For Those At Rock Bottom.......

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I wanted to leave a note for those at the absolute pit of rock bottom.

You aren’t alone in your dispair, and it can be fixed. Even if the spec of light at the end of that tunnel is a million miles away, or you can’t see it at all. It is there.

No amount of self hatrid for the lies you’ve told, for the debts acquired, for the wasted hours and the relationships you’ve ruined is going to change what you’ve done. It’s done.

But today, you have an opportunity. You have an opportunity to rebuild your self asteem, your financial situation and your relationships with those you’ve impacted.

Like the rebuilding of a house, you can only build it one brick at a time. Or in our case, one day at a time.

Today you can wake up and say I’m going to do everything in my power to be the best version of me I can be. I’ll take pride in my appearance even if I dont feel like it, I’ll spend time with someone I’ve neglected, I’ll pick up a chore that got ignored. Let’s face it, we now have so much time on our hands! Your gambling problems and debt didn’t appear overnight, and the glory of your recovery won’t appear overnight either.

But today you can give yourself the best gift a gambling addict can give themselves, and that is one day, today, off gambling.

If you can negotiate one day, today, without that bet. You’ve won more than any betting session could ever offer you.

Even if we’ve never met, I am thinking of you, and rooting for you.

Posted : 17th May 2018 9:45 pm
Posts: 0

Rugbyman wrote:

I wanted to leave a note for those at the absolute pit of rock bottom.

You aren’t alone in your dispair, and it can be fixed. Even if the spec of light at the end of that tunnel is a million miles away, or you can’t see it at all. It is there.

No amount of self hatrid for the lies you’ve told, for the debts acquired, for the wasted hours and the relationships you’ve ruined is going to change what you’ve done. It’s done.

But today, you have an opportunity. You have an opportunity to rebuild your self asteem, your financial situation and your relationships with those you’ve impacted.

Like the rebuilding of a house, you can only build it one brick at a time. Or in our case, one day at a time.

Today you can wake up and say I’m going to do everything in my power to be the best version of me I can be. I’ll take pride in my appearance even if I dont feel like it, I’ll spend time with someone I’ve neglected, I’ll pick up a chore that got ignored. Let’s face it, we now have so much time on our hands! Your gambling problems and debt didn’t appear overnight, and the glory of your recovery won’t appear overnight either.

But today you can give yourself the best gift a gambling addict can give themselves, and that is one day, today, off gambling.

If you can negotiate one day, today, without that bet. You’ve won more than any betting session could ever offer you.

Even if we’ve never met, I am thinking of you, and rooting for you.

Posted : 18th May 2018 12:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mate ... Great post and i have to agree with everything you have said and wrote! I guess the saying goes Rome was not built in a day. Small steps bit by bit and recovery will be so enoyable 🙂

Posted : 18th May 2018 10:10 am
Posts: 0
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Cheers buddy

Posted : 19th May 2018 8:55 am
Posts: 0

Great post

Posted : 19th June 2018 1:34 pm

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