Removing FOBT's from betting shops

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Spot on James

Is it not ok to ask questions about an industry that ruins lives without it being detrimental to your recovery?

I believe the opposite it in that by having these debates you build your HATRED of the industry which is very BENEFICIAL to your recovery irrespective of the "taking responsibility for your actions" debate. I take responsibility for my actions so why can't the industry take responsibility for theirs? They won't until they are forced to by the government in just the same way the tobacco industry was forced to. That wont happen overnight but it doesn't mean it wont happen or isn't worth fighting for as we are doing.

Best regards


Phil Mawer Author Overcoming Gambling.

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:56 pm
Posts: 0


I'm sure you know which site to go to if you want to fight against this and do something for the good of everyone don't you? If not *****


Phil Mawer Author Overcoming Gambling

Posted : 26th March 2011 4:59 pm
Posts: 0



Posted : 26th March 2011 7:04 pm
Posts: 58

Rossco's post on here earlier today got it spot-on.

Gamcare is funded by the gambling industry so has to tread a very fine line to avoid biting the hand that feeds it. They must be seen to be non-judgemental but that doesn't apply to us, the customers, at all. We can be as judgemental as we d**n well like within the forum rules. It does seem that this is what has touched a raw nerve with the guys at Gamcare.

I must say that I agree with Rossco's comment regarding Gamcare's adverse reaction to posters expressing anti-FOBT sentiments. Your reaction does, I'm afraid, make it appear that the organisation is in the industry's pocket.

No doubt Gamcare will be happy to allay our mis-givings about this worrying perception by way of a reply.


Posted : 26th March 2011 10:32 pm
Posts: 0

An interesting thread. I work in the fund management game. Our best UK equity manager is only interested in mr Billy small mountain due to the profits it makes from FOBT. Gamcare may argue this is just down to extra use, but it's pretty clear that it's coming from cg who just can't afford to lose the vast amounts of money they are gambling. I do however see a bright future. There will come a time when the government comes down hard on the betting companies in much the same way that tobacco/alcohol companies have been targeted. I don't know when this will happen, but I'm sure it will. The likes of smokey and the other boys will keep working hard until there are significant changes. Keep the faith! Russ

Posted : 28th March 2011 3:27 pm
Posts: 0

I am sadly addicted addicted to FOBTS and have lost tens of thousands....

Maybe one day, a MP's son will become addicted before they do anything

Posted : 28th March 2011 5:51 pm
Posts: 0

I have just read this through, and i now understand wy some members on here do not want to post any longer, as they say they do not trust the staff on here.

I understand that the industry funds this service, but for them to ask us not to discuss trying to get FOBT,s banned is crazy!!!!

I was 57 days ago spending 5 hours a day fixed to these machines, and I have always said they are rigged and should be banned, as they are the cr4ck cockane of the gambling industry. I can only think that the people on this site have never been addicted to them, so they do not fully understand them. I would like to start a an action group (like the fathers for justice for example) to make people aware of the damages these machines are doing, anyone fancy joining me ???

Posted : 28th March 2011 10:35 pm
Posts: 0

This is an extract from ** end of year accounts, in this section is explained the increase in UK retail (betting shops) profit:

7 March 2011

Well Known Bookmaker plc

Preliminary Results Announcement for the year to 31 December 2010

UK Retail operating profit increased almost six-fold from €1.3m to €7.4m. New shops opened in 2010, and a full year impact from openings in 2009, were, as expected, an important driver of this growth; however our existing shops also significantly increased their profitability driven by the introduction of new 'Storm' FOBT machines, as well as the benefit of the World Cup, more normal sports results and stronger sterling (which added approximately €0.4m to profit).

So the top reason ** give for increased revenue in non new shops is new style FOBT machines.

Who puts money in theses shiny new machines.....................FOBT addicts (there’s not that many of them eh Gamcare?)

No mentions for dog racing Adam.

Bookmakers are embracing these machines and investing heavily in them, they invest in them because they generate profit. Profit that is gained often by letting UK children go hungry.

Anyone investing in us addicts? Apart from the lip service that Gamcare “the bookies friend” give us after a couple of days wait.

