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Hi Guys. I am 9 months gamble free. I cant believe I've made it this far. 

a few weeks ago I received a summons to attend court to face my worst fear. I'm being charged with fraud. I made a catastrophic error in my last employment and its now came full circle where I will have to face my punishment.  

Has anyone else been or have helped someone get through something similar. I have a new job and they now about my past and have been great, and im trying to turn my life around. Im just scared that whatever punishment i get will affect my long term employement. hr have said there will look at my situation again after the final court hearing. 

It has been so hard to stay sober. 

thanks for listening 

Posted : 21st September 2022 12:59 pm
Posts: 1

Hi there,

I am a totally new member to this forum and your post, was the very first I have so far read on here.

Can I start by saying CONGRATULATIONS! 9 months is absolutely amazing and you should be very proud of yourself for reaching this point in your recovery.

This was such a positive and inspirational post, as you clearly have worked hard to change your life around and you clearly, find yourself in a far better place today - than you had been back then!

To focus on your Court Matter which is approaching, I am assuming this relates to a matter/offence committed several months ago?  Whilst I am not legally trained or qualified to offer 'legal advice' - I would wish to assure you of the fact, that the Court will be looking at all your past activity/ criminal offence, but most importantly what has happened in your life, since then (any other offences since? etc).

I assume you will have a support worker who can vouch for you, either in person at Court or via letter to the judge.  Also, the fact you are in continued employment - will vastly influence the Judge's sentencing, making it more likely for you to be given any 'custody sentencing recommendations' to be 'suspended' as it could be considered that you have 'completely turned your life around since the said 'offence'.  A Judge is very unlikely to place somebody in custody, given the impact it would have on your life/ future (lose job/ house etc?). 

So, keep reminding yourself of how far you have come and stick to your goals, also don't beat yourself up too much, because of making a 'bad decision' - we all make mistakes, it is how you deal with it/ the actions you take that is important!

So here's wishing you the best of luck! keep doing what your doing and have an amazing life!



Posted : 21st September 2022 1:25 pm
Posts: 174

To cut straight to the point what type of fraud are we talking about

If you have just fudged some numbers and moved some money around  you shouldn't have then it is highly unlikely your going to get anything more than a fine

Our bankers and politicians do this sort of thing everyday ...

But on the other hand if you have been defrauding gullible pensioners out of their savings or causing an actual person distress you might be in a bit of trouble 


I suspect the story is going to be some variation of taking some money out of the previous company pot


Personally i wouldn't have even bothered mentioning it to my new employer 


Posted : 22nd September 2022 9:10 am
Posts: 174

To cut straight to the point what type of fraud are we talking about

If you have just fudged some numbers and moved some money around  you shouldn't have then it is highly unlikely your going to get anything more than a fine

Our bankers and politicians do this sort of thing everyday ...

But on the other hand if you have been defrauding gullible pensioners out of their savings or causing an actual person distress you might be in a bit of trouble 


I suspect the story is going to be some variation of taking some money out of the previous company pot


Personally i wouldn't have even bothered mentioning it to my new employer 


Posted : 22nd September 2022 9:10 am
Posts: 892

I’d like to hear a bit more before I give my experience in this matter. 
How much was it and over what time span?

Did it all go on gambling or other reasons?

How have you managed to stay bet free for 9 months and what was your gambling like before? 



Posted : 22nd September 2022 11:12 am

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