My husband has fallen out with his brother who is dependent on him for money. The brother is 30 y/o, never worked in his life and relies on people all the time. My husband has put his foot down and said he needs to find a job and will no longer contribute to his rent. Husband also got their parents to agree that this is the right action and they should all stop handing him money for his rent and bills. The brother is now threatening that he’d call my husband’s employer and divulge that he is a compulsive gambler. He has not gambled for more than five years but is very upset that he is being threatened like this. Surely he has nothing to worry about?
Personally and I’m not expert, it sounds like an empty threat from a desperate person.  Also why would your husbands work have any reason to be believe some random person phoning up to say that about him.  And really from what I’ve experienced with a very close relative, gambling addiction is not something to be thrown about.  It has serious mental health implications, and any good workplace should support your husband anyway.  Although I know you said he hasn’t gambled for 5 years, so I don’t really see how what he’s done 5 years ago is anyone else’s business but yours and his.  And he should be praised for not gambling for 5 years if anything.  Just sounds like emotional blackmail to meÂ
I wouldn’t be worried about this but if your husband is he can get on the front foot and explain the situation to the employer before the brother does.Â
good luckÂ
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