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I'd heard stories of people plucking thousands out of these machines in the past, so gave them a go.

Now, in my first month of playing them (perhaps three times a week) I think I was probably up, with the biggest pay £1025 from an £80 initial stake.

However, since then I've been torn to pieces and cannot remember the last £100+ win I've had in the last year.

Is it possible they turn the win rations up and down on these things to hook people in? It was certainly the little winning streak I had that suckered me in.

Just beginners luck maybe.

Anyway, I only used to visit the bookies to stick a ten pound note on the football of a Saturday afternoon, but that soon turned into a £200 roulette session, and shortly after even the football bet went out of the window!

I despise these machines, and the 'look the other way' attitude of our fine government who have allowed these things to prosper.

My local high street in Bolton now has 5 bookmakers on the main shopping street, with another opening and two more just off the main drag within a stones throw. The machines are always occupied - often every terminal - and they are frequented by the sort of people who simply can't afford to be playing them anyway.

How often have I spotted someone collect their dole money and head straight to the local bookies.

No shame! I pray I have the strength to keep away.

Posted : 10th December 2012 9:11 pm
Posts: 504
Topic starter

Understand your position totally Kev.

The betting machines have turned having a little fun with a small bet on football or a horse into something very serious with total destructive consequences.

The choice is easy - carry on playing the roulette machine and lose 1000s and lots of sadness or give yourself a pat on the back for realising what a complete waste of time they are before it was too late.

It sounds like you are like most on here (me included) that once you start you can't stop. No harm in that as that's how some people are but once you know it the only solution is to keep away.

All the best


Posted : 10th December 2012 9:51 pm
Posts: 504
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If you won from FOBT's long term the bookies would eventually go bust !

When is the last time one went bust in your area or are there new ones opening?

Posted : 11th December 2012 11:12 am
Posts: 504
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Have written a poem and posted it on the forum - please take a look and see how much of it is similar to your experience.

Posted : 11th December 2012 3:52 pm
Posts: 504
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As you may know bookies are big corporate firms who employ development consultants who take care of developing new ways of generating more profits for the company - all profit making companies have them.

Wind back several years to when the idea of a roulette terminal in the betting shop was being discussed. Do you think they said:-

'lets devlop a machine that pays money out to our customers even though we will lose millions?'

or do you think they said:-

'we need to get people hooked so they can't stop playing even though in the long term they never win - we will make millions'.

They did a great job ! And you wonder why you always end up losing !!

Posted : 12th December 2012 9:42 am
Posts: 504
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The hungry machines are standing in a line with their mouths wide open ready for you to feed them - how about letting them starve?

Posted : 13th December 2012 11:25 am
Posts: 0

I have recently moved to australia! The place is full of slot machines but no FOBT as we know them! This has been good for me!

The one down side - one massive casino! Going to self exclude from that and fingers crossed things will turn for the best!

Posted : 13th December 2012 2:12 pm
Posts: 0

I am addicted to these machines and have lost thousands, it used to be the horses then i stopped, but, along came those bloody cheating casino machines, now here's the problem, I only go into one shop, when i loose it hits me hard, i work hard for my money but i put no value on money, I need help,

Posted : 13th December 2012 9:58 pm
Posts: 504
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Hi Clown and thanks for adding to the thread.

You mention you have lost thousands but still play. Logically if you have continually lost why do you think this will ever change? Why are you still playing them? If it were me I would self-exclude from the shop.

What are your views on this idea?


Posted : 13th December 2012 11:02 pm
Posts: 504
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The bookies will be very disappointed if you don't play the machines today ! You going to make their day?

If you have the money to lose that means it's also available to spend so how about surprising someone with an unexpected gift instead?

Posted : 14th December 2012 10:24 am
Posts: 0

Great thread Dave it certainly has made me think about 1 or 2 things thanks 4 that keep up the gud work!

Posted : 15th December 2012 2:57 pm
Posts: 504
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Thanks footprints - I just want to try and help people realise what mugs they are being.

I only know about roulette machines so concentrate on this really.

Posted : 16th December 2012 10:43 am
Posts: 504
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Is it about time you stopped embarrassing yourself thinking you can beat a machine?

Your decision - but just so you know people are taking the mickey behind your back!!

Posted : 16th December 2012 4:07 pm
Posts: 0

as many have said on this forum, once you start playing these machines, you end up in a "zone" and the point of no return for many starts with the first press of the button. It's crazy that these machines turn us humans [me included] into people that lose all common sense! No more from today!

Posted : 17th December 2012 1:28 pm
Posts: 0

If these machines are rigged not random then wouldn't everyone be entitled to a refund when that becomes fully exposed ? I remember the furore when fixed ITV phonelines were exposed as rigged, impossible to win on etc. & many people got refunds. So why are bent roulette machines allowed? They're similar to online graphic-based casinos IMHO, they play like a fruit machine, in theory if random they would have a 2.7% edge, however their edge is far greater with programmed near misses etc. In a civilised society they would never be allowed or legal, in the US & many other countries (online) gambling is illegal, it says a lot for the state of the UK that these machines are allowed to proliferate with the pimp Gov't taking a massive cut in taxation.

One trick I like to play in my recovery is to imagine what the country would look like if nobody gambled or didn't drink alcohol like me, then high streets would look completely different! and the country would look a much better place!

Focus on your own individual responsibility, you only have control over your own actions, don't let the greedy corporations operating these machines, & online poker & online gambling etc, take control over you.

I've stopped & want to stay stopped for the above reasons.

Posted : 17th December 2012 7:44 pm
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