I want to stop hating myself

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A week ago, for the first time since Easter, I gambled and lost a massive amount of money (£5k) on blackjack, mostly online. I've accepted for about 18 months now that I have a problem (although I had never lost this much) but had been doing great and life was good. I've had a number of stresses, mainly work being horrendously dull but was excited to move in with my girlfriend. She knows I have a problem and basically gave me a second chance after my Easter incident.

at the start of December I was out for a mates bday, got very very drunk, and went along to the casino with everyone. I won a bit of money, got it straight to the bank cos I was embarrassed by it, and forgot about it. Then, 10 days later I got super drunk at work party and ended up going to the casino alone. I lost money and felt devastated going home because I had betrayed my girlfriend who had moved in 2 days later. The next day I was ok until I found out I had lost twice what I thought I had. Instead of going for a planned jog to clear my head I found a site I wasn't excluded from. I was up a few hundred but obvs ended losing another £900. After a sleepless night (lying next to my amazing gf) I panicked and gambled credit to chase the losses. I lost a £3000 that day before finally accepting what I had done.

for 18 months I have been getting close to clearing debts before something coming along like needing a new roof. When I lost money again all my plans (inc starting a family) seemed another year away and I totally panicked.

now I think I'm going to add a little to my mortgage to reset my finances at zero, allowing me to save for that rainy day/family. BUT, I can't work out how to stop thinking about what I've done and to get out of my head. My family and girlfriend deserve to see a happy me at Xmas but I can't escape the memories of what I've done. Anyone have any good tips to stop hating yourself?

Posted : 26th December 2014 11:01 pm
Posts: 0

through weeks , days and months losses get easier. Money can be replaced in time, partners/family are the important thing.I have'nt told my partner about my debt through gambling (mind you i've only being with her for 3 months and i can clear my debt in 4/5 months so she does'nt need to know and I don't really think this is lying.

Just concentrate on the future and when you mates invite you to casino again don't go (even if this means telling a few white lies)

Posted : 27th December 2014 1:57 pm
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I also can't tell my partner. I just don't really know how to get out of my own head. I can't stop thinking about it. I can get an affordable loan but feel like it's cheating. It's odd, but I feel like I should punish myself, when punishing myself also punishes everyone around me!

Posted : 27th December 2014 2:27 pm

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