My Problem - Inplay Football.

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I'm new here and thought it would be good to share my problems and hopefully relate to others and possibly receive some advice.

I've been betting on football for years now and It's mostly inplay, I bet £5 each time no more but do it lots throughout the day.

No matter how much I win I am ALWAYS down at the end of the month and I can't seem to come to grips with how much money I would have if I just stopped betting.

Sometimes I am good and can go weeks without betting too much but I always seem to slip up and spend £100s on inplay betting, going into my savings before payday and trying to give myself a target to get back up to.

I went 2 months without betting last summer after a holiday abroad and never felt better, I didn't feel the need to bet and I had so much more money to my name but I've let it slip again and find it so easy just to bang a fiver on everytime I look at what matches are being played.

I think I'm getting myself worked up because my friends have a lot more money than me (due to better jobs mostly and because they have support and security from their dads which I don't have) and it gets me quite depressed as they can afford better things than me and are always going out, I think I just want to gain money fast and that's why I gamble, ofcourse I know this is not the answer and if I just saved my money and really budgeted I would have more money!

Can anyone else relate or suggest anything that can help me give up for good?

Quite often I've found myself embarrased to tell my girlfriend I can't take her out for a meal or haven't gone out for a drink with my friends as I'm 'skint', I blame it on bills but deep down I know it's down to my betting problem.

I keep telling myself to just put £5 on an accumulator on the weekend and leave it at that but I end up putting inplay bets on every single day of the week, sometimes winning £50 for example but then losing that in the next few days, it's a constant rollercoaster. I'm so glad I haven't upped the stakes, but still over the course of a month it's a lot of money lost.

Kind Regards,

Posted : 8th May 2017 11:39 am
Posts: 399

Hello my problem is in play betting too, i started off with say £10 bets and am ok until i hit a bad run. The deposits go from £5/10 to £30/40 and all of a sudden my losses go from £50 to £500 in a matter of hours sometimes.

For me online betting is just too easy, when my accounts are closed i am fine at just popping into my local bookie and doin a £10 acca every saturday and leaving it at that whether i win or lose. But the second i have access to online betting i lose total control of everything.

Last month had my worst month ever, £1400 down overall which is a months wage to me. I was £600 down at one point and three hours later had blown another £800. My biggest bet being £300 and thinking back its just crazy how we get caught up in it all. I have never bet more then £10 cash in a bookie but online i get caught up in everything and gamble 30 times that amount. I dont think of the money until Its too late.

Its been 16 days since i last bet now and it just feels good not only not losing any money but not letting it completely take over me like it does.

You say you dont stake no more then £5 a go, thats good but be careful thats how a lot of people start including myself and it can get out of control sometimes.

Posted : 8th May 2017 1:55 pm
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Sounds very similar, I used to be much worse but have managed to tone it down luckily, but when I go on a lose streak I throw on up to £100 a day trying to get it back, it's embarassing!

Well done on 16 days, I have set myself the task of stopping from today, no matter what! I need to tell myself to stop chasing what's lost because in a few days I'll probably be wishing I had the amount of money I have today.

I'm praying I can do it!!

I completely agree about online betting, I was so happy going into the bookies on a saturday and placing a MAXIUMUM of £5 on fun accumulators and I mean just for fun because now all my accumulators are me trying to win back money I've lost. I hope I can get back to those days. Online betting is the devil and I wish I could go back and stop myself from discovering it.


Posted : 8th May 2017 3:52 pm

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