Removing FOBT's from betting shops

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FOBT are the godfather of the gambling world... If the gambling commission can turn a blind eye then why can't gamcare... Sorry gamcare staff, correct me if I am wrong but don't the big bookies fund you guys with alot of money??????

Posted : 24th March 2011 12:16 am
Posts: 0

Hi guys

You've had the space to discuss this topic from every angle. It's time to close this thread.

Can everyone please return to supporting each other in their recovery from problem gambling, help newcomers to this site and focus on their own journey.

You've had your say. Please move on.

This also goes for other threads on FOBTs and other questions of regulating the industry here on the Forum (there are currently 5 active threads on this page alone).

Please stop posting on this thread.

Kind wishes


Posted : 24th March 2011 12:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gabriele

I have made a comment on the other thread and the same applies to this one.

Just some added comments, as your customers should you be dictating what we talk about? As long as it’s not encouraging gambling and this thread definitely isn’t I don’t see any problem?

If a CG has a problem with FOBT don’t you think they may have anger inside that will be healthy for them to get out? Isn’t this an ideal place to do this?

Also some other posters commented this:

“Wow! Normally only read diaries but came across this thread while browsing and thought I'd read through it.”

“From what I thought was going to be a bit of a joke thread about literally breaking into a bookies and stealing the machines, this has been the most interesting thread I've seen in ages”

Do you not want interesting threads? Or threads that catch people eye and encourages reading about the damage done?

What’s the problem with healthy debate?

Final comment! Much of the fantastic work done on this site and support given is peer to peer based, looking round the forum recently a lot of the more knowledgeable and long term posters who gave out much of the good advice haven’t been posting as much recently do you want to loose them all?

Posted : 24th March 2011 7:18 pm
Posts: 0

This site is only here for anyone wanting support in their own journey to recovery. Talk of removing FOBT and more legislation is not in any way supportive or helpful. In fact, it is this kind of thread that makes me want to stop coming to Gamcare.

If you want to stop gambling then there are many on this site that will help you. It is not an easy journey. First of all you must take responsibility for your addiction and really want to stop. Then you can move on from all this B>S> and really get to the important points. Most of all, as I have always said, you must be humble in your recovery. And that means exactly what it says. Don't attack Gamcare and only be concerned with how you and others can get better from this addiction. This was a happy forum and extremely supportive. Please don't try to make this site something is isn't.

(Just had to add my two cents!)

Posted : 25th March 2011 11:31 am
Posts: 0

RCG - Well that was a very 'humble' post, it's obviously working for you!

(just had to add my two cents worth) presumably that's ok with you?


Posted : 25th March 2011 11:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi all.

Gabriele all the while one of the major high street betting shops is giving free credits on FOBTS more people will become addicted and the 5 threads currently on the subject will snowball to be many many more.

Just my opinion


Posted : 25th March 2011 4:21 pm
Posts: 58

Hi Gabriele

I do think you guys at Gamcare do a pretty good job in dealing with a very difficult subject but I think your latest post on this thread smacks of a very high-handed attitude.

Defeated's post on here hit the nail on the head : we are your 'customers' and healthy debate should be encouraged. How can you seriously imply that this thread is unhealthy ? How in any way shape or form can any of our posts on this thread truthfully be said to unsettle complusive gamblers ? We're trying to get across that FOBT's are potentially extremely dangerous animals and because of that they are BAD, not good.

The truth is the only people being unsettled by this thread are those at Gamcare simply because a member of your staff dug too deep a hole for himself and you are now closing ranks in trying to dig that person out.


Posted : 25th March 2011 11:18 pm
Posts: 0

"Can everyone please return to supporting each other in their recovery from problem gambling, help newcomers to this site and focus on their own journey."


End of Please!

Posted : 26th March 2011 9:05 am
Posts: 0

RCG I'm not sure you have the right to decide what is and isn't valid discussion? And I am surprised and a bit put off by the attitude of the GamCare staff on this subject too.

I agree that the focus must be on recovery and, put simply, it doesn't matter what form of gambling we are talking about, CGs need to stop. There is also little point railing against society because unfortunately gambling is always going to be around us, and it is our job as recovering addicts to stay away from it, in whatever form.

HOWEVER, I strongly believe it is a valid discussion to assess the role of FOBTs and the like in creating more and more CGs. They are a distilled form of gambling - they cut to the essence of the addiction. They will, I'm afraid, give this site more and more custom over the coming years. This is a fair point to discuss. If you have no interest or see no value in it, stay away from those particular threads - that is very easily done.

