Strange how stress triggers urges

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Recovery is such a work in progress. Everyday just simple little stresses trigger urges especially in the early days of recovery. Then as the non gambling days go by the small stuff becomes manageable. There is always something big around the corner that tries to convince us this is a big enough excuse to start gambling again. I made the strategic error two months ago when facing a particular tough time. I had been gamble free for over six months and allowed myself to give in to the dark side for a brief moment of madness.

I was able to use the tools that I had gained during counselling to recognise My distorted thinking and despite my relapse did not go back into a full blown addiction. Tonight I sit feeling incredibly nervous for my exam tomorrow. It is more like I have worked so hard to get to this point and yet I am considering self sabotaging myself. Or maybe just looking for an excuse. The positive thing is that I am writing on this forum and not tracking down a gambling establishment.

I can see so many of us continuing to fight this addiction. It is so great that I can come on this forum and write as this has helped me to take a moment to objectively evaluate.

Take care all!

Posted : 13th June 2016 9:30 pm
Posts: 2148

Yes it absolutely does zulu13.

Its a key trigger in escape gamblers. I realised that depression and any periods of extreme stress can trigger it.

As part of my recovery I think of what could tempt me if and when things go wrong in my life. I have been working on how to let the stress go and remain stable.

I have been through a lot which I dont want to fully go into here. I will briefly say that a period of unemployment and financial worries built me into a chronic escape gambler in 2015.

The crazy thing is that seeking comfort or escape just and added one giant problem of destroying my finances.

I think Im now at the stage where I realise that whatever happens in life, gambling and other forms of escape are not the answer. Its certainly not the answer to a low income and I manage quite well now Im gamble free.

Anyway all the best with the recovery and have those firm blocks in place.

Posted : 14th June 2016 6:10 am

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