Hi everyone I have been gambling for over 25 years and I am a compulsive gambler.
Many years ago as a child it was just harmless fun playing fruit machines in the arcades at the seaside. Over the years it became a nightmare since a child. I have had mental health problems and 20 years ago was diagnosed with bipolar disorder suffering with major highs and depressive low's I would gamble to mask my condition,when I'm high I would gamble uncontrollably and when down I would try and lift my mood by gambling to make me happy it has never been about money just the buzz and feeling the adrenaline rush.
I have never even with medication after years of treatment been able to find any sort of balance. But now mentally im beginning to feel better. It is late evening on 8/2/20 and I have decided what ever obstacles I have that challenge me I will beat this addiction for my wife, children an myself.
What's changed- I'm on the gamecare web site for the first time typing that this is my first day of recovery it is not the first time I have stopped but this time I have steps to build on and learned many lessons from before.
The first is I have Joined the gamstop and can not gamble online also my wife is dealing with all my finances.
It's not going to be easy this is my starting block =
I hope you can relate and appreciate this.
I'm ready I hope you are
the beginning
God bless
Hi Amcl1982
Welcome to the Forums!
What an incredibly positive post - you sound like you have really got a plan and a boat load of determination!
I hope that you find strength and support in these forums and would also remind you that we are available 24hrs a day, 365 days a year either on this Netline or by phoning our Helpline on 0808 8020 133 should you need any extra support.
Kindest regards
Forum Admin
Well done Amcl1982,
There was certainly the good feel and positive message from your note.
I have just finished a week, and mind has not wandered, although will admit that I did think about how that other world was getting on.
Following a brilliant Sunday yesterday with the family, the road ahead appears clear and calm.
I have been on the GamCare website everyday, and reading of experiences of others along with offering some advice and support has gone some way in clearing my mind and certainly providing self help from their experiences.
Well done, keep strong and YES . ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!
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