Getting to know our hijacker

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In earlier posts, I have spoken about how our prefrontal cortex (the decision center) gets hijacked when we are addicted so that what we do under the influence is not really our own decision. I don't think this topic is being written about enough because if you know that your decision-making mechanism is not doing the right thing when you gamble, what kind of relationship do you want to have with your head? It is your very own computer.

I read time and time again how people get into it again out of boredom etc and do not come out again until the money is gone. But if you in your awake state understand that bringing money to a hijacker who bgrs your decision-making into chaos is not good. Can we rethink our relationship with our prefrontal cortex? I always say look at yourself holistically or as a third person. What would you say to him/her if...

Because it is not going to be changed by repeating your actions. It is not going to be changed by just

abstensure. The relationship you need to have with your computer needs to change so that you can accept some flaws and be dam determined to change others. 

Start to look at yourself as a third person sometimes.

Understand that your decision-making part of the brain gets hijacked when you gamble

Look at how you can be mindful of how you treat yourself. Going into disassociation can be done

in another way it is about changing habits after all.





Posted : 18th June 2021 7:12 am
Posts: 73

Best Post i have seehn wriiten. when we Gamble your brain actually changes in other word we build circuits within the brain . When we need to activate these circuits it called  a gambling fix.There is part of the Brain called the Amygdala. with most people the Amydala lights up with everday things in Life.with us gamblers w our brains need more stimlation so hence Gambling.I think most gamblers have a Borderline Personality - Disorder Including me trouble regulating oneself Impulsive compulsive, a lot of people think having a bet is really just having a bet its not, its actually a compulsion the brain has developed, the impulsiveness is also linked to how we are wired studies by scientists have proved this too. The Betting industry are well aware of this too.The only way your brain can return to normal and repait itself i by total abstinence, and understand what your brain is telling you to do. IE i need a gambling fix.Its quite simple really DONT gamble. No matter what stress you are under.thge Less you gamble the Less your brain will want the gambling FIX.

Posted : 18th June 2021 11:09 am

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