Hit breaking point

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hi everyone, so basically about 10 minutes ago I lost £1000 on a football bet to try and make a measly £150 profit, and have ended up £2250 overdrawn with my bank and £975 in debt with payday loans. So altogether I'm £3225 in debt and feel like I will never ever beat this. I've been gambling on/off since I was 18 and I'm 23 now.. so 5 years of being completely skint and a whole lifetime of unhappiness due to bad credit rating I've obtained and loads of debt. Tried to keep it from my mum and girlfriend but my girlfriend has seen the transactions on my phone so she now knows. Meant to be going on holiday next month with her but can't even afford that now. Feel like my life isn't worth living anymore and I feel completely hopeless. Suicide is going through my mind right now, all the things I could've done with the money and I've just thrown it all away. I know I have an addiction and that is bad for me but I still continue to do it which is the reason I believe I'll never stop. I've self excluded myself from around 15 online bookies but I always find another to bet on. Sorry for the rant but I've completely hit rock bottom and I don't think I can win this battle, I seriously think it will be the death of me. Thanks for reading everyone.

Posted : 21st February 2017 12:22 pm
Posts: 0

Take it easy mate.. and breath 🙂

You can and will beat this. You are still very yound and dealing a lot with absolutes, like lifetime of unhappiness due to bad credit rating. You also have very little debt and so young. As long as you commi to not gambling then things can turn around very quickly. Although it doesnt seem like it, now tha your gf knows will make it a lot easier to be honest and quit. The early days are the toughest so you can put blocks in place to stop yourself if you are truy comitted e.g let your gf handle your finances for example..

Ill also advise to ring the samaritans for some non judgemental support and help

Posted : 21st February 2017 12:59 pm
Posts: 53

I was you ten years ago mate. Fast forward ten years and my debt now is about five times what you have mentioned.

I wish I could go back to my 23 year old self and sit them down and get them to stop this madness. I've been at rock bottom so many times I've lost track.

Stop now and you can still live a complete happy life with everything you want in terms of holidays and more. Don't make my mistake and carry on for another ten years.

Posted : 21st February 2017 6:59 pm
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Thank you markinsweden, your positivity means a lot to me and it's nice to know that someone is there for me thank you very much for the kind words and advice. And hello vamp, thanks for the reply. I'm sorry that you've had such a problem, I suppose my worries aren't half as big as yours are now so thanks for taking the time to reply. Just seem to keep thinking about all the loses and all the things I could've bought with all the money and ways I can win it back.. trying to fight the urge to apply for more loans &credit cards even though I doubt they'd even accept me with my credit rating. Any advice on how I can fight this?

Posted : 21st February 2017 11:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi mate, I can relate to how you feel regarding thinking about all the money you've lost and chasing the losses!! Trust me though that money is gone and thinking about betting to get it back will just put you deeper in debt & in a much worst situation.

I started gambling at 16 on horses & football and have never had a problem but a few years ago I started online betting on casino and lost thousands. Like you loans, credit cards, savings. But if you are determined to stop mate honestly you need to stop thinking about loans and credit cards and just get some support. Gamcare do free 1-1 counciling which you can arrange online or via phone and they give you advice and strategies on how to cope with urges and how to change your life.

Obviously you need to want it and have willpower to do it for yourself first and your family. I hope it goes well for your mate & like all of us on here you can do it. Change your life from now!!

Take care mate and always come on Here and post for advice or to update on how it's going.


Posted : 22nd February 2017 12:02 am
Posts: 0

Hi mate, let the loss go. Easier said than done, but your only option is to stop being hard on yourself, accept we all make mistakes and get it in perspective. You need to consolidate the debt, start off a small monthly repayment plan, get a full time job that allows you to have disposable income and use your disposable income to set up a direct debit, so a percentage of your disposable income enters a fixed saving account that isn't accessible. Either give a loved one full control over your saving account untill your will power and state of mind stabalises or make the fixed saver with a higher interest rate inaccessible for a period of say five years. If you set your repayment plan over 5-6 years the £50 you lose out of your wage every month will not affect your income and you won't even notice it. At the end of the repayment period you will have a separate amount saved in your fixed saver and that will feel like a great parallel achievment. Look at hobbies you can do alongside your job that offer you a challenge that can generate money. For example a craft, making things to sell or buying and selling. No risk but still a thrill. Use the money you make from your sideline to psychologically cancel out the repayment plan. Your negative experience will have motivated you to generate a positive you can take forward with you in life. Every cloud has a silver lining as they say. Your young and this is just a small blip in your life. The future holds great things for you. Believe it, be strong and never look back. If the demon on your shoulder starts saying your next bet might be the lucky one say to him 'Yes, but the next 10 after that might be unlucky!' Don't rely on blind luck anymore. Take control of your life and go forward. Trust me mate this experience will strengthen you. Stop viewing it as a negative. It's all about perspective.

Posted : 25th February 2017 8:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi caislade somehow I feel empathy for you because we are the same age and both started to gamble at around the same age, look about hidding this bs from your family they will eventually find out and trust me having them to know would ease your mind and the way you feel about it, I exactly know how you feel it sucks losing a fortune , you basically put yourself in a situation and have to adjust to a life that you shouldn't be living, suicide I thought about jumping from a block of apartments after a big loss so I don't blame you for having those thoughts but is 2,5k worth your life? Indeed not you need to be happy again now your money is theirs and they are just waiting for their next payment, you need to plan what you are gonna do with the money first in all my honesty is better to have your money wasted in pointless stuff that have it all gone in one go, take care lad.

Posted : 25th February 2017 10:18 pm

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