18TH JAN 2013 - Time to let go.

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Hi feb,

Will be thinking about you today, hold your head up high and walk tall.

Take care

Blondie xx

Posted : 7th March 2013 12:41 pm
Posts: 0


Many thanks for your post.

Keep making the right choices and you'll get there.


Posted : 7th March 2013 12:43 pm
Posts: 357

Hi Feb,

Sounds like you're a bit down. We all have our tests in life to deal with. Been to court myself a couple of times so I know how stressful these things can be. Just you stay strong. Next year you won't have these worries, they won't be there. That's how I look at it when I overly stress.

Stay strong, Feb.

All the best


Posted : 7th March 2013 2:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Feb,

Your beating the gambling demon, you can beat anything now, your doing great. Your a very strong person, you have come along way, and nothing's stopping you or getting in your way, keep on kicking a s s!


Posted : 7th March 2013 3:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Feb 🙂

Just wanted to say I hope everything went well at court today.

Love from your friend Stub 🙂

Posted : 7th March 2013 9:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Feb

I hope things went OK for you today.

Enjoy your night with your mates!



Posted : 7th March 2013 10:47 pm
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Thanks everyone for your kind words and best wishes. Very much appreciated. The teal test will be next Wed for the Trial! Still, hoping by then, I will be well equipped and ready to stand up firm and strong and be in control.


Posted : 8th March 2013 12:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi Feb

I know this must have been a really difficult week for you as will next week, just wanted to say all the power to you, it shows how strong and determined a person you are.

Hope you enjoy your 50 days on Sunday, you should be really proud of yourself.

Posted : 8th March 2013 7:54 pm
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WEEK 7. DAY 48. "It's another day, it's another "NO" (to GAMBLING).

All good on "The Bright Side of the Road". Been pre-occupied the past couple of days - attended pre Court Trial! Was glad I went along for that as it wasn't what I had in my mind so now I know what to expect next Wednesday. Had a lovely evening last night with some of my work colleagues - made a lovely supper and we all sat around the dining table. I fussed over them all and fed them until they were about to burst!! It's been great and it really makes me feel good that I can again, just do the most simplest of things now that I am no longer gambling.

Power walked all the way to the hospital and back today - GO FEB!! I have another friend comming tonight from work for a nice g.o.w (or two).

Fast approaching my 50th gamble free day (Sun). Double celebration to coincide with Mother's Day!

Hope all my Gamcare friends are well and remaining strong and tenacious.

Take care everyone.


Posted : 8th March 2013 7:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hey 🙂

Nice to see you're still positive and happy 🙂 I was a little worried that your pre court trial would get you down but you seem very happy so that's nice 🙂

Apart from having to work again I've had a nice day. Bought myself some nice things in ASDA too 😀

Stub 🙂 x

Posted : 8th March 2013 9:19 pm
Posts: 355


Keep going and keep strong.

You are within touching distance of 2 months. It's just around the corner, you have done excellent, we are in control of our gambling and not the other way around.


Posted : 9th March 2013 11:32 am
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Thanks CJ, Stubbsy and Shaun for your kind words. Good to see that you are all doing well also.

It seems much longer than 7 weeks ago today when I experienced those dreadful feelings and emotions and having to ring my sister (AGAIN) to tell her I had gambled once more!!

Fast forward 7 weeks - The word 'NORMALITY' is becomming more and more realistic in 'Feb World' and I have been able to enjoy the most simplest of things - buying food, paying bills, using my purse again (with money in it)!! Treating myself, having friends round for supper and drinks. Not to mention the absence of the stomach churning symptoms, constant worrying and anxiety, coupled with feelings of complete isolation.

I have always been a strong minded. independent person, always knowing what I wanted. However, 7 weeks ago, I acknowledged that I needed help on this one and could not "go it alone". Thanks to my wonderful sister, the Gamcare staff and of course - all my wonderful Gamcare friends, oh, and I mustn't forget my friend WILL (POWER), who have helped me to get to this point.

I have read and been told that once/if you manage to get to 50 days, things can/may become even easier. Tomorrow is day 50 for me and I am confident that this will be the case.

Since I have quit gambling, I have become hyper vigilent towards the amount of tv gambling adverts that are shown and just how many betting shops there are scattered about when I am power walking anywhere. When going past them, I just think, "poor souls - you haven't quite reached the point of 'rock bottom' yet"

So, back to today - pretty miserable here with the rain. I am going to have a 'lazy' day (I think I have done enough power walking for one week)!! Going to watch my fav team, hopefully knock Wigan out of the f.A. Cup!! chillax this evening and look forward to Mother's Day tomorrow and my 50 days gamble free. My brother is treating us all to a meal out at his Golf Club. I am a very lucky lady to have such a wonderful family.

Take care everyone and have a 'gamble free' weekend.

Feb - Chillaxing on "The Bright Side of the Road"!

Posted : 9th March 2013 1:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Feb,

A huge congrats on your soberity, and 49 days gamble free. We definately broke free of those chains that entangled our lives. Enjoy your weekend and family time. Keep on keeping on.


Posted : 9th March 2013 5:41 pm
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Thanks Chicargo.

We will both keep on going, distancing ourselves even further from our gambling days - that I am sure of.

Have a lovely peaceful weekend.


Posted : 9th March 2013 7:42 pm
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WEEK 8. DAY 50!!! It's another day, it's another definite "NO" (to GAMBLING)

Last Mother's day, I was gambling, well not this time. Today I intend to enjoy this special day with my mum and other family members having a lovely meal out (and a g.o.w or two)!! It will be lovely to be with the family and feel NORMAL and behave NORMAL instead of thinking in my mind: - who am I? how have I got like this? why have I got like this? and feeling completely different from the rest of my family, unbeknown to them!!

Yes, today is going to be a good day - rain or no rain.

Hope you all have a lovely day too.

Feb - Singing Happily along "The Bright Side of the Road"

Posted : 10th March 2013 3:11 am
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