Many thanks for posting Martin.
You are a scholar and a gentleman Sir
I take my hat off to you
Distractions are the key for folks like you and me
Because our minds at times became fixated
Our hard earned cash was shredded
But we was so pig headed
That we gave them more and more without a thought
But now we know the score and we wont give them no more
For now we know that life it should be fun
And as the day draws to an end rejoice with songs and laughter
For your a kindly caring soul
Who is also one hellava grafter
Walking on the marina by fancy yachts and cruisers
Saw happy smiling faces that were going in the boozers
Felt sorry for myself - thinking I had no luck
And lamented my misfortune to a passing duck
Who replied "Well to be honest I do not give a ......."
"But if you want my true advice than best not be selfish
And exercise great caution for things that you might wish"
Well that was many moons ago and now I'm gamble free
Contented and quite happy with open eyes that see
Aum Aum Aum
? ? ?
Maybe your not lucky
Or the bookies have your money
Than MOSES may be who you should be ringing
For wrong thinking or delusions
Maybe need some self exclusions
So you can life your life without a care
No more clenching of the teeth or looking the other way
Your money will stay in your pocket
To spend in a far better way
Aum Aum Aum
? ? ?
Just read this excellent advice on recovery from SB28 which was posted on her diary this morning :
Build it up brick by brick
It does get better but without change you will continue just going in circles
Let go
Claim your life back
Your worth it.
The gamble free train is ready to roll
I hear its whistle blow
So get on board gamcare friends
The drivers ready to go
No more for us casinos
Bookies or bingo halls
We've had enough of losing
And freedom now it calls
Best not dwell on past mistakes
Or money we once had
This is a new beginning
And for that we should be glad
Aum Aum Aum
? ? ?
A wise old sage once remarked: "Life is no bed of roses"
Another said: "When the next door opens the one behind us closes"
Wise words indeed that may confuse a gamblers addled brain
Just remember "GAMBLE FREE" and that is the way to remain
Aum Aum Aum
? ? ?
Just been listening to last night's pitiful US Presidential Debate! Two men in their seventies slandering each other. Surely in a country with over 300 million inhabitants there are better candidates for the job!
The poor guy who was trying to moderate the debate was out of his depth and I do believe that next time they should consider using a chatmod from the gamcare chatrooms ???.
Sadly, the debate reminded me of past debates I have had with gambling addiction.
I have always tried to be objective and patient when explaining to myself the reasons why I should not gamble but addiction would always brush aside my opinions with malice and a cruel contempt.
It would always intimidate, frighten and bamboozle me with its lies, threats and promises.
However, I do not have to listen to the addiction.
I can choose to ignore it and distracting my thoughts away from it is helpful.
A fun part of recovery can be found in checking out other social activities, hobbies and interests to fill the time that was hitherto wasted.
Add to that blocks and self exclusions together with help in organising our finances and we are better equipped and confident in our ability to stand up for what we know is right.
Aum Aum Aum
? ? ?
Two notable things happened on this day (3rd October) in 1952.
1/ Great Britain ended tea rationing although sweets, eggs, butter & sugar continued to be rationed.
2/ Great Britain tested its first atomic bomb on some islands off Australia.
As has always been the case, it is important to get one's priorities right ???.
You will be forgiven for thinking the above is a load of old codswallop but maybe there is a lesson to be learnt?
After all is said and done, we must remember that we are compulsive gamblers in recovery and some might agree that we are lacking in willpower.
However, we are all different and one size does not fit all so maybe each and every one of us could ask ourselves the following question:
"What are MY priorities to assist ME in recovering from gambling addiction?"
Prorities at the top of my list involve taking every possible precaution to prevent myself from gambling.
Aum ?
We are all brothers and sisters
Fighting to be free
This gamcare army soldiers on
For it is our destiny
To walk this road together
Arm in arm as one
Fist raised to the heavens
Singing the victory song
A very good day to you sir. I hope that you are safe and well (and gambling free of course).
I recently took a little stroll alongside the Humber (near Barton) late at night on a mild night with a cloudless sky. As a suspect tug moved silently across the murky water and a giant drone hovered overhead. It was at this point that I thought of you ambling along by the Hull Marina.
Never a day goes by,
When I look to the sky,
With a bemused sigh, or tear in my eye.
Stranger things have happened,
With plenty more to come,
This world is full of untold truths,
The stars doth twinkle, the sun doth shone.
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