What help is there ?

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Hello all

I really really want to stop my gambling hell, I have tried before with no luck, I know that there is GA meeting but due to my work and knowing so many people because of work I would hate to meet someone there from work, so I do not believe I could use GA meetings, but please could someone tell me of other support ??????

Posted : 30th November 2014 10:43 am
Posts: 4422


Fella two things spring to mind,firstly there is no 'luck' in recovery,I would guess you like myself and many other compulsive gamblers long ago used up any 'luck' we had,for me there are endless things to come from commiting to recovery and none of them are reliant on 'luck'.

Secondly regarding GA,fella what happens in the room stays in there,in my room there are folks from all walks of life,personalities are left at the door and we are all in that room for the same reason,the compulsion to gamble is a great leveller,it is not prejudiced about who it takes money from.

There is always the online format of GA you could use,a substitute of sorts or you could travel to another town,we have a fella comes t oour room making a 100 mile round trip for the very reasons you state,his commitment to recovery is in his words not measured in miles.

Use all the available sources here too,there is such a wealth of it,all it will cost is your time.

A much wiser fella said to me that if you give recovery half the commitment you gave your gambling,you will see a 100% difference in the results,without doubt he was right regarding the financial effects of gambling,but for me it is the other things recovery gifts,

Honesty,self esteem,spare time to pursue hobbies or interests and better health,sleep and a general well being and the ability to like yourself again,self respect.

You cannot win any of those things in a bookies,you can give them all away.

So add to the things available counselling and a visit to your gp are also routes on offer,your gp could refer you for CBT therapy,something which extents beyond gambling for many,it becomes a way of life,a way to make better life choices.

So there is a wealth of help,from you it takes a full commitment to recovery,to arresting the next bet for life,a desire to not place that bet greater than addictions desire.

I hope my ramblings are of some help.

Regards Duncs

Posted : 30th November 2014 12:54 pm
Posts: 0

So what's the online ga involve? Have you tried it dunc?

Posted : 30th November 2014 3:22 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella the online ga is a similar format to the 3d version.

If you google online meeting you will find the details.

Me personally I like to sit in the room, but each to their own, lol I often say I am a mechanical man in a digital world!

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 30th November 2014 3:35 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks dunc mate

Posted : 1st December 2014 7:03 am

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