New FOBT Limits Coming in April 2019

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Hello all

I am surprised at the lack of information on the internet on what will actually happen once April 1st comes. All I am seeing are news headlines about this and that, but no real information from official sources.

Can I assume and hope that the £2 maximum bet is per spin on a roulette machine, or blackjack etc? I really hope so, because that would absolutely kill any interest I would have in these machines. The FOBTs are the bane of my existance right now.


Posted : 22nd January 2019 8:36 pm
Posts: 0

Yes, I’d be keen to know this. Online is done for me fortunately but have relapsed a couple of times in bookies out of my area. Is it happening in April and will it include the horrible slots?

Posted : 22nd January 2019 8:45 pm
Posts: 0

Not to be negative, but the change in amounts on fobts won’t change anything, I lost more than I care to think about on £2 slots. Believe me it’s just as damaging.

If you become active in recovery, the price of anything gambling related is irrelevant.

Posted : 22nd January 2019 8:57 pm
Posts: 201
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If it means it takes longer to lose money then it is a good thing. I am doing £30-£40 a spin so it will mean the world of difference.

I suppose it could make me shift to another form of betting, but there is no quicker way to lose money than on an fobt, and if more bookies close as a result, it is a positive as well.

Posted : 22nd January 2019 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

Don’t kid yourself that taking longer to lose the money is a good thing...You will still lose as much as you have to lose only it will take longer. I’ve been there, done that, kidded myself that self exclusion will do the trick...You can’t put a price on recovery, you can no more buy it than gamble your way out of being a compulsive gambler. Stop waiting & wishing & take action...Compulsive gambling only stops when you stop betting - We cannot win because we cannot stop!

Posted : 22nd January 2019 11:17 pm
Posts: 201
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That binary view is also a problem. It's not all or nothing. Most of us can't just stop like a snap of the finger.

How cynical that people cannot see this legisaltion as something positive. It will reduce gambling for a lot of people, and it will reduce my temptation to go into a bookies.

We're all trying to stop.

Posted : 23rd January 2019 1:07 am
Posts: 487

urgh wrote:

How cynical that people cannot see this legisaltion as something positive.
We're all trying to stop.

I don't think it cynical. It's undoutedly a good thing. Better would be to ban them from bookies completely & I will celebrate the day when bookies start closing as a result of this.

However, I am right with Jason5819 & ODAAT.

People are being really complacent & it worries me.

I can remember the days of people pumping arcade machines for hours when max stake in them was 10p and the max win was £2

For most problem gamblers its not just about the money (if at all), and it never was.

Losing £300 over 2 hours staking £2 a time is just as destructive then the doing the same amount on 6 (or 3 spins).

Arguably its more destructive.

Posted : 23rd January 2019 8:50 am
Posts: 0

It’s not cynical, it’s advice from people who’ve been where you are now.

I’ve lost thousands in a day playing £2 slots, it’s not the size of the bet that’s relevant. It’s the fact that an addict can never almost never walk away , because he/she is on a losing streak and will keep gambling thinking they just want their money back and they’ll be happy, or said persons will think their on a winning streak and continue playing over days until bust.

You saying you we can’t all just snap our fingers and never gamble again? Show me one instance of anyone who has.

It’s hard work for everyone, stopping will take you to places mentally that relapsing seems the better option, but if you hold out long enough you can break through the other side.

There’s no easy fixes, self exclusion, or fobt reductions that will fix you. You have to fix yourself. Gambling if you like it or not will always be around.

Don’t be surprised if you see bookmakers roll out internet styled machines, fobts might disappear, but there’s always a replacement being made in the background.

Posted : 23rd January 2019 9:10 am
Posts: 201
Topic starter

Fair points, but its important to know not all gamblers are the same. Not everyone on here are suffering from the worst form.

This law will benefit a lot of people like myself, and I've been around the block, just check how old my account is.

I am largely going on my own experience, and this legislation will really help me. Remember not all gamblers get into debt, and not all gamblers gamble until they have lost everything.

I suppose I sometimes wish I had a rock bottom moment, as I've never had that in over 10 years of gambling. I've always stopped short or placed enough restrictions.

I am trying to stop and this is a good deterrent for me, I have never liked bookmakers, though there is a chance people will move into other types of gambling, we shall see, but the fact remains when people have longer to think about betting, or it takes longer to bet, people are more likely to leave. I know that is the case with me. These were the main criticisms of fobts and they have been adressed. Of course a full right ban wouldve been better.

Posted : 23rd January 2019 9:42 am
Posts: 80

Back when I started at 15 jackpots where ВЈ5 and 5p of 10p a spin, I could be in the arcade for 3or4 hours and only spend 20 quid. Now I play fobt in the arcade at ВЈ1 or ВЈ2 a spin and lost £200 in a matter of 10 minutes yesterday. The fact the government turns a blind eye as they reap in tax is criminal, would bar's keep serving people if they were clearly very drunk?.

Point I'm getting at is there are clearly thousands of people that have serious issues with Gambling but very little of done to kerb it.

If the machines were limited to ВЈ5 or £10 jackpots and online gambling better regulated then I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem.

f**k gambling I hate it yet struggle to get that buzz anywhere else

Posted : 24th February 2019 5:34 pm
Posts: 545

Some will believe me close I know someone high up and their hitting themselves which is good should never of got this bad

Posted : 26th February 2019 2:41 am
Posts: 36

Absolutely cannot wait for this to come into force. I have always shown some sort of discipline for when I used to bet on horses etc, good at reading form and so on. But when I feed money into a FOBT/play roulette, I absolutely lose all element of self control. This video roulette being cut to £2 per spin will absolutely help so many people. Roll on April.

Posted : 26th February 2019 7:22 pm
Posts: 545

I can't to horses but my downturn is those In play fobt like tennis and rugby league I have spent 100 to win a set before

Posted : 26th February 2019 8:27 pm
Posts: 0

Heavy punters on the Roulette machines will walk away.

Who wants to go from £100 a spin to £2 ...What for...The buzz and adrenalin will be dead and their bank balance will increase.

Great news!!!! Loving it. Good riddance!! I hope bettings shops close , one by one.

Posted : 29th March 2019 4:27 pm
Posts: 856

Yes Monday will be a great day

Posted : 29th March 2019 7:01 pm
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