online gambling industry will end up bankrupting britain

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I am noticing lately there are lots of problem gamblers coming on and telling their stories of losing thousands but I’m reading these amounts and thinking these can’t be right !?!

One guy said he lost 9K in 2 hours ! another said 5K in 4 hours !!, another 25 thousand within a month and the list goes on and on

These people aren’t rich either from the way they’re posts read, they are just normal people edging towards bankruptcy in order to fund a habit that is out of control and should never in a million years be so easily accessible

is this a sign of the times ? has credit become that easy to obtain that the banks are happy for you to blow thousands online gambling within a matter of days ?

how is our so called “society” and government allowing this to happen ? how is it possible for someone to go home from work and spend 10 thousand on online slots as a matter of course ?

where is the protection for the consumer ? online gaming is known to be highly deceptive in the way it advertises its payout statics

these need to be far more transparent for consumers to know exactly what they are getting themselves involved in

the banks should be monitoring outrageous and reckless spending……having agents contact people who are depositing these crazy amounts

it seems mind boggling to me and identifies the true decay of this British society ….i work in the finance industry and have heard many economists and financial analysts suggest Britain will be in another recession within 5 years……I have to say I agree with them

I am lucky that my chapter of problem gambling is coming to an end and I was able to stop my borrowing of credit at a young age and write a lot of debt off before I could do serious damage

They tell me that no bank will “touch me with my current credit rating” I just chuckle to myself and think that’s exactly what I want

Posted : 4th June 2018 2:49 pm
Posts: 2148

A good post and you are right nipped. The biggy is coming in terms of recession because the economy is just back blowing up giant bubbles. The mother of all wake up calls is on the way!

I feel gambling is the next PPI scandal but its way more serious than that. Compensation and prosecutions spring to mind!

The mind boggles what people are throwing away. To be honest I wonder how they get it and if credit is that easy to obtain.

Yes why arent the banks monitoring wreckless gambling. The banks of all people know your financial set up so no gambling transactions should appear without a serious marker and questioning. It should really affect any credit rating and fast.....nobody can tell me that the banks dont know your spending patterns.

Its all been deregulated to a level where its beyond dangerous as stories on this forum show...Its in peoples homes for crying out loud.

Why is wasting hundreds or thousands pounds not waving a massive red flag. People are not being protected and it is a national disgrace. People are directly profiting from the misery of others.. There are trading standards laws in other areas but gambling seems to be a free for is that right in any way? I just get a sense that its a society in decline because the government have run out of ideas.

This country is NINE!! times its total worth in debt. That just isnt sustainable so I get the feeling its all clutching at straws while people stuff any available money in their pockets and head to the bunkers.

The sad fact is that everything seems a gamble because we have no effective leadership policies. This whole bubble economy has become a gamble so why wouldnt gambling be rife

Im sorry but I dont buy that its all the fault of the gambler and the gambling dens or anybody turning a blind eye need to be held to account for all this misery.

Posted : 4th June 2018 6:01 pm
Posts: 0

Great thread and I couldn’t agree more. Every tv programme now is sponsered by a bingo or online casinos, same with most sports too. I know it’s a choice but how many people will get addicted by something that starts out as a bit of fun. Gambling should be tret like smoking is IMO it doesn’t need to be promoted everywhere.

Posted : 4th June 2018 7:00 pm
Posts: 52

It’s a right shame and a right shambles!

Posted : 4th June 2018 7:46 pm
Posts: 0
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I wasn’t expecting such good replies

I’d agree I am someone who follows very few “rules” and even fewer “regulations” im all for doing what you want when you want

especially when it comes to remedial things like trying to park your car without a ticket

However with a product like gambling which is proven to be a highly addictive and highly lucrative for the operator you need the strictest of sanctions in place in order to ensure it doesn’t get abused which by reading this forum it clearly is

The government has even allowed the industry to self-regulate which is absolute insanity

It would be similar to the government legalising C*****e and allowing corner shops to flog it for whatever price they saw fit and leaving the population get on with it

I know a lot of people like to compare gambling to alcohol and cigarettes but the reality is gambling is a financial product not a physical one you don’t get a receipt or an invoice for it

It causes no physical damage to the user as such …….but causes extreme and often hidden financial & mental damage

This is where the banks should be stepping in because they are the only ones who know the true extent and debt of the gambler

if someone who earns 1K a month has just gone and lost 5K on an online casino the bank should be immediately flagging that up and saying “hang on a second this guys just lost 5 months wages in one night we better see what’s going on here” the operator should then be dragged into it and questioned as to why 5 grand was allowed to be blown in 3 hours

I’m fully aware that both the banks and bookmakers regularly monitor your user accounts so to me the fact they are turning a blind eye would suggest something much more sinister is going on

Posted : 5th June 2018 11:04 am
Posts: 97

I couldn't agree more with the OP. And for that matter, I support the criminalisation of cigarettes, and the decriminalisation of cannabis for medical (including insomnia and anxiety) purposes. The legal system in this country is utterly outdated and a million miles from the research on the above factors. I would be prepared to pee off a handful of 'casual/safe gamblers' to save the millions who are being bankrupted, losing their families, homes and jobs (wait, doesn't it cost the country money to fix these problems anyway? How about prevention??) and in some cases, their lives. Debt and financial problems are a leading cause of suicide in males all over the world.

However. Does the government really care? Could there be a benefit to the power that be for the people to be enslaved by all these habits and addictions? I think so. An unwell person is a controllable person. While I am spinning and losing and smoking and drinking, and getting more and more isolated and depressed, I am not asking questions, demanding better services, nor challenging the status quo = happy government, with maximum power.

Posted : 17th July 2018 6:09 pm
Posts: 382

Wasn’t sure where to post but thanks for replying on my diary , will respond on there

Posted : 14th January 2019 5:25 pm
Posts: 487

People should be disabused from the notion that gambling debts are remotely like PPI.

They is no chance of compensation.

I do however hope that credit card deposits are outlawed.

Posted : 14th January 2019 5:51 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6169

Hello nipped

thank you for starting this topic. Just letting you know that we removed the url you posted earlier - we know it wasn't a real gambling site but just there as an example, but even so we don't allow links to gambling sites so we thought we should remove it.

Also, could you update your email address please as the one you are currently registered with seems to be out of date.

Best wishes,

Forum Admin

Posted : 14th January 2019 10:23 pm
Posts: 16

" if someone who earns 1K a month has just gone and lost 5K on an online casino the bank should be immediately flagging that up and saying “hang on a second this guys just lost 5 months wages in one night we better see what's going on here” the operator should then be dragged into it and questioned as to why 5 grand was allowed to be blown in 3 hours"

This is exactly what I'm currently facing right now.
Such a mess.

Posted : 14th January 2019 11:21 pm

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