost all our money, I know I have a problem so need the support before it gets out of hand.

All the best and I hope you beat this,


Posted : 24th July 2020 11:27 am
Posts: 21

I definately advise the 1.1 finished mine this week. Am a completely different person. If you want it you can do it x

Posted : 24th July 2020 7:31 pm
Posts: 4

Thank you for the reply jill, I'm trying to get all the help I can at the minute. Went on the chat room today an spoke to a few people, I've been on the forum an read other users stories and journeys. All really helpful.

Posted : 24th July 2020 7:43 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya patchy 

Sorry to hear your going through problems as life is hard when we're problem gamblers and in relapse. I think you should register with gamstop and gameban these mean you can no longer gamble on websites so when you get the urge it limits the damage you can do. But you really have to want to stop as we all need will power and help as none of them work on there own. Talk to the advisors on site as there very knowledgeable. I hope this helps you

Posted : 24th July 2020 8:35 pm
Posts: 24

Hi, just incase you felt like I did on day one and thought that reaching the point that many of the stories on here had got to e.g. 6 months/1 year gamble free. I am 2 weeks gamble free and I can assure you that once you push through the initial hurdle of the first few days you will feel a million times better. Even just those first few days will give you a massive sense of achievement and will motivate you to want more. I don’t think of betting most of the day now and when I do I just come on here or listen to The After Gambling Podcast (not all episodes are relevant as it is from a recovering gambler in USA but most of it is relatable) 

Posted : 24th July 2020 11:46 pm

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