When a service that is supposed to help protect the vulnerable ends up protecting the industry, what hope is there for change?

Loose Deeds and you loose the best advice this site has to give.

Posted : 29th March 2011 11:39 am
Posts: 0

Have to agree with everything you have just said Defeated.

I get the impression that those from the industry tell Gamcare what is allowed and what isn't in terms of discussion.

If anyone bad mouths anything, then they just kick off.

Posted : 29th March 2011 3:33 pm
Posts: 58

There's not a lot of noise coming from the pro-Gamcare lobby over this issue right now or indeed from Gamcare itself.

Have you all retreated to your bunker and battened down the hatches ?

Waving a white flag by way of an admission that FOBT's aren't really the harmless little playthings the bookies would have us believe might restore a little credibility don't you think ?


Posted : 29th March 2011 7:12 pm
Posts: 0

Listen: Enough is Enough!!!

Contrary to what has been said, I have played these machines and fully realise that they are addictive. That is why I don't go into a betting shop.

If this site was about alcohol addiction, would all of you be going on about the supermarkets selling larger at 24p a can? What everyone who has posted on here recently is failing to understand is that Gamcare are on our side and are trying to help us in our recovery. This is not a political debate about what should be allowed or not. Gambling is legal and if the bookies have figured out a way to make them rich then so be it. Lobby your MP for change or go to another website!

This site is only here to help us stop gambling. Going on and on about the merits of a machine is a useless thread. If you genuinely want to stop gambling or are here to help someone with an addiction then by all means use this service and be grateful that it is here at all. The rest of you should leave. That's it-I have had enough.

Posted : 29th March 2011 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

I think your response represents a basic misunderstanding of the situation RCG.

People are angry and feel they have been violated and misleaded by the betting industry. Why should we lay down and accept this as the FACT,when there are others who are out there now was we speak throwing themselves infront of trains because of the FOBTs.

Recovery is one thing but prevention is paramount and this is why we need to strive and devise a plan to remove the FOBTs or implement stricter rules on the devious betting industry.

One of the leading bookmakers was on the streets today trying to entice people into their shops promising free plays on the machines. This is dastardly,evil and dispicable behaviour which should not be tolerated.

Posted : 29th March 2011 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

"Recovery is one thing but prevention is paramount "

I think that is what the majority of posters to this thread are trying to say.?

Posted : 29th March 2011 9:35 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


You can get lost if you dont like this thread, no-one is asking you to comment here...

Posted : 30th March 2011 1:40 am
Posts: 0

This is an extract from Bill Slopes Q3 interim management statement, taken from a conference call.

Bill Slopes PLC

Q3 Interim Management Statement

21 October 2010

I continue to look at Retail [in the round], recognizing that our customer base is changing, as has our product base. Football and machines, the two products particularly attracting a wider customer base, have both done well in the period, with horse racing actually holding its own.

Taking into account machine plays, transactions are still growing; they're up 17%. And that indicates to me that customers' appetite for betting remains, even while their capacity is a bit constrained.

Again going by this statement this major high street bookie accepts and even wants the general public to know how well the FOBT are doing. The bookie states that:

“Recognizing that our customer base is changing, as has our product base”

This indicates to me that the bookie accepts that the customer base is changing (perhaps younger? More women?) As has our product base (it’s now a FOBT shop that has racing)

“Football and machines, the two products particularly attracting a wider customer base”

A wider customer base indicates to me new players as well as retaining the established players (addiction)

“With horse racing actually holding its own”

The above line sums it all up to me how much FOBT have changed the UKs betting landscape.

“Taking into account machine plays, transactions are still growing; they're up 17%. And that indicates to me that customers' appetite for betting remains, even while their capacity is a bit constrained.”

It makes me sad when a person’s life can be described accurately in a business document:

“Customers' appetite for betting remains, even while their capacity is a bit constrained.”

In lay mans terms we have them addicted they don’t have as much money as they used to but we still get what we can.

Keep The Faith Keep Posting.

Posted : 30th March 2011 8:44 am
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