The office temptation

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Posts: 21
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Hi there all, I miraculously haven't bet for 257 days and frankly I can't still look beyond today so I have some ongoing issues I always like to hear new wisdom on.I do still feel very tempted to bet on occasions even though it is silly and I know it is a loser for me.I work in an office that is quite prone to gambling chats and the Friday collection for the euro millions and lotto has my heart racing in terms of anxiety but I have fortunately so far stood my ground and not participated.How do others get round it? Other issues have involved the office staff discussing cheltenham (I work in Dublin and live in Kildare which is where all the horse trainers are based!),discussing as a night out going to shelbourne greyhounds so my main query is how do I get round this long term without telling them that I have had issues with gambling (to say the least!)? I work in finance and it is very trusting and respectable so indicating I had issues with gambling is not ideal! I know the next 'michael,do you want to do this and that etc..'is never far way so I plan to say 'I used to gamble but have given up' which hopefully will suffice.Anyone else offer any tricks or ways to reduce this problem? I know even if I did slip in this region,it would not be the type of betting that caused me issues but I just don't want to have even a euro on anything as I have come a long way in 8+ mths of zero gambling. Would welcome advice! Thanks,Michael

Posted : 26th January 2019 6:46 pm
Posts: 201


There is a lot of stigma with gambling, I would never let on to anyone at work you have "given up". Just tell them that gambling isn't your thing, and don't go.

Congrats on the 8 months. I would say that my longest time abstaining was 9 months, and I blew it, and since then have never come close to that number. Please stay vigilent, because itr eally does take that one taste of the forbidden fruit to erase that time.

Good luck.

Posted : 28th January 2019 10:43 pm
Posts: 102

Hi there, firstly well done on time away from gambling so far, keep that up.

I personally would let the world know that I'm a gambler and do not include or ask me to be involved in any activity that is gambling. It may be embarrassing to tell but in the long run it will help you in recovering, the more whom know the more people you could talk to. I bet in your office there's more than you with a gambling habit.

It's a life long life commitment to abstein from this horrible addiction that's a long time to keep it from the people you spend the majority of your week with. If your judged so be it but hold your head high and think of a gf future

Good luck xredx

Posted : 29th January 2019 6:52 pm
Posts: 960

Agree with just saying it's not your thing. Nobody needs to know why and they're unlikely to enquire too deeply. If they do, smile and repeat.

Posted : 29th January 2019 7:27 pm
Posts: 21
Topic starter

I am revisiting this thread to add a follow up.Still haven't gambled and I am at 290 days odd but had an experience today which I guess some people agree with and some don't.The lotto syndicate manager in work sent an e-mail to all 14 members of staff giving a report on thr lotto and again mischievously hinted 'that I could join' and that they would 'welcome my luck' but I duly replied to ALL including the bosses indicating that I have given up gambling in its entirety and this will remain the case.I was keen to nip the whole thing in the bud once and for all and I am guessing that some of them will guess I have had issues with gambling and this has stressed me today but I really needed to put down a marker.I am the only one in the office who doesn't and I think they think I am weird but too late now! Hopefully they will get the picture now and stop asking me!

Posted : 28th February 2019 5:49 pm
Posts: 36

I would definitely agree that you should just be able to say it's not your cup of tea.

At the end of the day you shouldn't feel pressured at work into doing things like this that you don't want to do, and if all this peer pressure carries on, speak to your manager and let them know that you aren't happy with it - then it should hopefully stop.

Posted : 28th February 2019 6:03 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

You've done the right thing. If it continues take it to hr, coercion to gamble at work is not part of your job description. I worked with a woman who only drank herbal tea, she used to say 'caffeine slows you down'. No one persisted to make her drink tea. Hopefully they've got the message. Good for you for being strong!

Posted : 1st March 2019 8:12 am
Posts: 506

Well done Michael, you have 100% done the right thing. You should not be put under any pressure to join in with this and I hope making it plain that you are just not interested will be the end of it.

I have similar stuff going on with work - lottery, sweepstakes, days out at the races etc which previously I would have joined in with and not had a problem with (my issue was with online gambling). Fortunately for me a simple "no thanks, not my thing anymore" has been the solution. I did think I would be considered a bit of a misery for not joining in anymore but not noticed anyone treating me any different although I do make a point of trying to be more active on the other work social activities now to (in my head) compensate a bit. To be honest I doubt anyone has noticed.

Keep up the good work. 290 days is brilliant.


Posted : 1st March 2019 9:00 am
Posts: 2148

In relation to work I think it is a difficult situation.

I recently did a job where I held keys to a safe. Under no circumstances would I have mentioned gambling or being gamble free. When a manager talked about a fruit machine I just let it wash past me and just made a very casual comment at the end that I dont really bother with them.

Gambling and any sort of (financial) responsibilities at work can not and do not look good together.

The main problem is that gambling is seen as just a bit of fun by many people at work. There is a strange tendency to see non participants as a killjoy and oddball. Knowing what office politics are like, saying no can really work against you because there are people looking to call you antisocial. There are people who get offended as if you are above them all. Thats their problem but creates an awkward situation for me.

I have thought about it and probably would go along with the rare sweepstake for a quiet life. You know the problem there is that they have made 30 slips for 30 office chairs. Its seen as a social bonding exercise or just an opportunity for people who do get excited by such trivial nonsense to make a name as the office know the sort. I would say I already play the lottery to avoid syndicates.

I actually dislike people that create this forced fun as if we really care about each other

Its a difficult one but I would not admit to a gambling problem at work. I would not really admit to being a non gambler. It just isnt the sort of info I want out there in the work race.

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

Posted : 3rd March 2019 2:46 am

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