And surely this site is about its users? It is surely up to the community to decide what is and isn't valid discussion as long as it doesn't risk having a negative impact on anyone's recovery (and I don't see how this would because the discussion on in no way pro-FOBTs). I thought this was an independent forum? Very confused about all this heavy-handedness.

Posted : 26th March 2011 2:13 pm
Posts: 58


I think you're out on a limb here in your defence of Gamcare over the issues raised in this thread.

Yes, recovery is the main reason most of us seek help or answers on here. But some seek only help, some answers, some both. Unless users of this site are able to discuss all aspects of gambling addiction on a two-way street then what's the point of the site at all ? We may as well just read only the churned-out blurb pasted up on the bookie's wall.

What's annoyed, angered and puzzled people on here is the question as to why Gamcare have come down so hard just because some of us have had the audacity to challenge a gambling survey's percentage figures.

I had hoped those at Gamcare were a bit thicker-skinned than that. It seems they're anything but.....


Posted : 26th March 2011 3:18 pm
Posts: 0

"GamCare is the leading provider of information, advice, support and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling.

GamCare takes a non-judgemental approach to gambling. We do not wish to restrict the choices or opportunities for anyone to operate or engage in gambling opportunities that are available legally and operated responsibly.

We develop strategies that will:

Improve the understanding of the social impact of gambling

Promote a responsible approach to gambling

Address the needs of those adversely affected by a gambling dependency."

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:07 pm
Posts: 0

Of course that's GamCare's position RCG, it's industry-sponsored. And it's a fair position.

BUT, that shouldn't mean that everyone on the forum has to have the same non-judgemental view. Of course most CGs are going to have a judgemental view on gambling - it's probably the single most emotive subject in most of our lives. To expect and - even worse - demand anything else, is naive.

Unfortunately the current heavy-handedness makes Gamcare appear like industry stooges. I'm sure that's not the case and it's important to maintain the credibility of the forum.

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:31 pm
Posts: 0


Improve the understanding of the social impact of gambling - which is what a debate on here about the dangers of FOBTS is doing.

Promote a responsible approach to gambling - by who? Just the compulsive gambler or the industry as well?. Is it a "responsible approach" to entice people into betting shops with free offers on FOBTs? Would it be OK for the alcohol industry to offer free drinks or the tobacco industry to offer free cigarettes with the hope of getting a % of those people addicted to your product?? Is it a "responsible approach" to go to University Fresher weeks and entice vulnerable new students with their pockets full of the student loans and newly away from home to sign up to your casino and spend cash that was meant to better your education.

Address the needs of those adversely affected by a gambling dependency." One of those needs is clearly to freely discuss their gambling problems on here and if (as is becoming ever clearer) that gambling dependency has been caused by FOBTs then it will be addressed more often through threads like this.



Phil Mawer Author Overcoming Gambling

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:42 pm
Posts: 0

Well done RCG you managed single-handidly to keep this thread alive...

Ok - 'operating responsibly' - so when the bookies advertise extensivly about free roulette - this is 'operating responsibly' is it?

I'm asking the question - really - a genuine question.

Is the gaming industry acting responsibly by putting large posters up in high streets and housing estates up and down the country offering free roulette in the bookies 'come in for further details' the poster says?

After seeing literally hundreds of fobt/roulette posts in new members and opg, don't you think it's obscene that they are allowed to advertise in such a way? And that its even more obscene to censor the very people affected by it?

Is it not ok to ask questions about an industry that ruins lives without it being detrimental to your recovery?

I'm only asking the question.

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:51 pm
Posts: 0

Great thread guys,keep it up.

I wish i had the energy to get involved but i dont,after more than 5 years of coming on this site and 5 years of not gambling what i can tell you is this site is pretty good at helping newcomers who normally feel that there is nowhere left to turn.

Its not so good when it comes to debate and lobbying re: get rid of FOBT,s.

A lot of you guys on here are real intelligent in your discussions and also very passionate about what you believe to be a good cause and your right,getting rid od FOBT,s would be excelllent but its never gonna happen,not whilst they make good money for all the fat cats involved.

If anybody wanted to start an on-line petition to downing st or something similar i would quite happily give it my support.

"" A NEW LIFE ""

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:54 pm
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